Fuck the Code Black

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Lucy's PoV

So maybe I'm not going home. I don't even know where home is. I don't know who I am. All I remember are some very mean girls who were lead by a blond bimbo. I know I was in a car crash and my knee was injured before that.

I've managed to deduce that I have a small group of really close friends and two best friends. I'm not to sure about that Sam guy though, he seems shady.

Sapphire looks pregnant but she is our age. Is she with anyone, or is she just a slut?

Dan seems to be angry at a girl - Maddie I think - and from what I've heard, she seems like a bitch. He's a nice guy in general though.

Derek has a crush on Sapphire's sister; you can tell from the way he looks at her, but no one else can see it.

Sapphire's sister is the name of another gem - their whole family  are as far as I'm aware. It's quite cute really.

Sam seems almost too good looking, but his eyes are guarded. There's a soft spot for the person I'm supposed to be and I know, from the looks he gives me, I've somehow  infiltrated through his bad boy image to the person inside. I wish I knew what went on in his mind -he seems almost permently horrified.

And then there is this one, called Joe. Good looks, charming personality and caring. I kind of like him but apparently he only sees me as his best friend. And I'm not talking friends as in some sleepovers and hanging out. I mean sleeping over at each others for days on end, Netflix for endless days and almost date like days with each other, all whilst living next door to each other and seeing each other every single day regardless of weekends. He was my dance teacher and I love him, but aparently not that way. It's disappointing really because he's well cute but I guess if you go through the awkward phases with someone, you remember them like that.

But I don't remember anything.

The doctor say I need to stay in a couple more weeks even though there's no room at the hospital. Because I have something called amnesia, I've been moved from my private room to an infection free ward and my bed is tucked into a corner.

Food is crap and I'm basically living off Paula's food. It's like the cooking I remember my mum doing, almost symmetrical too, but I'm not actually able to remember her face.

Everyone is really sad and it's kind of getting on my nerves - they are ruining the other pacients day too. I don't need that on my hands. Also I supposedly went out with a dead person, who I can't remember.  No one wants to bring him up.

When visiting hours finished, I almost welcomed it - being in the spotlight is not my thing although I used to dance.

I haven't actually tried to use or even look at my legs, there were too many people attempting to move around and distract me.

I want to look down, but part of me is scared. A bit dumb really but the doctor encourages me to wait until she's there with the physiotherapist, which worry me a fair amount because I think they are the people who teach others at the hospital to walk again.

Everyone's left my area apart from one person. Or at least, they were walking out as I saw her.

Crack. Crack. CRACK.

I look down at my heavy bandages that cover my ribs and abdomen. I know now why they are there, and it's her fault.

Suddenly I'm screeching, causing a rather loud and later on embarassing scene withing the ward. I throw the duvet off my legs, barely glancing at the two casts, bandaged on the knee one side and bruses on the rest of the leg. On the other, you can see no leg, just toes.

Plaster of paris is very heavy.

I swung the lightly bandaged leg of the bed when the first doctor rushes  into the room. He actually missed what I was trying to do due to the privacy curtains so I was okay. I swung my other leg off the bed in an attempt to get to the bitch who set her posse on me.

But in trying to move, my leg was protesting. My flexibility was kicking in, my body bending to avoid the leg going off the bed. Blood was rushing to the leg on the floor and my face flushed with anger.

In a final act of madness I heaved my leg off the bed and the plaster of paris, along with my leg, crashed to the floor. This is the point when the doctor noticed me, probably seeing as I was almost retching from pain.

That was such a bad idea.

Joe aided the doctor in getting me back on the bed and they got that wierd thing that hangs that elevates you're broken body part. I'm not getting out of here any time soon.

My leg had a dull ache just lying in bed and I'd not even got up.

Seeing my fuming reaction Maddie had hurriedly left without talking to me, walking out with Joe. I do hope they aren't together, she's responsable for all of this.

I hate her.

A/N I'm not feeling this story anymore.

I love writing, but not this as much lately so I hope you understand if updates are slipping.



L xxx

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