Father.... Mother....? (Part 3)

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((This is where it starts to get happy 😄 mainly because I'm happy now and just got in a relationship and I'm starting to get out of my depression))

Alfred looked out the window the whole time they drove to his new house. The interview had been a few days ago, but the family really wanted to bring Alfred home so they just picked him up from the orphanage. Now, since they didn't know a thing about the boy, it was hard to decorate a room to his liking.

So, the walls were bare and his bed had no decorated designed sheets or blankets.

Alfred looked up at the house once they got to it. It was a big house, two stories. It was the biggest house that Alfred had ever been to. Alfred was actually kind of scared. But, he had no reason to. The Williams welcomed Alfred with open arms, even though they all knew that Alfred was a Jones.

They helped Alfred to his room, where he sat down on the bed and looked around. The room was pretty big too. "I know it isn't much, but we can decorated it later with everything you like." Mrs. Williams said and smiled at her new son. Alfred nodded gently. Alfred unpacked his bag, but stopped when he ran into a cloth. It was plain white, but was a tad bit dirty. He didn't bother opening the cloth to see what was in it. He already knew.

He just stuffed it away, but made sure it would be safe. The Williams left Alfred to unpack his bags, giving him some time alone. But Matthew was curious. He stayed in the room and watched Alfred unpack everything he owned from just a few small bags. Once he was done, Alfred sat down and looked at Matthew.

The boy had weird eyes. They seemed more of a purple color than anything else. His hair was a bit long too. And he held a white polar bear stuffed animal. "I-I'm Matthew Williams... I-I am seven years old..." He said softly and Alfred nodded. He still didn't want to talk though, so instead, he wrote. He grabbed some paper and wrote on it. "I'm Alfred F. Jones. I am 10 years old." He kept the writing to a minim because he knew that Matthew couldn't read that much.

---- ---- ---- ----

It had been a year now since his mother's death. Alfred stayed to himself a lot, even found an abandoned park that he snuck off to when he was trying to be happy. The Williams tried to make him happy, but it was hard to when they still didn't know anything about the boy.

Alfred and Matthew were the closest out of everyone. Alfred would only write on a piece of paper to Matthew. No one else. Mrs. Williams was worried now. It's been six months, shouldn't Alfred have opened up to them and start talking?! What if he can't talk?! What if he was so scarred that he couldn't talk ever again?! Oh poor Alfred!!

She was calmed down after a doctor told her that Alfred could talk, but was just going through his own way of grief over his parents, and turned to find out that Alfred hadn't talked in over a year an a half now, not including to police. They were just going to have to wait till Alfred was ready to talk.

Weeks passed by and Mrs. Williams kept thinking. She had found Alfred crying a few times, and it hurt her not knowing what was making him so upset. Than she came up with an idea. Mrs. Williams smiled softly and went off.

When Mrs. Williams came home, she called for Alfred and Matthew. "Boys!! Come here for a few minutes!!" She called out to them, Matthew came rushing down the stairs, Alfred followed at a much slower pace. They looked up at her. "O-oui, m-mere?" Matthew asked. Mrs. Williams smiled softly. "Now, I have a gift for Alfred, but Matthew I trust that you will help take care of the gift of Alfred forgets to." She said and smiled as she lead the two outside and a German shepherd puppy sat on the deck, tail wagging wildly as he saw the family and pulled on the leash, barking as well with an adorable little puppy bark.

Matthew smiled brightly. "Aw!!" He said in a normal voice, his loud voice. Alfred just looked at the puppy. It had blue eyes, a beautiful color, he was adorable. "Alfred, he needs a name." Mrs. Williams said softly. Alfred went over to the puppy and smiled softly as the puppy jumped up on his hind legs and seemed to take a liking to Alfred. Alfred sat down and pet the pup. Th puppy nuzzled into him and licked him and tried to play.

Alfred turned to Mrs. Williams and smiled. "His name is Hero." He said softly. Mrs. Williams smiled and nodded. "Hero is a nice name for him." She said. Alfred smiled and took Hero into the house, keeping an eye on Hero to make sure he doesn't do anything bad.
---- ---- ---- ----

Alfred was talking a bit more than what he had, starting to talk only at home. Girls still tried to get Alfred to talk at school, and even some boys. Alfred never said a word though. Alfred's room was being decorated with blue paint, Captain America wall stick, super hero posters, and one wall would be painted with all the heroes fighting their villains. Alfred's bed now had super hero themed sheets and blackest and pillow cases. The Williams were learning a lot about little Alfred, and Hero was always by Alfred's side when he was home. While the room was being painted and such, Alfred was sleeping either in Matthew's room or in the living room. Alfred was becoming himself again.

He was playing video games again, playing with Matthew and Hero. Smiling more too. Cps came over every now and then to see how Alfred was doing, and they were shocked to see him smiling and yelling as him, Matthew, and Mr. Williams played in the living room. "Imma get you!" He yelled as the three of them were playing with nerf guns, shooting them back and forth. It was what a normal, eleven year old boy would do. Alfred was acting like he had always lived here.

Cps decided that Alfred was more than happy where he was, since Alfred had actually been playing during their last visit, and after his mother's passing he wouldn't say a word to anyone or even look at anyone. So, they left the family be with very less visits. After awhile, Alfred started to call Mrs and Mr. Williams mom and dad.

---- ---- ---- ----

Alfred was now 13 years old, sitting on his bed, looking down at the old white cloth he had brought with him to the Williams household. He gently unwrapped the item in it, acting as if it would break if he wasn't gentle with it. Matthew was peaking into the room, little 11 year old Matthew. He looked up to his brother and had always wondered what was in the cloth.

Alfred gave a soft and sad smile. He picked up the item from the fabric. It jingled as he picked it up. It was a pair of dog tags. They looked old too, but nothing like a good cleaning couldn't fix it. Alfred had decided that it was about time that he started to wear these dog tags, the tags the belonged to his great grand father. He remembered that his father gave them to him when he was smaller and told him not to loose them. Well, he didn't and now he wouldn't. He got up and headed to leave his room. Matthew scrambled a little bit and quickly went to his own room, which wasn't far from Alfred's so it made a good escape.

Alfred didn't notice his little brother and went to clean off the dog tags before wearing them. Which made him even more mysterious to everyone at school now since he wore an old pair of dog tags and no one knew a thing about the boy still. But after middle school, he started to talk at school and people enjoyed him, Alfred even joined the football team and started to make a lot of friends, but had started to grow a crush on one boy in particular, and it kind of scared him. Liking another dude wasn't normal!!! Or was it? Well, Alfred started to date girls, but none of the relationships lasting long and he didn't care about them. But he tried to hide his feelings for the other male by beating him up and being mean to him. His name was Arthur Kirkland.

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