I'm in a bush

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Sam's PoV (back tracks a little)

As I had walked home, I thought bout random stuff that I continued thinking about after my shower.

Things like if I had a different dad, like Kevin as a true DNA dad, would my life be different?

Things like if I had a happy family, not a broken one,  would I be in this shit?

I guess it's my fault I ended up leaving the comforts of my own home, going back to the place I had just fled to get an attual response from Maddie. It helped I had left my phone there.

Before my parents had a chance to try to persuade me otherwise, I ran down into the kitchen and into the back yard. I then jumped the fence, a hardly applaudible feat considering I do track at school.

Immediately I landed on the balls of my feet again, and set off again going through brightly lit streets, matching the slow speeds of cars as they drove carefully around our blocks.

The wind stung my cheeks, my hair flew and danced in the wind, falling out of its quiff that had be messed up slightly anyway. I sped down the couple of streets,  taking the long way but knowing if I continued at this pace, it would take less time then going back from before.

I ran around the last corner almost comically, halting to an unfortunate stop as I saw Joe walk up to her front porch, grab the spare key, and let himself in. I saw his car on the street and walked swiftly towards it, hearing a thumping bass and the faint sound of crying under it. Instead of going to the shiny Ford joe takes great pride in having, my route detoured into one of the bushes at the front of her house and snuck round to the side, keeping undercover to avoid being seen.

I passed the loun h e where the windows was open, seeing scattered items of both genders clothing including a pair of my dad's ripped jeans and maddie's mum's blouse. Luckily  (or unluckily) I heard moans, so quickly ducked under the windowsill before I had to add that scene to the ever growing list of things to repress.

I ended up squatting in a bush under maddie's bedroom. Before you ask, the lights spilling out of the barely open windows were pink.

I could hear the heartbroken sobs louder as she recounted her view on what happened to lucy. I was shocked at her emotions to say the least, but nothing shocked me more then when I realised she was wholeheartedly telling Joe about having to come to terms with her sexuality. I hate how she's just able to talk to him but not me.

Then again, there are some pretty valid reasons.

Joe said I would forgive her, but there was nothing to forgive. She did it for love. Just like me.

But then Joe said something that supprised me, "do you want to go to the hospital to see her with me and Sam? I'll call him, see if he wants to go." I panicked and let out the bush but it was too late.

My phone started ringing loudly, blasting out the tune of light 'em up by fall out boy, from my hiding place in the bushes. The curtains were thrown outwards and Joe looked down,  a slight smirk on his face the bastard.

He laughed and looked down.

"Snooping are ya?" He asked as I stood up slowly and sheepishly. He laughed as I cringed at hearing the words.

"I happened to overhear you wanted to go to the hospital with me, shall we go?" Desperately trying to get away from the conversation that involved the fact the schools bad boy had hidden in the head cheerleaders garden bushes because of the lack of courage to see her and got found by her ex who also happened to be in the house at the time.

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