Many months later

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I stayed in the hospital for awhile and they finally let me leave. I don't like hospitals. So many people died there. Alfred was kind to share the rewards with me. He got all types of stuff. Sweets from the bakers, gifts from the girls at school, cards from the jocks. All because he became my hero.

He gave me half of everything. I also saw he was getting tired of all the gifts. He got a few medals but he hid them. He got a few interviews from CNN news and from 'the today show' but other then that everything seemed normal.

I left the hospital at noon. I smiled as I left. Happy to get the bloody hell out. Alfred was in school. The drive to the house was silent but not awkward. My burnt arms, chest, and hand hurt but I could deal with it. When we got to the house Oliver helped me out of the car and Allistor opened the door. I went to my room and laid down on my bed.

That bloody git could of died thanks to me. I would be dead without him.

I kept thinking about Al. It's not everyday I get saved by an angel. Or a hero in this case. I looked over to look at the rose. Some how it was still blooming. No one watered it at all. How is it still alive? It looked healthy, full of life, bigger then I left it, prettier. This magic spell couldn't wait any longer.

I got up and went over to my bag. Surely it had a spell that could help me figure this out. I turned the pages with my thinned bandaged hand, skimming over the Latin words. I knew Latin for a while so I had no trouble reading them.

The rose lasted without water then how did it survive? I skimmed the pages, spell after spell, nothing. That's all I found, nothing. Nothing to tell me what kept the rose alive or how it grew with out the needed requirements.

It's been sitting in a dark room with no sun, water, freash soil, or fresh air for two months and yet it still improves. I am near the back of the book and still no result. I'll have to go to the public libary. Then again should I tell Alfred? Just about my power and that I can see what others can't.

No, not yet at least. I laid back down on my bed and stared at it. Wondering what type of magic could keep it alive for so long. Magic has rules after all. If it was casted the caster had to be near. But this wasn't casted, This was grown. Grown magic is different.

If plant, then the spell had to pin a person to it and can pin up to 2 people, human, demon, witch, caster, or angel. And then it would grow no matter what, say over watering, it would be fine and it shows character traits of the person/people it pinned. It must have pinned Alfred, but then who was the other one?

All of us was there when Alfred showed us the flower beds. It couldn't be Allistor or Carter because the flower doesn't show any signs of their character traits. This was going to take some time to figure out. The rose stood up, like Alfred does, has bushy leaves , like me or Oliver or Peter, and had the colors mainly blue with red and white, like me or Peter.

Surely I would figure out the other. But then the spell becomes weird. The relationship of the two it pinned is how the plant survives mainly. If weak then the plant dies, if strong it will live as long as it stays strong. Boy, I was thinking about it too much. There could only be three possible people, me , Oliver or Peter.

I'll Find out later, I need to rest for now. If it was me I wouldn't want it to get damaged. I pulled out my ipod and listen to music as I fell asleep.


Damn school, how can I do my work and pass when I can't lift a fucking pencil? I was walking home with Matthew. "This is bull." I said finally breaking the silent. "What is?" he asked holding his white stuffed bear like he was five.

"The school is failing me cause I don't do my work... Like HELLO! I can't pick up a pencil yet." I still had to have bandages. I missed playing football, writing, just doing something. "You'll get better soon. I'll help you with your homework if you want." I guess that could help some.

"Thanks little bro." I smiled at him. Turning something in is better then nothing. We reached the house and Matthew opened the door. "Hey babies, how was school?" greeted at the door by mom. Best way to step in your house.

"Good." Me and Matthew said at the same time. "Oh Arthur got out of the hospital today, they called the house to let you know." Awesome! I'll go see him later, right now I need my grades to improve. Matthew and I went into his room.

He did his homework first and I just watched. He finished and pulled my bag onto his lap. "You know you could of asked me sooner to help you with your homework." I shrugged my shoulders. I knew what was there but I just couldn't write it down.

He sat there asking me the questions on the papers, I answer them, he writes what I say. We got all my homework done, even some late papers, and he packed my stuff up. "Hey, Alfred, can I ask you something?" He asked.

"You just did." I gave a goofy smile. "No not that one." I like to tease him. "Sure shoot." He nodded his head and took in a deep breath.

"Well do you love Arthur?" I nodded. Of coarse I love Arthur. Why wouldn't I? "Well How do you know you're in love?" What did Francis do to Matthew?

I chuckled and sighed. "Well... That's a hard question to answer...." I smiled. It really is hard to explain how I know I'm in love. "Why do you want to know?" I asked and a blush ran across his face. "W-Well I like some people but I don't know who to p-pick."

He's a player? "Who are they?" I asked. "Matt, Gilbert, and Francis, they all asked me out and now I d-don't know who to pick." Wow I knew Francis had a thing for him but Gilbert and Matt too?

"Well spend some time with each one differently and see how that goes, If you like to be around one of them more then the other then go with that one." That's all I had to say, he nodded and I left his room.

that's all this time. Who will Matthew pick? Will Arthur find out who the second person is? Will He tell Al about his powers? Find out next time till then bye bye my lovelies

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