Finishing the rest of our lives

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((I have decided that this story should soon end, there will be this chapter and one more before the book finally ends and the year and a half I spent on making this story will come to a close.))

Months have passed and Alfred and Arthur were now living in two different states due to colleges locations. Arthur was attending Yale University and Alfred was attending a very less popular school that was in the state of Virginia. So, Arthur and Alfred never really got time to just sit down and chat. Arthur was the top student in his classes, so that made it even harder on them both since everyone excepted Arthur to make straight A's. Which he did with a lot of late night studying and late night scram sessions. He was making sure he didn't let the scholarship go to waste.

Alfred would Skype call Arthur and they would chat and quiz each other. Both were smart, but Arthur was clearly the smarter of the two. One night, after an extremely long study session, Alfred Skype called Arthur, who answered with his head on the desk that was in the privet room he had (since he didn't like being with others who didn't respect his needs for quiet places when studying and many complaints to the person in charge of the rooms) "Hey babe." Alfred said softly and smiled. "How are you feeling?" He asked. Arthur was pretty much asleep already. "Tired. Class at. 9. Need Caffeine." Was all he said. It was six in the morning by then.

Alfred chuckled softly. "Maybe you should go get some coffee from the cafe." He said. "I hear that Yale has the best coffee." Arthur nodded softly. "After class, I need to go to sleep." Alfred nodded as Arthur picked up his head from the desk. "Finish your assignments?" Arthur nodded. "Did you finish yours?" Alfred smiled and nodded. "Good."

They talked for a bit before Arthur went to get some of the coffee, returning after a short bit and smiling softly as he started to wake up more. By then, it was almost 7 in the morning. "Alfred, why are you up so early? Isn't it almost 6 for you?" Alfred nodded gently. "Well, I finished all my work and I already slept the whole night, so I woke up and wanted to talk with you." He said before he pouted. "I'm lonely without my little British boy." Arthur chuckled softly and smiled. "I love you, my American idiot."
"I love you to."

It had only been a few hours of talking before Arthur had to go to class. Alfred smiled and gave him a good bye kiss over the camera. "I'll talk to you when I can." Arthur said softly. Alfred nodded. They both said good bye before they ended the call. Arthur got another cup of coffee before he went to class, sipping from the cup when he felt he was going to fall asleep. He took notes, the class was three hours long and Arthur was glad that he had brought a thermos big enough for him to have enough coffee to help him through the class.

---- ---- ---- ----

A few months had passed by, Arthur was doing really really well in all his classes and he was always the teacher's favorite. He worked hard but he knew at some point, he would want to see Alfred and his family for the up coming Christmas break. It was a week away from Christmas, everyone was leaving to go home for the holidays. But, Arthur didn't have the money to return home for the break, so he would have to stay and just wait it out for the break to be over. Wow. It felt so weird. This would be the first Christmas that he was absolutely alone.

Arthur looked down at the time. It was close to ten at night. Well, he had no classes for the next two weeks, but he knew some teachers would be at the school to grade papers and such. He wondered what he should do to past the time. He had stocked up on food for the next few weeks so he didn't have to leave the room often, since the cafes would be empty and no workers would be there at all. With a soft glance out the window, he could barely make out to see that it was snowing. He smiled softly and gently. "First Christmas out of four." He said softly to his self and shut everything down for the night before he closed his eyes and went to bed.

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