Now i know!

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School was almost over with for the day. One more class and that was with Arthur. I need to see what his answer is now. When the bell ringed I darted out of the science room and ran to English. Usually I took my time getting to class but not today. I entered the room and saw Arthur. I went over to him, when he looked up he was not as happy to see me as I was to see him.

"You bloody git! What the bloody hell is your problem!" he yelled at me. I looked at him and smiled. "I want you to stay here at school and I am prepared to keep up the letters till you let me." He let out a sigh, I think in defeat. "Fine I'll stay at school and you can help, just stop the letters." I jumped up in joy. I am going to help Arthur! Yes!! This seems like a dream though.


That god damn wanker! I found letters all over the place saying the same thing!

let me help you please I need something to do after school. ~ Alfred

I finally let him after he said he was prepared to keep the letters coming. Who wouldn't!? I looked into his beautiful blue eyes and saw he was really happy to help. Then out of no where "I'm going to be your hero, Arthur!" he said it way too loud. My eye widen when he said it.

"What the bloody hell does that mean?!" I yelled at him. He just shrugged. What does he mean by 'being my hero' then my heart started to beat faster again and the feeling came back in my chest. What is happening to me? Is it possible that I.... might like Alfred? No no no no no noway I could, he was my living hell, plus I think he is straight, unlike me. Stupid sexuality, why did you choose me to be gay?

The class room filled up and the class started. School let us out at 2. I went to work for awhile, maybe a total of 2 hours, and I walked home. I knew Peter was at home by now. I kept thinking about the feeling I felt in my chest every time Alfred was near.

It's love, stupid, just accept it! I stopped walking as soon as I thought that. Maybe it was love. NO It couldn't be, he is straight I know that! I ignored the thought as I continued to walk to the house. I got home shortly after. I saw Peter on the couch almost asleep. He shot his eyes opened and smiled while jumping up.

"I got your letter, so I cleaned the house." he said to me as I looked around to see a spotless house. I have to admit, I'm so proud of the little mess called my brother. He cleaned my room, his room, the living room, bathroom, guest room, kitchen, cabinets, everything was spotless!

"You cleaned... Everything... Everything is spotless." I said to him with a smile. " You did a perfect job." I continued. I saw his face, it had pride and happiness on it. I placed my bag in my room then there was a knock on the door. I didn't expect them to be here for another half hour. I walked to the door with Peter standing right behind me. He was excited to see who it was.

I opened the door reveling Oliver, Seamus, Allistor, Carter, And.... Arawn? "Hello brothers! We've missed you!" Oliver said right off the back. Peter ran into Oliver almost knocking him over along with Allistor and Seamus. "I thought you said it was you, Seamus, Allistor, and Carter, when did Arawn decided to come too?" I asked. Peter was sobbing into Oliver's pink-ish vest. "Last minute." Arawn said.

Oliver looked down with a smile at Peter, who was still sobbing. "It's ok little one, we are back for good this time." he said to Peter. Allsitor patted Peter's head and Carter rubbed his back. Peter let go of Oliver and hugged Allistor and Seamus at the same time, then Carter and Arawn.

They got their bags in the house and they sat on the couch and love-seat. Everything stayed the same as if mum never left and I want it to stay this way. "Would anybody like any tea?" I asked before going to the kitchen. "That would be lovely." Oliver said and the others simpley said 'yes'.

I made 5 cups of tea and handed them all out. Peter really wasn't into tea. We sat there and talked when yet another knock at the door, "Were you expecting someone, Arthur?'' Allistor asked. I shook my head and walked over to the door. I opened it to find Alfred. "What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"I came by to check on you and Peter and to meet the rest of your family, Oh! and to give you this." He reached into his pocket and handed me about $300. "Wait how did you get this?" I asked concern. Last time I check he gave me everything in his wallet for coats. "Just been taking out trash, walking dogs, helping my dad, anything to get money, I also got a job already." He smiled. I was stunned. It took me at least a week to get a job.

"Arthur are you ok?" I heard Carter ask from the couch. I snapped out of my thoughts. "Y-yeah. I'm fine" I turned to Alfred "Come in." He walked into the house and everybody was looking at him. Peter got up. "Hi Alfred, Thanks a lot for helping me the other day." Peter thanked him. "No problem little dude"

The others stood up and greeted Alfred, said who they were and there age. First the twins Seamus and Carter, 24, Allistor, 22, Arawn, 23, Oliver,21. Alfred said who he was and his age,18. Alfred explain why he gave me the money. "Oh goody! Now I know there aren't any more bad people!" Oliver said as he clapped his hands.

Alfred left not long after that. He said he had to go and tell his parents he had a job now. Now where was every body going to sleep?

I'm sure Arthur will figure out something to do with the bedding situration bye bye for now my lovelies

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