19 or 384 days part 5

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Cam held me at arms length, inspecting me. I suddenly felt consious of my skirt, which I never used to wear when he was around. I fiddle with a lose hem, my eyes cast down. I only wore it because I couldn't pull jeans or leggings over the knee yet. Once the swelling went down, I would get a cast and eventually a knee brace.

Cam's eyes roamed up and down my body and I thanked the gods my skirt went to mid thigh. My top was average, white with black lettering, that was in no way see through. My average body shape was nothing special and the skirt hid my waist anyway.

It unnerved me, how he openly stared at my body. I hadn't had anyone look at me like I was worth something apart from Joe. But best friends can't do everything for you and one person's view against the rest of the schools, you eventually end up believing the main body of people. It's not fun. I gave an involuntary shudder as his eyes continued probing.

I continued picking at the thread and it unraveled a bit. Cam stared at my body as I self consiously looked at my slip on black dolly shoes mum had broth for convenience.

Cam's hand went to my chin, gently pulling my head up so he could look me in the eyes. They are green. Nothing special.
My eyes were still cast down as he inspected my face, carefully turning my face to see it from all angles. My bloodshot eyes would be a sight so I'm not sure why he's looking at me. I can feel the train tracks of tears dry on my face, mixed with the mascara I was wearing. It makes my eyes water more to think of all the reasons why he left - I was probably most of them. He handled me carefully now, as if I was a priceless piece of art that could break if one wrong move was played. I guess I could if he left again. But he wouldn't do that to me again would he?

A tear spilt over my lash line and he wiped it away, "no more tears," he whispered, kissing my eyelids. I missed this. I missed how he handled me like a treasured itemPl how he made me feel like a girl again, how he accepted me for me. I loved him for it.
Cam kissed my nose lightly. I obviously passed his test because he lowered his lips to mime, never letting go of my chin.

At first, his lips barely brushed against mine. I opened my eyes to see him searching for permition. In response I snaked an arm around his back and placed a hand on the back of his neck bringing him closer to me. His gentle lips caressed mine as we shared a long, passionate kiss. It spoke a thousand works of kindness. My lungs were burning but I didn't want to stop. Eventually he pulled away, a faint smile on his lips. He left our foreheads touching as our breathing returned to normal.

He brought his lips back to mime and I hungrily kissed him back, his tongue gliding across my lip as I gave him access. His arms broth me closer until I was crushed against him in a good way.
When we broke off, my lungs were burning, my head aching and my heart spluttering. "You wanna get outta hear?" He asked, a mischievous glint in his eyes. I nodded. I received my cruches. 

He placed a bandana over my eyes and led me through a maze of corridors: right, left, right, right, left, right, straight for a while and left. I heard a faint creak of a door as We stepped outside. I knew immediately I was outside because I felt my skirt billow out in the bitter autumn winds. He placed a hand on the small of my back and led me to a small clearing. The wind made the trees rustle and creak a little.

Something got placed on my head. Silently he took me to a bike and pulled me on to it. He placed my cruches somewhere and got on in front of me. The engine revved before roaring to life, the bike twisting underneath us before sharply turning. Then we were off.

I clutched Cam's jacket tightly, my knuckles surely turning white in doing so. We raced past the noises of traffic and before long we were jumping along a dirt track, the bikes engine screaming as dirt kept up the sides of the bike and clouded my breathing.

We speed on.


I could now hear traffic once again. The engine revved once again, my hair flying out behind me as I held onto Cameron for life. I could hear horns, cars and bike bells, all over the roar of the bike I was on.

I was still blind folded, holding on, wind in my face, constricting my breathing slightly. I tried to hide my head behind Cam's body as a wind break, but instead I whacked my head on part of his back. "Ouch" he mumbled, barely audible over the noises. I tightened my grip, slowly letting my head drop down between his back. My hair billowed out behind us, the strands creating wierd noises as it tangled together.

But then I heard screaching. It was a high pitched, loud, interupting nice that hurt my eardrums. The bike swerved below us again, much more forcefully this time and I was catapulted off.

I hit something but the helmet protected me slightly. I heard a crash and ripped the bandana off my eyes, the wind immediately making them water. They teared up but I brushed it away, a strange sence of dejevous and I felt a pang in my gut.

I opened my eyes to see one of the worst car crashes I've ever seen. And once again, I was barely hurt. Not even brused unless you count the dull ache that returned to my knee.

I'm fine.

A/N - hi, this is definately the last part of day 19

I just need to say the next couple of chapters may be upsetting for some, with a car crash in the midst of it. I don't want to hurt any of you guys but this book will have some heavier topics. although the crash isn't mentioned in much detail at first, other PoVs will have more detail.

Lastly, I hate making authors note too long (even though all my ANs are short af) but I just needed to tell you all about it.

Also just saying I apologise for the random updates, no excuses really. Hopefully they will become more regular.

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L xxx

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