Y-you... What?

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I looked over to the couch where Ivan and Yao was having a make out session. Alfred was sitting on the love-seat. He looked so dashing with his messy hair. He was still drinking and he didn't look drunk but he wasn't sober either. Maybe he was buzzed.

I went to check on Francis and Matthew to make sure they weren't doing anything in the rooms. When some one pulled my wrist and I fell on someone's lap. I looked up and saw it was Alfred. My cheeks felt hot. "So sorry Alfred." I said and tried to get up. He gripped around my waist tightly.

"Alfred let me go." He didn't respawn. "I swear to bloody hell if you don't let me go this instance I'll-'' I was cut off. He pressed his lips to mine. His lips were soft. It surprised me and I could taste the alcohol on his lips. I wanted to pull away but something in me didn't allow it.

He broke away and said "I love you Arthur." I struggled to get out of his grasp. When I did I went straight to my room. Gladly no one was towards the back of the house. Well Allistor was in my room but he was almost passed out from all the alcohol he consumed.

I slumped against the door, My heart was beating fast, my mind couldn't think straight, I couldn't move on my own free will, I was shaking. Allistor looked up at me. Then jumped up quickly, running over to me. He went from a drunk to a sober person within seconds.

"Are you having another panic attack? Where are your pills?" He was worried. "No I'm not having another attack!" I snapped at him. "I just need to be alone."

And with that I started to move towards my bed and he left the room. What was Alfred thinking? Does he like me?


I'M AN IDIOT!!! NICE GOING JACK ASS!! I wasn't thinking clearly. I was buzzed. He'll forgive me right? Right? God dammit he'll never forgive me! Why does he have to be so cute that I just HAD to make a move.

Oh it's ok. He was just surprised, he loves you back. Just relax for now.

My mind is working now? Where were you before I kissed Arthur!? I should just find Matthew and leave. I went to go find Matthew and he was making out with Francis. I pulled him away and started to drag him home. He was drunk and he waved at Francis.

I drag Matthew home. I threw him in his bed and I left him in his room. I went to my room and plopped on my bed. I'm a fucking asshole and I started to think of Arthur. What if I was his first kiss? Nice going jerk.

stop being so hard on your self! He loves you and wants to be with you. Just relax and wait.

Shut up! I made myself shut up and go to sleep. Hopefully he will forget about it tomorrow.

--tomorrow (Saturday)--


I can't forget about the kiss. It was soft but passionate and strong. It was amazing. My brothers were still asleep and Peter wouldn't be home till around noon. I didn't have work since my boss was letting me relax after my panic attack. I was fine now, I could work.

So that left me to think about the kiss all day. To think of it I didn't hear the door open or close. Did the others stay the night? I walked out to the living room where Ivan was using Yao as a teddy bear. Allistor and Carter passed out on the floor, and Oliver soundly on the love-seat asleep.

I guess Arawn was in his room. I didn't see Alfred, Matthew, Francis, Gilbert, Lovino, Feli, Ludwig or Antonio. They must have left or were passed out in the garage. I went down in the garage and saw Gilbert, Antonio, and Francis all passed out.

Good thing I didnt drink any last night, just looking at them gave me a headach. Ivan woke up not long after. So I gave him some water and something for his hangover and he left with Yao still asleep in his arms.

Slowly one by one everyone woke up. Gilbert was the last to wake up. But he is German he can hold more alcohol then anyone else besides his little brother, Ludwig. I gave everybody a glass of water, Gilbert more then one, and gave them something for their heads.


I woke up with a hurtful headache. I didn't even have that much to drink last night! So why does it feel like I got hit by a truck or a bag of bricks fell on my head? Damn, it hurts just to think. I can only remember drinking a few beers and kissing Arthur. Oh that's right! I kissed him, he ran to his room. and I left with Matthew.

Boy, but that was a fun party and now Arthur is 18. That's good news, Right? God maybe I should just go back to sleep or drink some water and take something for this headache. Then there was a knock on my bedroom door. I winced but allowed them to come in.

It was Matthew. He looked like he needed more then what I did. "How did we get home?'' he asked. "I brought us here." I replied rolling on my side. He got into my bed and stayed there for awhile. I guess he was too weak to move so I let him stay.

"Thanks Alfred." he sounded like he was almost asleep. "No problem, bro, that's what brothers are for." I yawned. He fell asleep in my bed and I fell asleep too. Not like we had anything else to do today.

woah Alfred. You lucky dog, getting to kiss Arthur, you must be so proud of your self. Well that's all for this chapter check out the next one when i post it bye bye my lovelies.

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