Getting to know the family

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I woke up to someone shaking me, it was Allistor. Oh god! I was going to died wasn't I? I looked down to see Arthur still asleep. He couldn't do anything with Arthur right there, right? Allistor gave me a little smile. Then I was sure he was going to kill me.

"Thanks Alfred." I looked at him in total confusion. What was he thanking me for? "For what?" I asked him whispering so I didn't wake up Arthur. "Thanks for being here with him, you seem to make him happy..." He started out nice but the nice voice didn't stay for long. "If you hurt him in any way I will hunt you down, rip your thout out, and choke you with them."

Holy shit I am scared now! "Don't worry I wont, dude." I was so scared. He patted my head and walked out of the room. I was too scared to go back to sleep. Like you would after being threatened by him? So I just laid there and thought of different things like the tea Arthur likes, the bands he adores, just things he likes. Then I started to think of him.

So innocent in his sleep, so useful, never dependent, never wanting help. He was defiantly his own person. The only time he would accept help is if you bother him almost every minute. As I thought it out I relized I'm deeper in love then I thought I was.

I came out of my thoughts and looked down at him. I noticed all his imperfect perfections. He really needed this time to sleep and I loved the time with him. I fell back asleep, tightening my grip on him slightly.


We were woken up by a loud knock on the door, that startled both of us awake. Arthur still looked tired but not as tired as he did earlier. "Time for dinner you two." We heard a stern voice say, must have been Carter or Arawn. We walked out of his room after turning the CD player off and went to the kitchen. There sat everybody at a small table, ment to seat 4.

I counted everybody and there was seven of us all together. I didn't complain and I stood up even though everyone wanted me to be seated. But I was fine standing. Through out the dinner everybody was talking and they had smiles as Peter told them about something that flew in the teacher's hair.

They seemed happy even though not everything was what they wanted. I smiled and talked with them all. "So Alfred..." Oliver started and everybody got quiet. I looked at him. "Are you and Arthur a thing?" I looked at Arthur and he had a blush on his face. Everybody was looking at me and him.

Waiting for my responce. What should I do? What if Arthur didn't want to tell them yet? Oh boy I am screwed here. "Actuallly yes we are." Arthur said for me. Phew! Was that a reliever for me.

Oliver gave a smile. "You seem like it that's why I asked." He said a little too bubbly. The rest of dinner everybody asked me at least 5 questions about me. Basic things really like 'Were you born here or somewhere elses?' 'What's your family like?' just basic things.

After dinner I helped out with dishes. I could tell I would be around here a lot anyways. I think I made a good impression on Arthur's brothers, mainly Peter. Me and Arthur went back into his room. "Don't have too much fun!' we heard Oliver say, looking back he had a huge grin on his faces, while the others shook their heads.

Arthur climbed back on the bed and I laid down next to him, wrapping my arm around him. We still haven't finished listen to the first disk, so Arthur turned it back on. This song was a mash up of two by his favorite band botdf. It is called the loving dead/ Love sucks! I put it on just incase he liked the songs.

I didn't even know what the songs sound like. After the 'The loving dead' song was done he changed it. I didn't argue after all I gave it to him. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled the covers over us. He looked so cute being tired.

The songs played one right after another. I could feel Arthur falling asleep. His body relaxing as time went on. When he was asleep I pulled out my phone and sent Matthew a text message.

hey bro staying at Arhtur's for the night tell mom, thx gn

After awhile I got one back. It was a simply 'ok'. I put my phone down on his night stand. I smiled at Arthur before I fell sleep and I whispered "I love you Arthur'' I hope I'll be able to do this every night after school is done for.



I woke up the next morning feeling... refreshed. I haven't had that feeling in years. But I also felt something warm around my waist and in front of me. Oh yeah, Alfred stayed the night. He was so warm and it felt so good to just lay there with the one I love. Besides my family.

The sun was shining in through the window and certains. It was going to be a warm, sunny, pleasent day. Hopefully no storms later on. I played with Alfred's hair for a few minutes. I notice how soft his hair was. Almost like silk.

Then he tighentened his grip with a yawn he said "Good morning" I smiled and replied with a good morning back. "What do you want to do today, babe?" I looked at him. Something is better then nothing, right? "I don't know, Maybe I should clean the house up some." I replied.

"After that how about I come back and take you and your family out for lunch?" That sounded pleasent, but we have a test coming up and I don't want to fail. The test is 45% of our grade so failing is not an option.

"That would be nice, but we have that civics test coming up. I would like to study for it." He gave a little disappionted look. "I'll study with you if I can take you out along with your family.'' he does come up with some good plans now and then. I nodded my head and he jumped up with excitment.

thats all for now my lovelies bye bye.

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