The party 2

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Arthur seemed protective of Rebecca and we just meet, pretty much. "So, Bradley, How did you meet Rebecca?" Arthur asked. It wasn't a friendly way. "We meet though one of my girlfriends, well She was my girlfriend then we broke up and now me and Rebecca are going out."

Sleazy! How could he do that? "Wait that's not right!" I added. "Rebecca felt guilty for it so she talked with my ex and she said she didn't care then me and her became a couple." He replied. That makes since I guess. "So she felt guilty?" Arthur asked.

"Yea she is a easy soul and felt guilty that she liked me, I'm happy with Rebecca but also sad." He finished. "Why the hell would you be sad?" I asked. He looked down with a frown. "Well I have to move coming up in June and I don't want to break her heart again." He said.

"Again?" We asked at the same time. "Yea I had to once for my grades and I never want that to happen again." That's when Rebecca, The sweet small girl who is shy around others she doesn't trust, came back with a drink of water.

"What I missed?" She asked. "Nothing sweetie." Bradley gave her a soft smile. They did seem cute together. He is taller then her and they seem like they love each other. It's sad he will have to brake her heart soon because he is moving in less then a month.

We sit there for a while talking and getting to know each other better. Rebecca loves botdf, bvb, falling in reverse, fall out boy, and many other bands we also like. Bradley likes My chemical romance, but doesn't like bvb or botdf. They seem so different now.

I had about 2 or 3 mixed colas and Arthur won't drink anything alcoholic same with Rebecca. Bradley looks like he wants to tell Rebecca but just can't hurt her again. He gives a heavy sigh. "Hey Rebecca can we talk?" He asks.

Poor Rebecca doesn't know what is going to happen. "Sure." She say and he drags her away from the table and we watch them. I frown as her smile turns to a frown and tears run down her face. Bradley walks away from her and she slumps to the ground. She doesn't deserve this.

I get up and walk to her. "You ok?" I know she is not. "Yea, yea I-I'm fine." Tear still rolling off her cheeks and she fakes a smile. I open my arms to give her a hug. She stands up and walks into my arms. "It's ok" I tell her. I walk her over to the table.


The poor young lady came for a fun time and found heart brake. Alfred hugs her. "What the hell happened?!" We hear a female voice from be hide. I turned and found a girl with dark brown, curly hair. A bit bigger then Rebecca. Rebeca turned around and looked at the unknown girl.

"Hannah, He broke up with me." Rebecca said. "I told you, come here" Said the girl, Hannah. Rebecca got out of Alfred's hug and went to hug Hannah. "Is this your friend?" I asked. "No this is my twin sister." Rebecca said as she cried onto Hannah's shoulder. They don't even look related.

Hannah nodded and kept hugging Rebecca. "Twins?" Alfred asked. Rebecca nodded and lifted her head, looking at Alfred. "Yea I know we don't look related but we are. We also have a big sister." Rebecca said. "That is acting like a bitch." Hannah added.

Rebecca sat down after grabbing an alcoholic drink. "Rebecca, don't your blood sugar." Hannah said. "I don't care anymore." Rebecca was depressed right now. "Can I just have a few to forget tonight?" She asked. Hannah gave in and let her have some.

We got to know Hannah while Rebecca got buzzed. They were getting ready to leave, so I gave Rebecca a hug and shook Hannah's hand. "Please don't let him ruin your life, Ok Rebecca?" Alfred said hugging her, She nodded then they were off.

"Poor girl." I said as Alfred got another drink. "Yea, she is so sweet and adorable and she really loved him." He said sitting down. "I'll message her tomorrow" I added. She needs support right now.

After about an hour Alfred kept drinking, then an even drunker Francis came again. "Mon Ami ...comment... allez-vous?" God I hate French. "We are fine thanks for asking." Alfred said. How can he understand him?

"Would you like anymore to drink?" Al asked him. "Non je bein." Fracis said. "Quand? Je veux un." What did he say? "Ok dude." How is Alfred understanding him? I am totally lost. Alfred hands him the drink and I turn to Alfred. "How in the bloody hell can you understand him?" I ask him.

"Dude I've known this fucker for years, I've learned." He sat down. We watched Francis get drunker. "Can we go dance?" Alfred asked me. "I don't dance." I stated. "Please we've been here for about 4 hours and haven't danced yet." Then Francis pulled on my shirt. "Il ne vuex pas dancer (danc-ay)!" Francis yelled.

"What? I can't under stand you, twat!" He looked at me. "He said 'he don't want to dance'" Alfred cleared up for me. I just don't dance in front of people. I took a sip of my drink and spit it out at the taste. "What the hell did you do to my drink!? Did you put that damn wine in it?!?!" I yelled. Some went down my throat.

"Honhonhon oui" Francis said with a big stupid smile. I knew that meant 'yes'. "God damn it you bloody frog I can't drink alcohol!! you idiot!" I yelled at him. "My family has a known addiction to alcohol you bloody cheese loving, wine drinking, English mixing, sex driven frog!" I yelled. I started to feel it in my system and begging for more.

"Dude calm down," Alfred said. "Damn it! It's in my system!" My hands started to shake. "Pourquoi?" Francis asked, but I still couldn't understand him. "He said 'Why?" If Alfred wasn't here I wouldn't understand him at all.

"All I know is it's pasted from farther to son in my family for generations!" my system was now begging, trying to take over my thoughts and actions to get more. "Just drink some more." Alfred suggested. I refused to let myself. Alfred handed me his drink. "Alfred get it away!" I don't want to be an alcoholic. My arm reaches for the drink, I smack my arm.

"It won't hurt." He said. It will hurt my chances! My arm reaches for the cup and brings it to my lips. Damn it Alfred! I drink what was in it. "Better?" he asked. "It's your fault, but yes." He smiles at me. I stopped shaking and the drink takes its affect.

oh no, will he get drunk? What will happen if he does? Till then bye bye my lovelies.

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