Need to accept

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I don't really know how long we sat there in silence, me awkwardly sitting on his lap as we calmed down. I know my friends joined us, and I know we all sat in a sort of circle, silently comforting each other as we morned as one. I didn't want to go back, so we didn't at first but babbling voices drifted towards us on the slight breeze that made our hair dance in sharp yet gentle movements. I could faintly make out some voices, louder than the others.

"Move!... My boyfriend ran off with her! This was quite clearly a get up so that witch could take him!" She didn't use the word witch, but you get the idea.

I covered my mouth and giggled slightly, as everyone smiled at the now blushing Sam. He mumbled something under his breath that sounded like "pugging possessive witch" as well as a jumble of other colourful word that could make a nun faint.

Gently I got off his lap, wiping off the drying tears. My face feels swollen as I take in our surroundings properly.

We are sat in our not really circle, almost like there was an invisible campfire in the middle of it, a small pile of shredded twigs that Derek must have made; he fidgets when he's upset. Sapphire looked up at Dan with small tears in her eyes, her natural beauty uplifting even if she had accidently cried off the subtle makeup she had worn this morning, her white, black and pink scarf perfectly accenting her classy yet casual outfit of a black with pink frilly top with white jeans, and Dan was in a white shirt and black suit with matching black jeans, a small pink bow tie  around his neck that sapphire had struggled with earlier.

Derek had a black tshirt (that we knew said "f*** off" but was fortunately hidden because it was under his tuxedo jacket which he paired with black jeans and Joe wore a full suit that complimented my dress.

Wearing black was traditional for most funerals, and although I don't personally believe it's what he would have wanted, his mum organised it all so it was only fair for her to chose. I guess she wanted her son to have a proper send off.

Sam however, being the rebelious person he lives up to, wore a pair of black jeans and a white shirt with a leather jacket over the top, a fluorescent blue t-shirt visible under it, yet they still managed to snuggly fit around his abs. Although it sounds crazy, Sam managed to look amazing, making girls unconsciously drool at him until Maddie shouted at them to stop.

The voices because closer but we were hidden by surrounding trees and bushes, making me think we would be okay.

"We need to go back at some point," Sapphire mouthed at us, and we all nodded silently in agreement. Slowly and carefully, as to not make a sound, we got up.

And then I stepped on a twig. My knee is still partially in cast so I had help up but managed to step on the unlit bonfire. The explosion of sound in the almost silent environment caused everyone to stop. There were no voices, but suddenly there were footsteps pounding this way. Sam frowned, thinking about something.

"We have to go, and there's no way Lucy can run, or Sapphire. What are we gonna do?" He asked himself. As an answer, I turned around, ready to throw myself into the steaming vat of girl fury for all of them, but a hand grabbed my waist, nearly making me fall as no other hand, this one Sapphire's (identifiable from the adorable promise ring on her middle finger) with my cruches to take them from me. I had sat on my wheelchair instead of a chair to greet people, slowly moving towards my seat before everyone else got there.

But I had gone up to the platform without it, so now I was useless and next to defenceless.

"No, you're not useless, you're definately not defenceless, and you got us, what more could a girl want?" Sam jokingly flexed his muscles as me and Saph looked away giggling, me blushing as she mouthed "You got it bad girl." I didn't think so, I really hoped I hadn't.

But then again, you can't help who you fall in love with.

You can only go with or against your heart.

And both ways can lead in heartbreak.

The most bittersweet emotion known to man.

So even though I didn't say it in front of everyone, in my head I managed to finish my short speech about the hurt I went through.

And I'm stupid enough to go through it again, but not with the person you would think. Because, the thing is, she hates me. And the other one? Well, he loves me, but it's too soon.

But I love them. In the same way, I love them.

And she's who we are running from. I allowed myself to get picked up as the others sped ahead, trying to make a big loop round back to the service, the high pitched voices following us indirectly as they got louder and quieter as we ran on. Wind stung my eyes slightly as I looked over Sam's broad shoulders, my dress fluttering out behind us as Sam's rough, padded hands held my thighs to keep me on his back. I could feel his hands through my tights and it was making me dizzy. Intoxicated almost.

His smell, a mix of pine and sea salt floated through my nose, making my head pound as he ran on.

Stupidly I did three things:

One: I compared myself to Bella Swan, as she climbed onto Edward's back for the first time, comparing the exhilarating emotions running through my body to the joy and happiness she must have felt in running. I know we're not running as fast but it felt similar to a girl who can barely walk at the moment.

Two: I looked back as we went over a hill, a group of girls running towards us, how they run in heels I do not know. They were going towards us and I noticed we were slowing down.

Three: In looking backwards, I had loosened my arms that had snaked around his neck. I turned my body round to see the oncoming piles of claws, bones and fakeness, but turned too much. Slipping and falling of Sam's back. As he didn't manage to realise I had dropped off his back, he ran off.

As the girls got closer, I tried to stand, to give me somewhat less of a disadvantage, but to no luck. Some witches loomed over me, smiling maliciously at my small, sprawled figure on the floor...

A/N - I'm sorry about chapter 20, if you guys/girls didn't realise, I accidentally published a chapter that would make little to no sense to yall at the moment.

Instead, I've decided to post yet another chapter, as both a thank you to everyone watching, and also as a sorry for messing up.

Remember I said in the last chapter that bethleeh has been proof reading my work, so although these following chapters are not dedicated to her, I owe her a great deal in the world of writing.

This chapter is however dedicated to one of my close friends cupidthequeen for just being there in times of need.

Finally, I wanted to say that although my updates can be very varied time wise, I do try to keep them in a loose pattern so yall can at least get something a week. I really hope this isn't an issue for you all, but if it is, please private message me to bring up these issues.

I love you all so so much,



L xxx

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