The first day of us part 2

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"Don't scare me like that you twat!" He just laughed and sat next to me. The room filled up slowly. The teacher told us what we needed to get done and went to his office to type and grade art work. When he left the room, it stayed calm. It seemed weird because when he left the room it usually turned to a loud jungle.

I continued to sketch the rose. I was trying to imitate the rose Alfred gave me. I thought it was beautiful and needed to put on paper. Good thing we needed a nature drawing for the grade. I looked over to Alfred's drawing and was amazed. It was of pure beauty. It was a bush full of roses, they looked real, like you could just reach over and pick one up. There was also a blue jay siting on one of the branches despite the thrones.

Alfred saw me looking. "That is amazing, Alfred, they look so real." He gave a warm smile. It was just so amazing. It looked better then my sketch. Neither was colored yet but... WOW it was just perfect. Yao got my attention for a minute. "Hey, Arthur, how does mine look, aru?" I looked over at his.

It was a panda in a bamboo forest. It looked real too. It made me ashamed of my sorry excise of a drawing. "Wow everyone here seems like they can draw." I said putting my elbow on the table and falling my head on my hand.

"Oh Arthur your's is awesome! Don't feel bad." Alfred patted my head. I smiled for a bit. I was just going to start over when I got home later that night, if I decide to hold on my studying. Class went on and so did the other classes. First art, then p.e, science, then civics. In civics I heard some conversations.

They were about me and Alfred being a couple. How the bloody hell did they know?! Oh right that bloody cheese loving frog must of told others. Alfred didn't seem to mind them knowing. But I did. I was scared really.

I was scared of getting teased on and beaten by the others. The girls wouldn't because they seem to think it's so romantic, The guys on the other hand I couldn't tell what they thought. After civics, was lunch. Me and Alfred sat next to each other at the jock table.

They're so much bigger then me. They could easily break one of my bones if they wanted to. Alfred kept his arm on my shoulders, and the girls stared at us before turning to their lunch. I didn't like all the attention. How can Al just not care about all of it?

He gave a show for the girls though. He kept me close and the other jocks didn't seem to mind at all. Al gave me a few kisses on the cheek. When he did that, a few girls had to leave the lunch room due to nose bleeds. Alfred is such a tease.

I just sat there blushing and eating my lunch, I brought a few scone from home and some tea. He talked with the jocks around us and I didn't pay much attention. I sunk myself in my thoughts again and thought about the rose.

I couldn't help but feel like something was around the flower. It is a pretty rose with all its different colors, very different, one of a kind, surely. Lunch end and so we were off to algebra and then finally the final bell of the day, English. I copied notes and Al copied notes from me.

The bell ringed and I stayed back because crowed places weren't my thing. I packed up all my stuff and Al was waiting at the door. We walked towards our jobs. He got a job across the street at the clothing store while I was at a Starbucks.

Busy during the week. Girls coming in from the clothing shop to get a tea or coffee or some type of sweet pastry. Some would flirt with me. Which made me feel really uncomfortable. I just shrugged them off after the girls left.

I never liked any girl in anyway more then a friend. I just didn't feel that way towards them in a romantic way. Every one in my family knows I am gay and they accept me. Girls still flirt with me. But I don't complain, not as many as there was.

Having the teenage girls at my school knowing I'm in a relationship has its good points. I worked till around 9:30pm. My boss understood I had to study so he let me leave earlier then I normally do. He said I could leave early till the day of the test then I had to work till closing time.

Alfred was walking over when I came out of the door. When he got over to me he held my hand as we walk to my house. "I messaged my mom telling her I was going to be studying with you for a while." He broke the silence. "Good I don't want you to get in trouble."

We joked around till we got to my house. Peter should of been in bed by now. I opened the door and saw Allistor passed out on the couch. I silently laughed as I wrapped him up in a blanket. Al went up to my room while I got us both something to eat.

We stayed in my room with music playing and us quizzing each other. Alfred left to go home around 11:30. So I got changed for bed but study a little bit before I slipped into bed. I was happy being with Alfred, more then I thought I would be. I drifted off in to sleep, finding out the magic around the rose was going to have to wait.

Aw so cute! I out did my self with this chapter I think. Read my other stories if you want and have a nice day/night. till next time bye bye my lovelies.

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