It's my Birthday. I forgot about it

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He really worried me when he had his break down. I didn't know what to do and now all I can think about is Arthur. Look at a tea cup, I think of how Arthur likes tea. Look at a bush it reminds me of his eyebrows, that I like so much. Look at a piece of paper I think of how pale he was when he had his panic attack.

Jeez being in love is hard work. Mainly because I'm not sure if he feels that same. I mean I was an asshole to him for about 2 years, and I only went out with girls before. But no matter what, I just didn't click with them as I do when I'm near Arthur. Does that make me gay?

It sure does. You're gay for Arthur. Just admit you are. It's the only reason you can't get him out of your mind.

Dude my mind is right! I'm going to find him today and speak with him. I mean like we are friends now, right? Yeah, but wait what if he doesn't like me back? Then it would ruin our friendship. FUCK! What am I going to do then?


Alfred has been pretty weird lately. I wonder why. Maybe he is scare I might have another attack. I have my pills in my bag. Then again with him it could be something stupid. Oh well, I'll just carry on with my life. But he does look pretty adorable, worrying about me. Give me a feeling that I'm wanted. Something I wanted myself for awhile now.

"Oh hey Artie! I almost forgot!" He reached into his bag as we walked. He pulled out a box and handed it to me. "What is this for?" I ask him. How did he fit the box in with his stuff?.

"It's you birthday, right?" I completely forgot! To me my birthday is just another day where I go to school, work, go home after midnight, and sleep till 5. I looked at the box. "You're right it is my birthday, I forgot." I smiled at him. "Thank you Alfred." He got me something and knows my birthday. Even after I did nothing for him, but make him worry.

"No problem, dude." he had a small blush. Was he trying to make my life better? If so all he needed to do was be here for me. I opened the box. It had CDs, wrist bands of my favorite bands, blood on the dance floor and black vail brides, and T-shirts of botdf, falling in reverse, bvb, and bring me the horizon.

I was stunned. He was being so nice to me. I looked up at him and he had a big smile on his face. "Well did I do a good job?" He asked.

"I....I love it." I replied. It's not everyday some one was being nice to me that wasn't in my family. "Wait whats on the CDs?" I asked.

"Listen to find out." Is all he said. We walked to my house, It was my day off since Cindy was covering for me, such a nice girl. I walked into the house with Alfred behind closing the door. I really couldn't see pass the box. I set it down and saw a banner saying 'Happy birthday', presents on the table, balloons, streamers here there and everywhere, and a big smile on my brothers faces.

"Happy birthday little brother!" Oliver said coming over to hug me. Then from one hug it turned to a group hug. Allistor and Carter around us all. They might not be the oldest but they sure were the strongest and biggest.

"I'll be back in a few minutes." Alfred said some time in the hug group and left. The group was parted, well exacpt for Oliver. He was always the hugging type. "Invite your friends and let's party." Oliver finally stopped hugging me.

"What friend do I have besides Alfred?" I said/asked. Then Alfred knocked on the door. I opened the door and he had his brother with him along with Gilbert, Francis, Antonio, Lovino, Feli, Ludwig, Yao, and Ivan. As soon as I saw Ivan I started to freak out.

His creppy gaze meet mine and I nearly lost it. "I'm sorry for what happen, you forgive me, Da?" He said before I could close the door. I looked at him and remembered him and Yao kissing.

I nodded my head and stepped back so they could enter. "Oh goody, now this is a party." Oliver said jumping up and down. Since mum died I focused on School, work, and Peter, so I didn't celebrate my birthday.

Before I knew it, Carter brought out alcoholic drinks. "What are you doing?!" I yelled at him. He looked at me. "It's not a party with out any alcohol!" Allistor and Arawn nodded. What were they doing? We are only 16-18! I SWEAR THEY HAVE NO MINDS!!!

"I think it's a good idea." Now Oliver agrees. Great. I sighed in defeat. "Dude your brothers are cool!" Alfred said. "But wait..." I just got an idea. "What about Peter? As his gaurden I don't want him to come home to drunks." I got custody of Peter the week after mum died.

"Oh yeah, Doesn't he have any friends he could spend the night?" Allistor asked. "How the bloody hell should I know, I worked right after school and don't come back home till after midnight." I honestly didn't want any body to get drunk.

Just then Peter walked in the door. "Arthur!! Arthur!! Can I PLEASE spend the night over at Drake's house? He is waiting out side right now, I'll get my homework done I promise!" Oh my... He wasn't a out cast like me. "Is his mother ok with it?" I asked.

"Yea! she is outside if you want to meet her." Peter was determened to go. I walked out the door and meet Drake's mother. She was quite pretty, blond hair, blue eyes, lightly tanned skin. Me and her talked for a bit and Peter got his stuffed packed. He was so excited. Before he left I was asking him if he had whatever I could think of.

After he had everything he needed, I waved bye to him and they drove off. I walked back in and Allistor got the top off the bottle. Well looks like there are going to be drunks in my house tonight.

How will the party go? Will Arthur get drunk? Will Alfred? Fine out next time my lovelies

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