tell me...why did you run into the flames?

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He woke up! Yes! It has been two months of him in a coma. I missed his green eyes, his accent, just everything about him I didn't see for two fucking months. He just lied there motionless. I was so happy he woke up.

"Ello." He seemed happier some how. His family stayed awhile but had to leave for work. I stayed to talk with Arthur a bit. "Hey Al?" I looked over at him. "How did I get out of the shop, I remember being pinned under a beam and fading out." I smiled at him.

"Well I heard you from outside needing help, so I made Cindy..." God how I hate her now. "let go of me and I ran inside. I saw your pants from down the hall so I ran over and lifted the beam off of you, and carried you out," He seamed to be thinking. "But the beam was so hot, did you get burned?" He asked.

"It was still on fire when I got it off of you, hints the bandages on my hands." I lifted up my hands showing the bandages. They were still burnt badly, and stung very time I tried to pick something up. "Oh, Thanks for saving me." He had a slight pink on his cheeks.

"I couldn't help but worry when I heard you yell for help." I sat on the bed side. He looked cute with his messy hair and slight pink blush. He didn't look 100% his self. Something was off. "Are you ok?" I asked him and he seemed to snap back into reality.

"Oh yea I'm fine." No he wasn't. "Tell me, I know something isn't right." I sat closer to him. "I said I'm bloody fine." I shook my head. "Fine, I saw my mother while I was out, and I just miss her ok?"

"I know how you feel." I thought of how weak mine was to kill herself just because it was too hard for her. She didn't even think of how I would be or how I would get by. I was 9 for crying out loud.

Arthur looked like he was going to cry. I sat next to him and carefully pulled him in to a side hug. I knew his chest was still burnt. He leaned into my side and rested his head on my shoulder. "I do have a question though." He looked up at me.

"Why? Just why did you run into the flames?" I asked and he looked back down. "Mr.Mock was like a farther to me, he kept my pay as high as he could, gave me a job when no one else would, he helped me out." Oh so that's why. And now he lost even that father figure.

He started to cry, with little soft weeps. "Shhh it's ok, Arthur." I patted his head and tried to comfort him. "No it's not, Every one I care about dies near me, They die caring about me and.... and they meet a horrible death. Why does everything hate me?" He sobed out.

"I don't hate you, Arthur, I love you and they are accidents." I tried to comfort him as much as possible. "You'll be better off loving someone else." My heart shattered. Why was he putting his self through hell? "Thats not true and you know it." He sobed more.

"Oh just face it! I'm a bad luck charm, I'm not wanted or needed! Why can't you see that?" He yelled through sobs. I hugged him tighter. "Arthur why do you put yourself through hell? You're better then this, I love you, you are NOT a bad luck charm, Peter needs you, I need you, I want to be with you, your family needs and wants you! I can't see it because it's not true."

Nothing he is saying is true I really do need him, Peter needs him. I don't think their family can handle another death in the family. I surely can't handle the death of my boyfriend. I love him. "I'm not leaving you any time soon, hell, if you want me gone I still won't go, I'll be right here." I said to him as I wripped off a few tears from his cheek.

"Please stop telling yourself those awful things." I gave him a weak smile. Arthur nodded his head. I promised I'll be by his side, so I will. I stayed there for awhile holding him. I thought of all the hell we have been threw. Arthur: Not knowing his dad, Mom died, Struggled, Worked all day and night, lost his only father figure, burns over his body.
Me: Dad and mom killed their self, Arthur worrying the hell out of me, burned hands, failing grades cause I can't do the work, and I can't play football.

This made me think. What else does Arthur have hidden away? I can't tell now but I think he is hidding something more serious. He never wore short selves at school, even though it got like 90 degrees.

I will have to cheek when he gets better. Well when we get better. "Oh!" I look down at Arthur to see what he has to say. "How long was I out?" he looked up and I saw his beautiful green eyes. "2 months." short answer. He gave a heavy sigh.

"The poor rose hasn't been watered has it?" I really don't know the answer to that. I forgot all about the rose till now. "I don't know I can ask your family when I see them next time or you can when they come to visit."

"Or..." He begain. What else could there be? How would he find out without his family telling? "Maybe... Oh just nevermind." What was he going to say? I was beyond curious. "What were you going to say?" I asked. "It's nothing just forget about it."

Ok then.... I spent a few hours with Arthur talking about what he missed at school and how the story about the shop burning down and how he went in, got trapped, and how I saved him was on T.V for like a week. I got medals for being such a brave young lad. I turned them down though.

Then that was on the news too about me turning down the medals. Now the school wants me to tell my story about how I saved Arthur. Why do I get so much attenion for doing what I should do? It was almost 9 o'clock. "I got to get going now, Arthur, I still have medals and news stories to turn down."

"Why don't you accept them?" He asked me as I got off of the hospital bed. "Because I don't think it's right to get a rewarded for something I should do." It really wasn't right. "Just accept them and they will leave you alone." Maybe he was right, every time I turned around the same reward was trying to be given to me.

"Fine, should I also accept the news interviews and tell my story to the school as well?" I didn't want to though. "Yes because you're my hero." He gave a little smirk. I turned a light pink. HE CALLED ME HIS HERO!

"Alright I better get going if I want to get all those awards and accept the interviews and all that shit." Arthur nodded and I left the room. He admit that I'm his hero.

That's all for this time byebye my lovelies

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