the morning after

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I woke up in Al's arms as sun shine through the window. I didn't want to wake him up so I stayed in his arms. Last night felt like.... magic? Yea magic. It was wonderful. I don't know what came over me, but I'm happy it did. I looked up at his messy hair.

His strayed piece of hair still sticking up as always. It seemed to move on it's own. Weird. I messed with his hair, avoiding the strayed piece. He woke up and I looked into his pure blue eyes. "Morning love." I said.

He gave a warm smile that could melt ice. "Morin' Honey!" he tightened his grip around me and kissed my check. There is no place I'd rather be.


Arthur looks so cute in my bed with his scruffy hair, wrapped up with my arms around him. He seemed happy, which makes me happy. The door opened and we saw a hammered Matthew stumble in. He kept his eyes closed.

"Bonjour Alfred.... What happen?" He asked as he leaned into the wall. "I don't know about you, or even how you got home." I replied closing the blinds so it didn't hurt his eyes anymore. He slowly opened his eyes.

"Oh Was I intruding?" He asked. "No we just woke up." Arthur sat quietly with a blush on his face. "Well I'm going to go make breakfast for us." Matthew said while trying to get up from the floor. Then someone entered my room. Really, Matthew?!

"Guten Morgan" It's the Prussian. "How and why are you here." I asked not so friendly. "Did you bring me home?" Matthew asked. "Yea I brought you back to your house, I couldn't let mien birdie stay zhere!" That doesn't answer why he is here. "Why are you here?" I asked again.

"Oh vell birdie vouldn't let me leave last night so I slept in his room." Well that explains it. Gil helped Matthew up."Merci Gil." They left soon after. I ruffled Arthur's hair and he looked up at me. I wrapped my arm back around him.

"We should get moving." he suggested. "Nah I'm good." I replied. He chuckled a little. "Come on twat we need to." He patted my arm and I let go of him. We got our clothes on and went down stairs. Well more like I carried Arthur down stairs.

I must have done a number on him last night. Hehheh. We saw Matthew making pancakes and covering them with maple syrup. Gilbert is looking at the pancakes hungrily.... or at Matthew.... hopefully at the pancakes. I sit Arthur down and sit down too.

Matthew gives everybody a good size plate of pancakes. I eat up knowing he likes to make pancakes. After everyone eats the stacks of pancakes Gilbert and Matthew stay down stairs, While me and Arthur go back up stairs.

We just lay on my bad, he is checking his phone, while I have him in my arms. I read one of the messages from his brother, Oliver.

Arthur where are you! Are you ok? Did something bad happen? Message me back when you can plz

Wow protective brother. It makes me rethink about how protective of Matthew I am. Maybe a bit too much. Arthur messaged his brother back. They went back and forth. After a few minutes He gave a sigh.

"I got to go back to my house now, love." He said a little annoyed. "ok I'll drive you there." I suggested while getting up to grab my keys. "No I can walk, It's not that far after all." I am not going to let him walk.

"No I can't let you walk after last night, come on let's go." I said. I opened the door and started to walk to my car. "I'll be back Matthew!" I said as Arthur rushed after me. "Alfred, You don't have to drive me, I'm fine." I didn't listen all to well.
"No, I'm driving you." I got in my truck. "Fine, but you really don't have to."

He got in and I started to drive to his place. We got to his house in less then a minute. I pulled up and an angry Oliver sitting out side of the house. I might have to help Arthur with this one. I get out and walk upwith Arthur.

"Where the bloody hell have you been all night?!" He pretty much yelled. "I was at Alfred's last night after the party." Arthur said calmly. "Oh really? Why?" Oliver asked."I was too tired so he took me home and I slept there on their couch for the night." Oliver looked at me.

I nodded to agree with Arthur. His brother is WAAAAAY more protective over Arthur now. Allistor walked out, still looking sleepy. "Relax Oliver, he is fine, alive and well, now stop screaming your head off, you don't want to wake Peter up do you?"

Allistor seemed to be a good guy. Oliver shot him a glare. Oliver turn to me, I got scare at the daggers he was shooting at me with his eyes. He looked at me like it was all my fault. Well it was but not with the story we told him.

"Fine just call next time, ok?" he lost his glare on me, looking at Artie. He nodded his head. Ok not going to let that happen again. "Now both of you get inside it's a little chilly out here." Oliver told as. I didn't argue with him afraid of the look he might give me.

We sat at the table and had some hot coffee or hot chocolate. We talked quietly in the kitchen. "Well I better be going now." I said as I stood up but only got pushed back down by Oliver. "Stay a little longer, love, I'm sure you want to spend as much time with Artie as possible right?"

"I would love to, but I got to clean the house and kick Gilbert out before he does anything with Matthew. I'll be around though." I said as I looked up at Oliver. He let go of my shoulder and I stood up again. I kissed Arthur and left. Now to get Gilbert out of my house....

Oh they forgot about me! Oh well. Does Oliver know what happened last night between Arthur and Al? Will they ever message me? Will Arthur work on the spell that is around the rose? till next time bye bye my lovelies, also I will have a book call 'Confused' out soon that ties in with this. it's about Matthew!

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