How about a trip?

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I explained the whole rose to Alfred. He seemed really interested in it. I told him how it worked pretty much. He didn't seem too excited when I told him what will happen if this relationship doesn't workout. The weekend ended really quickly. Everything stayed the same pretty much. Me and Alfred walked with each other to the school grounds.

Then we heard Francis' annoying laugh. "Honononhon, Look at la lovebirds." I turned around. "Oh shut up frog face." I said. Matthew wan't far behind but had Matt walking with him. That's when froggy up his arm around me. "You and Alfred make a lovely couple." He smiled at me and I didn't like that smile.

"Dude can you get off of Arthur?" Alfred asked in a jealous way. Francis got off of me. Thank god, I can't stand him. We walked the rest of the way without Francis being the bloody frenchmen he is. He stayed back with Matthew and Matt.

(A/N: I will have a story out about how Matthew decides who to go out with.)

Everything seemed normal. Classes were the same, lunch with Alfred and the jocks seemed the same until Antonio started to talk to me. "Hey Arthur, how was my party?" He asked. "It was fun I guess." He gave a grin. "I heard you and Al left early, why was that?" I am not going to tell him anything. "Oh I had to go and Arthur rode with me." Alfred said.

"Yea." I replied. "Plus I had interviews." I added. I didn't go to them but still I was not going to tell them anything that happen. I still need a job so I don't fall behind on rent and all that. "Oh well I'm glad you had fun." he gave his happy smile and turn back to the others.

Alfred kept his arm around me the whole lunch period. I didn't really mind. The rest of the day was normal. Not much to say. I walked home with Alfred as we always did. "Hey Arthur?" I looked up at Al. "Can you tell me a little of Britain?" he asked. I haven't thought of Britain for 2 years, 3 next month.

"Well I haven't thought much of it, but it's pretty in the warm months, but can have a bitter bite to it in the cold. Why?" I replied not sure why he wants to know about Britain. "Well I was thinking that since this is our last year in high school we could go visit London to celebrate us graduation."

It would be lovely to visit my birth place. "But how would I pay for the plane ride?" I asked him. I still need another job. "I'll pay for your ticket." he said. I couldn't let him do that. A plane ticket cost a lot of money. Plus the hours it would take to get there.

"Al thanks for the offer but I can't let you pay all that money for me to go back to London." I said still walking. "Oh come on Artie, I want you to be happy, plus with the way you keep getting turned down of each job you'll never go."

"Ok for one, don't call me 'Artie' second, I will get a job" Why does he want to pay all the cost to have me go? "Ok Iggy I won't call you Artie, but I am paying for the ticket." Iggy? Iggy? Where does he get these nicknames? "Don't call me 'Iggy" My name is Arthur, and no you're not," He stopped me and looked into my eyes.

"I am paying for the ticket, I want you to be happy and I think that maybe going back will make you happy." He gave his brightest smile. How could I say no with that smile in font of me?

"Fine, just don't go over board on spending." I said a bit annoyed. I was happy to think about going back even if it was for a short amount of time. It really is lovely in the spring and summer. Then when it came to fall and winter it had a bitter cold. Mainly rainy.

Just thinking about it made me want to go. I miss the place dearly but I'm happy where I am with Alfred and the others. Not Francis though. It all seems like a dream some times.

---Timeskips to the last day of school becuz writers block is getting to me now----

We are standing in the sunshine as we all wait for our name to be called among the hundreds that will be leaving school and growing up. "Alfred F. Jones" Al gave me a bright smile and went up the steps to clam his award for making though the school year.

He shook hands and received his award, walking off to the left of the stage. I waited on the right for my name. "Francis Bonnefoy" Francis went up, doing the same as Alfred. My heart is pounding and I'm nervous to go in front of all the brothers, sisters, parents, aunts and uncles, grand parents and even great grand parents.

They are here to see their once little one go beyond school and start something new with their life. I see my brothers in one of the many rows. "Yao Wang" Yao jumped out of the crowd and claimed his reward. "Ivan Braginski" Ivan went up and claim his reward.

A group clapped for him and they look a lot like him. "Antonio F. Carriedo" one by one we're picked off. "Lovino and Veneziano Vargas" They stepped up. They were twins of course they asked to be called up together, that and Venezaino would get really scared up there by his self. "Ludwig Beilschmidt" He went up firmly.

"Gilbert Beilschmidt" He went out. Vash Zwingli went up. He transfered from Swizerland. Eduard V. Bock, the kid from Estonia went up. Then there were me, Tris Laurinaitis from Lithuania, Toni Vainamoinen from Finland, Lukas Bondeik from Norway, Berwald Oxenstierna from Sweden, Heracles Karpusi from Greece, Kiku Honda from Japan, and Roderich Edelstein from Austria. Even Matt went up.

One by one they went up. My heart just wouldn't stop pounding in my chest. Why hasn't my name been called yet? I passed didn't I? They called up more and more names, leaving me anxious for my name to be called. I was the last one left went the called up Elizbeta Hedervary, the girl from Hungary.

"Now we would like for this person to speak some words due to his hard work and tragic life, he still manage to keep a 4.0 gpa, Please welcome Arthur Kirkland." I Stood up and walked up not knowing why they picked me to speak.

I shook his hand and stood up at the podium. "Well I guess you can call it luck that I have such a high gpa, I never really studied and I worked all night..." I began. "But I am glad I am here, getting a better chance, after all that has happened to me and my brother. This is my new start, Thank you." I really didn't know what to say.

I would of if he told me I would be giving a speech pretty much. I got my reward and stepped off the staged. Everyone went off running to their families. Yao and Ivan had their families together. Alfred walked over to me, smiling.

He wrapped his arm around me and we walked over to his little family. His mom, dad, and Matthew. I smiled at them all. This was the first time I actually got to talk with Als parents. They were always at work when we got to his house, or off on a buisness trip over the weekends.

"Congratulation you two!" Als dad said. It was weird out of all these Williams, Al's the only Jones. "Thanks, Dad!" Alfred couldn't stop smiling. I smiled too. My brothers came over to us and handed me a card and other things. Peter was here too.

"Congratulation Arthur!" Peter said looking up at me. "Thank you, Peter." I knelt down and hugged him. Some student's went home with their parents, even though we only had another hour till the school day was over.

Oliver decided it would be great to bring his boyfriend, Allen. Allen looked a lot like Alfred for some reason. "Here lets all go out for a celebration dinner." Alfred's dad suggested. Before I could reject, everybody agreed. We all piled into the 3 cars that were used for them to get to the school.

We headed for a Italian restraunt called 'Reginella's'. We sat at a both and we all talked. They had me and Alfred sit next to each other. There were 11 of us all together so we had to have two sit at the end of the both.

It was a very lovely place. "So now what's the plan?" Allen asked me and Al. "Well me and Arthur are going to London to visit for maybe a week or month." Alfred said. "Oh you're going back Arthur?" Oliver asked and I nodded my head. "Take pictures for me, please? I want to see the fields again."

"I will, you think I will be there and not come back with something to remind me of our birth place?" I asked with a smile. We ate and had fun. We all pitch in on paying for the meal, well not Peter he is still young. After we ate I rode with Alfred.

"Well we will be on a plane to London in 3 days, excited?" Alfred asked. "Of coarse!" I answer. Just 3 days.

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