Laughing a little

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Finally I get to go to school. I missed so many days it's unreal. I walked out of the house with my bags. Alfred was getting ready to pass my house and saw me. "Hey Alfred" I smiled for a second.

"Hey Arthur, sorry I didn't come by yesterday," Al didn't have to say sorry. "It's ok I fell asleep when I got home and didn't wake up till after ten last night."

"Good today is going to suck for you."

"What? Why?" I asked. "First day back is always the worst. Anyways... I think Matthew is falling in love."

"Why do you say that?" I feel sorry for the poor soul that will have to deal with Alfred, the overly protective big brother. "Matthew asked me yesterday how can he tell he is in love."

"Who do you think it is?" I asked. "Well Francis asked him out same with Gilbert and Matt." Wow three guys after one prize. "Wow three. He has some thinking to do. But if I was him I wouldn't go with Francis." Al laughed.

"Of coarse you wouldn't you hate Francis with every ounce of your soul." And he is right. I do hate him with every ounce of my soul. We kept walking to the school ground. "Well Matt isn't that bad, Gilbert is loud, like you, But either one would be a great chose for Matthew." I stated.

"Yea I guess." We reached the school grounds. We saw Matt with Matthew pinned to the wall. Alfred didn't like it, I could tell he was angry. "YO! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING TO MY BROTHER!!!" he yelled stomping over to them.

"A-Alfred.... W-wha... It's not.... " Matthew had a deep blush on his face and Matt had a light blush. "What?" Matt sounded so calm.

"Don't 'What' me! What were you doing to Matthew?" Matt just chuckled and looked at Matthew. "I can't flirt with him?" Alfred shook his head. "Alfred come here for a second." I had to cut in or Matt and Al would get into a fight.

I pulled Alfred over a good four or five yards. "Let them be." I whispered to him. "What? Why?" Like I really needed to say. "You are overly protective of Matthew, let him find his own way without you butting in." He gave a sigh. "But.." I cut him off. "No. Just let him figure it out."

Alfred looked over at them. Matt had Matthew pinned against the wall again. They actually look cute together. "Fine only if.." Oh what does he want? "I can do this." He leaned over and pressed his lips to mine.

I froze for a second but kissed back. We broke apart and looked over to see Gilbert trying to get Matt off of Matthew. He was jealous. "Get off mien birdie!" he yelled.

"Non I'm good." Matt replied. Alfred sighed. I know this was going to be hard for Alfred. Alfred went over and pulled the Prussian away. "Nein he'z got mien birdie! The awesome me will not stand thiz!" Alfred talked to Gilbert and Gilbert didn't seem happy.

I didn't see Francis so it could've been worse. Having two people from the BTT fighting isn't good. We call Francis, Antonio, and Gilbert the 'Bad Touch Trio' BTT for short.

(A/N: I ship Canada with France, 2p! Canada and Prussia, don't hurt me!)

Gilbert smiled at the end and Al walked away. "What did you say to calm him down?" I asked. "Oh that he will get a turn with Matthew but he had to asked Matthew before the others." This started to seem like a chick flick.

"OK" The bell ringed, signaling us to enter the school. Matt kept an arm around Matthew's shoulders, I guess he didn't want Gilbert to take Matthew. I went to my class and Alfred went to his. We meet back up in our other classes.

We sat at the jock table, like always now. The jocks talked about a party that was coming up at Antonio's house. "Hey Arthur you should come, then maybe Al will come too." Antonio said. They gotten to know me a lot since me and Al got together.

"What? No I can't anyways I'll be out looking for another job." I bit into one of my scones. "Come on, It'll be fun." He was determend to get me there with Alfred. "I have interviews all this months." I stated.

Alfred came back to the table from the lunch line. "Oh come on just this one time? please!" Jeez he couldn't take no for an answer could he? "Fine! You're just lucky that night is the night I inteview for low paying jobs."

"What's going on?" Alfred asked. "Oh I just got Arthur to agree to go to my party this Friday." Antonio said. I know why he is throwing the party. It's so him and that Italian, Lovino, can screw aroud without getting caught by his parents.

"Awesome." Alfred smiled. What did I just get myself into? They talked about the party the whole lunch period. The day went on and Alfred was right. It is the worse. I got papers and papers till I had a stack that was at least a feet tall.

The bell ringed and I packed up with my working hand. We walked out of the school and headed to my house. "You were right." I said to Alfred. " The first day back is the hardest." he smiled at me. "Yea and you missed more then I did so you have to pull all nighters to get all the work done."

"Yea, Hey I'm going to the libary, you want to come?" I asked I knew the answer but still. "Sure why not?" We walked down the street to the libary. I smile and chuckled a little. "Whats so funny?"

"I'm just thinking about what happened this morning. Gilbert getting jealous of Matt. I think it's kinda.... cute." I looked down and remembered all that morning. Al put his arm around me. "Yea I guess." We entered the libary.

I went up to the 2nd floor and picked out some books. "What language is that?" Alfred asked. "Oh it's Latin." They are magic books about grown spells and how the plant shows its owners. You know, just some books to help me out. "Oh... What type of books are they?" He asked.

"Nothing really important." I bit my lip hoping he would buy that. I checked them out and we headed to my house. First thing first, school work. Alfred watched me as I worked on the papers. I couldn't use my magic to hurry this up with because he was sitting right next to me.

Good thing my working hand was my right, or it would take me even longer to finish. I leaned back in my chair and looked over to see Alfred had fallen asleep while watching me. I shook his arm to wake him up.

He sure is a heavy sleeper. I took out my CD player, putting it next to his head, I turned it on and played it on full blast. He shot out of his chair and fell on the ground. I couldn't help but laugh. He looked up at me and he said something but I couldn't hear him over the loud music. I turn it off , still laughing at him.

"Why did you do that?" He asked. "To wake you up so you could lay on the bed, I tried to shake you awake but that didn't work." I said still laughing. He looked so confused. Oliver, Allistor, and Carter ran into my room. "What happened?" Oliver asked looking at us. "He scared me shitless." Al said. I smiled at my work. "I wanted to have a little fun before I continued with my work. Is that so bad?"

"Why is he on the floor then?" Allistor pointed to Alfred. "He fell asleep and I couldn't wake him up so I turn on my CD player on full blast, he fell out of his chair." Carter smiled and Oliver laughed. "Good job." Allsitor said to me, while Alfred stayed on the ground.

When Alfred finally got up my brothers left. "Now get in the bed before I do it again." I said to him returning to my work. "Ok, just don't scare me like that again." He climbed on my bed while I work. After about 4 hours I knew he was asleep. So I used my magic to help move this along. And let me tell you I got alot done with magic. I stop about 1/4 threw so no one would get serpious about me. I wouldn't want that now would I? I rested my head down on my desk for a few seconds, but I fell sleep.

That's all for now my lovelies bye bye

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