Father.... Mother....?

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((Sorry. This is just a spacer or something to give you guys. I know it's been a while since I last updated anything. So, here is a chapter of Alfred F Jones. This is a trigger chapter, it's about his father and mother, who both killed their selves. Do NOT read if you feel that you can't deal with the death of his parents and there might be a part two))

November 16th. Aw, what a day it had been. The day the young couple had dreamed of since they had married, a dream that had been dreamt for over a year now. Over three years actually. Lilian-Rose Jones, a beautiful woman with bright blue eyes and blond hair, was shaking where she sat. A pregnancy test in hand. How would she tell her beloved husband?! The test was positive and she was so glad and so happy and so nervous all at once. She knew her husband would be happy, they've been trying for so long.

She got up and ran to get the phone but she paused as she reached the slim house phone. Should she wait till he returned home? She should. Then they could cuddle on the couch and enjoy the news together. She bounced softly and laid a hand over her stomach.

When her husband returned home, she told her hero about the news. Oh, John was so happy to finally hear that she was pregnant. He picked her up and spun her around. He knew that this would happen since he had upped his game with the romance and with his game in the bedroom. The couple enjoyed the night and Lilian-Rose was enjoying all the cuddles she was given from her husband. Her handsome, blue eyed hero.

---- ---- ----

The months had gone by quickly it seemed. It was now July 1st and Lilian-Rose's held a nine month pregnant belly. The baby boy was due any day now. John didn't allow her to do anything really. He did the dishes, he did the house work, he always took care of her. She was actually enjoying the break from cleaning and everything, it gave her more time to play video games. John went on walks with her and always made healthy meals. He didn't want the baby or her to get sick. The two were cuddled on the couch, watching a movie that sparked Lilian's interest.

John was gently rubbing the belly that held his baby boy. Yes, they knew they were having a baby boy. They both wanted a baby boy more than anything else in the world. A baby boy before they have a baby girl so the boy can protect his little sister. So perfect. Lilian sighed softly and gently, laying against him gently. The perfect life with her perfect husband.

A couple days pasted by and it was now the 3rd. Lilian was running around, knowing that something was off now. She has been a bit paranoid over the couple of days. She had checked the over night bags three or four times a day each day. She made sure they had literally everything and added new things everyday in case they needed them. John didn't bother, he just did anything and everything to please her. But, suddenly, she stopped. She dropped a baby bottle she had been holding and was putting in the bag. "Lilian? What's wrong?" He asked. He was concerned. "M-my water broke...." She said softly. Her jeans became soaked. "H-H-he's coming!" She held her stomach as a small contraction came over her small body frame.

John froze before he hurried and got the bag and picked up his wife before racing out to the car. He laid Lilian in the back, tossing the bag in as well on the floor bored before he got in the driver's side and hurriedly drove her to the hospital.

She spent the rest of the day with contractions that made her body shake and curl up. But, at 6:34 am, sunrise, on the 4th of July, she gave birth to a healthy baby boy that was living up to the family's image already. Blond hair and blue eyes. Lilian smiled softly down at the little bundle of laughing joy. He definitely was a happy baby. John couldn't believe this. He was a father now. He had a little boy. And he couldn't stop bouncing and jumping as excitement over flowed the new father. But he manage to stop and adore his new son.

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