Finishing the rest of our lives (2)

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Arthur raced to the hospital room, needing to see Alfred. He knew that at this stage, he could be cured and Alfred could live a long and happy life. But, he just wanted to see Alfred so very bad. Matthew met him up there and they went to the room, where Alfred was laying in the hospital bed, his hair was gone due to radiation treatment. And he looked so tired (Side affect from radiation). Alfred moved his head gently to see who was coming into the room and smiled softly. "Hey babe." He said softly. Arthur started to tear up as he went over to the bed. "Alfred..." He said softly.

Alfred gently took his hand in his own. "I'll be alright babe. I'll kick cancer's ass and be your hero for many years to come." Arthur sat down in the seat, holding onto Alfred's hand tightly. "Why didn't you tell me?" Arthur asked. "Did you at least get to finish school?" Alfred smiled softly. "Yes. I'm still getting my diploma. And I was scared that you would be upset and leave me. All he it's quiet Yale and ruin your future." Alfred said softly. Arthur looked at him and shook his head gently. "I could never leave you, and you would be right on quitting Yale so I could help you threw the treatments."

Alfred chuckled softly. "Well, you're here now and you're a doctor." He smiled. Arthur smiled and nodded. "And I'll make sure you get better." Alfred seemed to start falling asleep because he kept closing his eyes for longer periods at a time. "This time.... you can be.... my hero...." Alfred mumbled out before he fell asleep. Arthur smiled softly and nodded. "And I will be." He said softly.

---- ---- ---- ----

Over the corse of months, Alfred received treatment for the cancer. He was required to go to therapy since it was clear that Alfred had became a bit depressed. Arthur was always with Alfred whenever he could. He drove Alfred around and made sure he was comfortable. Alfred wouldn't get his hair back for a long time. But that was ok. Alfred spent a lot of days watching old super hero cartoons and shows and movies. It made him happy. And Arthur didn't mind it either. They spent two years like this actually. Alfred started to show signs of improvements. Alfred started to want to get out of the house much more.

Arthur gladly took him out of the house whenever he could. Arthur worked from home so far, which paid the bills and paid for their wedding details because they both still wanted to get married. Arthur wasn't terribly busy, so he got some time off to his self and for Alfred. After a few months, Arthur started to get his Alfred back. The funny, lovable, amazing, incredible American was coming back to him. Arthur smiled happily as he took Alfred to his doctor's appointment. "Babe, lets play!!" Alfred was a bit of a child at heart, playing with a mountain of Legos while they waited to be called into the office to see if Alfred was cured.

Alfred played happily with the Legos. Arthur smiled and watched him play. That was definitely his Alfred. The doctor soon called them in and Alfred was scanned and tested for anymore cancer. It took a couple of hours, but after awhile, they had test results and it was clear. Alfred was cancer free now. Arthur smiled. He was so happy. His Alfred was back.

Alfred cheered a little bit and smiled happily. They were allowed to leave after a little bit and Arthur took Alfred out to eat since it was past noon and neither one had anything to eat yet. And while they were out to eat, Arthur called Alfred's parents and his brother to tell them that Alfred no longer had cancer. Alfred was excited. He started to talk about how he was so excited to have his hair back when it starts growing back and how much he missed it because the winters were cold and his head was freezing in the winter time. Arthur smiled and listened to him. They got drinks and some food before they sat down and started to eat. Alfred hummed softly as he ate.

Arthur chuckled softly. Yep. His Alfred.

---- ---- ---- ----

With Alfred being cancer free now, he was able to get a really good job and now they both were working to save up money for the wedding. Arthur was excited with everyday they got closer to having the $50,ooo budget complete. They were at $45,000. This included the suits, the cake, the dj, the building, the food, the party, the lights and everything in between. And Alfred was starting to get his hair back. So, he would have his old hair style by the time they get married. If he was lucky. They worked all day and sighed softly once they got paid and half of their pay checks were able to be put into the back for the wedding.

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