16 or 381 days

9 3 0

Cam waking up was just as joyful as Toby's first milestone.

Everyone congragated round the gurney as Cam stired, his good eye fully openening while the other opened a tiny bit. His hand went to his bandaged head and he hissed in pain, cussing under his breath. He shoots Tim an apologetic look and mumbles.

Cam's eyes widen as he takes in his surroundings, and his body. As well as his bandaged head, Cam's right knuckles were in cast and his entire left side was purple. His right leg was in a full cast and his ribs had been tapped. He ran his tounge over his lips feeling the crack in them. His noes was in a slightly different position but it wasn't overly noticeable. His eye was black and swollen. He tried to speak but was a hushed by Tanya who told him to rest. She left to fetch the doctor. Joe called Cameron's parents.

I was wheeled over to his side, where he hissed as he tried to grab my hands with his good one. In doing so he had accidently knocked his bruised side. I can't imagine the pain he would be in, unless you count my knee but that seems next to nothing with his condition.

He stired feebly as the medicine corse through his veins. I had finally found the meds button and pushed it roughly. Cam's eyelids dropped heavily as he tried without luck to focus on me. He only said one thing before he drifted into darkness: "love you," staring directly at me, his eyes sparkling even though he was almost dead to the world.

Did we ask for more medicine? I tore my eyes away from his entrancing ones to look at the call button, which hadn't been pressed. My eyes flickered urgently back to Cameron's, which had shut considerably since I looked away. He fought to hold them open. His breathing slowed down a little bit but my brain wouldn't register it.

"Lucy, I don't want to go to sleep again," he said, suffering and pain in his eyes as he stared openly broken form. Even so they slumped as his irregular heartbeat plummeted with it, my heart ironically speeding up as I watched helplessly s he began to drift again.

"I love you all, especially Lucy. Good luck guys."

And with that whisper his heart flat lined, the monitor scaring all of us.

Doctors immediately rushed in, hands fluttered around equipment as I retreated to the corner, breathing heavily. At the same time, every effort to push air in and out of my lungs seemed useless and pointless anyway.

Cam was the Romans to my hermioniy.

He was the Sam to my Dean.

The Peter to my Mary - Jane.

Worst of all though, he was the sun to my rain.

Without his light, would I get lost in the dark?

I had survived before, but would I survive again?

If he was my romeo, how would our story end?


"Cameron James Freeman was a man of his word, who until recently, had always tried to go life with a smile, taking and responding positively to the many obstacles thrown his way. He was brutally taken from this world too son, leaving behind a loving family constant of his mum, dad and brother, as well as the girl he had dreamed of and her best friends. He left behind little to be imagined as he lived life to the fullest, despite his trinomial colour blindness, a rare trait aquired from his father's side, but never before his case of severity or rarity. Nevertheless, Cameron never wondered from his path of life, leading one of the most action packed, thrill seeking, dangerous, adventurous, fun filled, drama intensified, unique lives of anyone of us would ever encounter. We are all blessed to have known the charming young man at all, even if it is most unfortunate he was ripped from our care at such a young age."

"We bless you and hope you and your spirit reside by god, where you belong. Thoughts and prayers go to the family as we have our first speaker."

The man in front of the open casket of his forever resting body had finally finished. Tears poured down my cheeks as I rested my head on Joe's shoulder, a long arm lightly on my shoulders as he held me firmly but freely. To my left, mum held my hand tightly as dad had an arm on the back of her chair, and rubbed soothing circles on my arm, just below Joe's hand.

Behind us, Dan, Derek, Sapphire and the football team came to pay their respects, and over the way, Cam's step dad held his mum as she openly cried, and he had tears of his own casading down his cheeks. Sam's dad was frowning deeply. Despite our clashing past, I felt sorry for him, sitting with his head down, staring at his black jeans. Everyone had previously bombarded them with questions, prayers and hugs.

Dressed in all black, the crowd was full of random girls, crying over Cameron's body. Even dead, Cam could hook girls.

Family and friends alike craved his warm smile, his tight bear hugs, his searching eyes and his tall, lanky body. But we would never see it again.

We would never again see his warm smile.

We would never again feel the lack of oxygen which comes with his bear hugs.

We would never again be scrutinised by his piercing eye that knew knowledge beyond his years.

We would never again laugh as he tripped over his own feet, or hit his head on a doorframe, or see his feet hang off the edge of his bed.

"The pleasure of seeing him had been lost to us. Cam was a beautiful baby, and grew up to be such a striking young lad. When the twins were born, I never new my heart could love so much, I but could. And then I got pregnant again, and we were all so excited and happy. But then the miscarriage. I thought I'd lost myself when she died. My little baby, the one who was never born. We all went separate ways, the baby destroying our love, our family, our relationship; everything. I never did name her, but that one death that was never spoken of until now drove us all apart. There is almost no one who had heard this before, so let me tell you, Cameron was the family rock, my rock, when everything else went wrong. If I had my children, I would be ok. But now.... now I don't." Sam's mum has managed to stop crying to speak, but as she take about the pain, they spilled again.

She held Sam's hand tightly in her own frail one. She passed the mic, and Sam's knuckles turned white as he held it with a death grip, very different to the gentle squeeze he gave his mum before she walked down the aisle, holding hands and grateful glances to everyone as she slowly made her way back to her second husband.

Sam waited until she was seated, taking a couple of shaky breaths before blinking and opening his mouth. He exhaled gently.

"As you all know, Cam was my first and best friend. He was there for everything I did. He was there for my birth, for my first birthday, my first steps, words, you name it he was there, doing it moments before me. Any major life event. After dad left," vemon laced his words, glaring at his father before continuing, "I knew it was Cameron that would be my rock, the equivalent of a parental fatherly figure to me. But now he's gone."

Everyone was silent as he stomped down the aisle, but no one dared to follow. We were left in an awkward silence that no one wished to break.

A/N and scene guys, do you like double updates, because I sure do. This is as a small apology for forgetting to tell you mock exam week came up so you can understand where I'm coming from right now, my mind is a bit brain dead but I got this out so it's all good!

School is getting really heavy atm, and I only get two or three days to myself a week. Anyone who takes the time to really read my work makes me so extremely happy, even if I don't know them personally, and I don't want to dissapoint you guys, but Ive decided that for a while I will do one update per week, until about Christmas at the latest. I hope you guys al understand how stressful life can be and I don't want my work to suffer. Ily soo soo much,



L xxx

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