Seeing you again.

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It's been 3 days and not a word from the doctors about Arthur or his family. They are releasing me today after 1. I think it's Friday maybe Saturday. I was worried as hell. When one of the nurses walked into my room and I had enough. "Can you, please, tell me if Arthur Kirkland is ok?" I didn't say it friendly or mean. I wanted to know. "Sorry sir, I can't release any information about the other patients." She gave a smile.

God damn it! Why won't they tell me?! Unless he is dead. Why does everyone I love die! This is bull! I just want to see him, to know his is ok. Allistor walked into my room. "Hey kiddo." He didn't seem happy. Maybe he will tell me if Arthur is ok? "Hey, can you answer my question that no one will answer?"

He looked a little confused. "Sure?" was his reply. I took in a deep breath before I asked about Arthur. "Is Arthur ok? It has been driving me crazy not knowing if he is hurt badly or dead or just fine." hopefully he will tell me.

"He is in a coma right now, he has third degree burns on his chest and forearms." his words stunned me. My eyes widen. "Thank god he isn't dead." that's all I could say. I was glad he was still alive, but sad he was still in pain. I looked down at the ground with a sad grin.

I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see it was Allistor. "Hey it's ok, you saved him, he would be dead without you." He had a good point there, but he wouldn't be in a coma if I came sooner.

"Thanks for saving him, Alfred." Allistor said before leaving the room. They released me at 2, later then they said they would. I didn't want to leave Arthur at the hospital alone. Well he's not alone he has Allistor but still.

They MADE me go home. Literally, they had nurses drag me out to the car, they even put something in my system so I couldn't resist them. My dad and mom dragged me to my room and laid me on the bed. Well my dad threw me on the bed and I plopped down.

I slept for about 5 hours, or so said my mom when I asked her. Jeez my every thing hurt. I knew why my hands hurt, but why did my arms, legs, chest, neck, head, and back hurt? It was getting dark out side, so I ate dinner and went back to my room.

I was going to rest for today and see Arthur tomorrow, that was for sure.


I looked around me, nothing but darkness. I saw a small light. I walked towards it, the closer I got the further it seemed. I walked and walked and walked till I finally saw something from the light that was now big enough for a grown man to step throw. I focused my vision on the light to see what was in it.

It was my mother! She reached out to me with her sweet and very missed voice. "Ello, my son, You seem so grown up since I last saw you." Her voice sounded sweet and smooth. I started to cry. "Mum, I-I miss you so much" I couldn't help but cry.

"I know, Arthur, please don't cry." her smile so warm. I grabbed her hand not think of what could happen. She pulled me into a hug. The type of hug I wish I could get more of. From the one I missed the most. "Arthur, you have done such a good job since I left.." she wiped the tears from my cheek. "You know I didn't mean to leave, right?"

I nodded my head, tears running down my face. "But mum if I can see, hear, and feel you doesn't that mean I left too?" I asked concerned for my rest of the family. She giggled. "No It's not your time yet, Arthur, you still have many years, our time here may seem short but out there, you are still alive..." she continued. "in here a few minutes could be a day, week, month, or even a year."

I hugged her tighter. "Mum?" She looked down at me. "Will I ever see you again or know you're around?" I asked. "Oh yes, you'll see me in your dreams, feel when I'm near and know I love you even though you can't see me"

We stood there in each other's arms. I now came up to the same height as her. Last time I was next to her I was at her shoulders. "You must go, now my son, go and live your life the way it was meant to be." She broke the silents. "I don't want to go mum, I want to spend more time with you, while I still can!"

I didn't want to leave yet. I didn't know the next time I would feel her arms wrapped around me again. I didn't know when I would feel her warmth again, if I would. "I'm sorry but you must. I'll be near by through everything, I promise. Just get back and take care of Peter, he still needs to grow up too, you know." she smiled at me.

Everything faded and became lighter. I opened my eyes and saw I was in a hospital room. Alfred was in the chair near the bed side. His head hanged low, looking at my hand as he held it in his bandaged hands, he was crying. Allistor and Arawn sat in different chairs and looked like they were falling asleep.

Oliver, Peter, and Carter walked into the room. "Oh looky he is awake." he said and Allistor's eyes shot open, looking at me. Alfred looked but with a very teary smile. "How are you feeling, Arthur?" Peter came over to the bed. "I guess I'm ok" I smiled at Peter.

Aw so sad!! So sweet! What will happen next? Will anything be the same? Why did Arthur run into the fire? till then my lovelies.

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