Music is my drug along with you

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Oh boy what was Oliver planning? Alfred tried to skip but Oliver instated him to stay for dinner. This went on for about 5 minutes then Alfred gave up and joined in for dinner. ''Goody I'll leave you guys for now. Have fun" Oliver said with a wink. I felt my cheek heat up.

I shut the door and left it be. You never know what he is thinking of till it's too late. When I looked at Alfred he had a big grin on his face. I walked back to my bed that the handsome guy with gorgeous blue eyes and sand paper colour hair was laying.

"Looks like I'm staying for dinner." He seemed a little happy about it. "Yea Oliver probably wants to see if your worth having around the house or something like that." That's all Oliver wants I'm sure of it.

Alfred laid his head back on my bed and started to hum a song. I knew the song as soon as he started to hum. It was love struck by Blood on the dance floor. I had listen to that song so many times it's uncanny. Without thinking I started to sing.

"You are my everything, You taught me how to sing, You took a chance on me. Open my heart to see You have the golden key that simply sets me free, You are my only hope, The one I need the most, You are my light and dark, The ever-shining spark, you are my other half you always make me laugh, you are my dearest friend forever till the end we're simply meant to be, for it is plain to see"

I picked up the speed a little to go along with the song. Even after Alfred stopped humming.

"Falling, falling, falling,falling, falling, fa-a-a-all

So in love with you, A love struck, and all the things you do, It's a love struck, I know you'll get me through, a love struck,

I was living in hell until you cast your spell

So in love with you, a love struck, and all the things you do , Its a love struck, I know you can break through, a love struck

oh-la-la-la-la, la-la-la love struck

I can't see myself without you now that I've had a taste, Every time I close my eyes I feel your lip, I see your face... I'm taking every hateful thing I ever said about love I realize I need it and baby you the one

I only smile when I'm with you I spend all day missing you, I'm lovestruck, In your head every thought, every breath

You've turned this boy into a man, I promise I'll love you like no one can, Here we are, Hand-in-hand, My dream came true now I'm your man

falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, fa-a-a-all"

So I sang the song that went on with the same lyrics. I love that song so much, but I never knew exactly why. When I finished Alfred stared at me. "W-What? I like that song." I stated to him.

He gave me a smile. Then I remembered the CDs he gave me for my birthday. I didn't have a chance to listen to them yet with work and caring for my family. "Oh!" I went over to the untouched box.

"What?" Alfred asked as he watched me. I pulled out the CDs, 4 to say, and I walked over to my CD player. "I haven't had time to check them out." I said staring at them still in the cases that Alfred placed them in.

"You can check them out now if you want, to be honest they have great bands on them," That coming from Alfred means there could be any song from any band on them. I picked up one and took it out of the orange plastic cover.

I placed it into the player and pressed play. The disk started to play the first song, you are the heart by botdf. Turns out there was my favorite bands on the CDs. Botdf, Bvb, Falling in reverse, Pierce the veil, Of mice and men, Bring me the horizon, D-12, Skillet, Skrillet, Secondhand Serenade, All time low, Fall out boy, and so many others.

No wonder there was 4 disks. Each one had to have at least 300 songs on it. While the first disk played I climbed back onto the bed. We layed there listening to each song. I had my head on his chest, I could hear his steady heart beat, and one of my hands on his abdomen. He had his arm wrapped around my waist, holding me close, his other hand on my side, our legs tangled together.

I felt like I could stay there forever. I would never admit that to Alfred though. I felt.... happy to be next to him.


We laid on his bed, listening to the bands I put on one of the 4 disk I gave to Arthur. I looked down at Arthur a couple time to see if he fell asleep. After around 15 songs later, I check again and he was. He looked so cute cuddled up with me. He looked so tired though.

I guess after working every day from around 2 to midnight for about 2 years really did tired some one out. I left him be knowing he doesn't sleep well at night. I felt bad for him, really, he was taking care for his 10 year old brother after their mom died, struggling to make ends meet at 15. I'm surprised he was still in school.

I had to be his hero, save him from his depression, help him out when he had no one to go to for help. It's a shamed that he didn't have help when he needed it most. He is a super human and caring enough to take care of his brother, instead of letting him go with a foster family. He knew his brother didn't want to leave him, which left him struggling.

Not saying Peter is a problem. Peter is an angel really, trying his best to help out when he can. But I just want to be Arthur's hero, no one else, just his at least for now. I drifted in and out of dozen off. I fell sleep without even noticing.

Sorry but i used up all the time here for the juicy details. Will Arthur find out Alfred's plan to be his hero? Does Arthur have a dark past? How will dinner go with the family of 6 plus a guest? Oh and listen too the song 'love struck' and also ' you are the heart' by botdf very good songs, till the next time bye bye my lovelies.

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