The party

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The party is tonight. I'm glad Arthur is going, he needs a brake from worrying about school, finding a new job, his family, and money. He deserves a brake. "Hey Arthur are you excited?" I ran up behind him. "For the party? Then no I'm not."

"Oh come on you need a brake! You should just relax tonight." he didn't seem too happy about going. "May I remind you that I still need to find another job?" He works way too hard. "Yea I know but I help you out a lot so just relax tonight, talk to some new people." I added. "Fine but you'll be near by in case something happens?" I nodded my head.

I took out my phone and pressed the play button. It played a song by bvb. THE WORLD'S MOST AWESOME BAND! It was 'devile's choir' a good song. "How did you find all these bands?" Arthur asked. I looked at him. "I found them, and they are really cool so why wouldn't I find them?"

Me and Arthur listen to the same bands. "Alright I'll see ya later, Al." He started to walk down his street. "I'll be by around 7 to pick you up." I said walking straight.

---time skips to 6:30---


I finished another part of my work and decided to wear one of the band shirts Alfred got me. I wore the botdf shirt. It has zombies on it with them in cartoon-form, the singers standing in front of the zombies with weapons. I still have time to spear.

When it hit 7 Alfred arrived, like he said he would. "Yo Artie!" Alfred said with his biggest smile. "Don't call me that," I said to him. "Anyway, bye guys I'll be back soon hopefully." I said to Oliver and Carter.

"Where are you going?" Oliver asked, Carter really doesn't care as long as you come back. "I'm going to a party at Antoino's house." I answered him. "Ok, just don't be out too late."

"Alright bye and Peter knows what time he should be in bed by but he can stay up late if he wants" I said then closed the door behind me. Alfred drove us to Antoino's house. People were showing up and the house has music blaring through the place.

Some were standing outside with red cups and were chatting. I saw Matthew with Gilbert, Lovino's brother, Feliciano, with Ludwig, Lukus in a group with Matthias and a few others I didn't know. Over half the people there I didn't know. This is going to be a long night.

I got out of the car and find Francis heading towards me. "Salute mon ami, comment vas-tu?" I couldn't tell what he was saying and I could smell the alcohol on his breathe. "Alfred is he drunk?" I asked.

"Yea he always talks only in French when he is drunk." He replied. "Non je ne toujours pas!" Francis was more then drunk. All I got out of that was 'no'. "Go somewhere else you drunken French." I told him. He staggered off towards Matthew and Gilbert.

We headed inside, where at least 50 people were in the living room dancing. We slipped though the crowd and went to the kitchen where less people were, but were drinking alcohol. Stuff like wine, vodka, bloody marries, Heineken, beer, and others things.

I got compliments about my shirt since we been here. I got a regular coke and Alfred got, of all things, vodka mixed with cola. A girl walked up to us. "Hi I'm Rebecca, How are you guys doing?" the girl said looking at me then Alfred in the eyes.

"Ello" I was the first to talk. "I'm Arthur and this is Alfred." I added. She had strawberry blonde hair and was wearing the same shirt as me. "I love your shirt Arthur." She said. I smiled. "Thank you and you too." She gave a big smile. (A/n; see I put myself in here)

She sat at the table with me and Alfred. She was a little loud like Alfred, but knew what she was talking about, like me. She didn't have much to show though. She looked younger then she was, not saying that's a bad thing.

"So what school do you guys go to?" Rebecca asked us. "We are going to Landstown High." Alfred said to her. "Great I'm going there soon, to be honest I'm scared and I miss my friends already, speaking of which.." She looked around trying to spot someone.

"Oh never mind she must have left me here." She said a little disappointed. "Who?" I asked. "One of my friends dragged me here for a fun time but people scare me, not you guy though. Her name is Alexis. " She looked down looking disappointed in her self.

"Don't feel bad, I'm sure your friend is near by." Alfred tried to cheer Rebecca up. "Yea but she is always leaving me be hide, just because I don't party like she does." Poor girl she is just like me. She pulled out something from her jacket with a cross on the back. "What is that dear?"

"Oh just a beanie and a scarf I like to wear." She pulled on the beanie on her head and wrapped the scarf around her neck. It made her look cute. Not like that, like in a sister way. "Did you make the scarf?" I asked. "No my good friend made it for me, but she didn't come." Rebecca was quite lonely without her friends.

"Do you have a phone, Rebecca?" Alfred asked. She looked up from her hands. "Yea, Why?" She pulled out her phone and Alfred took it from her. "Hey! Alfred what are you doing?!" Alfred ignored her and he went to her contacts. I watched as she tried to get her phone back from Al. Alfred is twice her size so she didn't get it.

He made a new contact in her phone. "Alfie give me back my phone!" She reached over him to get it back but Al stretched his arm farther. He put his number number in her phone then handed it to me. "Oh come on you two! I'll get in trouble if my aunt finds out." She whined.

I put my number in her phone as well then I handed it back to her. "Now if you want you can message either one of us." Alfred gave a big smile. I smiled too. She looked happy. "Thanks guys, it's nice to know I have someone to talk to after what I've been though." She came over in between us and gave us both a hug.

What did she mean by 'What she's been though'? A young man came by and she light up with excitement. "Hey honey," He said. "Hi, I made some new friends!'' I guess they are a couple. "Guys this is my boyfriend, Bradley" she walked over to him and hugged him.

"Hey dude, you're a lucky guy." Alfred said as they sat down. "Yea I sure am" He wrapped his arm around her and she just smiled. She became all bubbly in mere seconds. As if she was put under a spell. This made me very serious of 'Bradley'.

Rebecca already felt like a good friend and I only want the best for her. Then out of nowhere something went off with a musical tone. She grabbed something out of her pocket and looked at it. "You ok?" Bradley asked. "Yea, yea I'm fine I can handle it later." She replied. "What is that?" Alfred asked.

"Oh I'm a diabetic." Rebecca said with a straight face. "I'll be back with some drinks, Would you like any?" Looking at us all. I still had my coke and Al still had is half alcoholic drink. Bradley offered to go with her, but she made him stay. Leaving for a minute of awkward air between us.

"So Bradley, How did you meet Rebecca?" I asked. Like I said I want the best for her.

That's all for now. See what I did there. Any ways. How did Me and Bradley meet? How is Arthur aware of all this? Will something happen later? Till next time bye bye my lovelies.

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