The first day of us part 1

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It was monday morning. I got up and looked on my phone, there was a new message from Alfred.

Hey! I'll see ya soon!

Figure he would send me a message like that. I listened to music while I got ready for school. Same old same old but this time I couldnt wait to leave, I don't know why though. It was just a normal day besides me being in a relationship. That was the other difference. Anyway I found a note from Peter. It said

Dear Alfred,

Thanks for the fun day on saturday. I had a blast! It made me happy to see my brothers happy and smiling. See ya around!

Yours truley, Peter Kirkland

It was a cute note. He wrote on the back too. Saying for me to give it to Al. I smiled and put it in my bag. I walked out the door and found Allistor outside smoking a cigarette. I sighed and walked past him. If he wants to ruin his lungs fine by me as long as he didn't smoke close to me.

I walked towards school. "Yo! Arthur wait up!" it was Alfred. He ran over to me, which wasn't really call for. I reached in my bag and gave him the note. He read it with a smile on his face. He was so handsome when he smiled.

"Aw aint that cute!" he said after reading it. " 'Aint' isn't a real word." I knew he wouldn't listen but still. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we walked towards the school. I tried to push him back but that doesn't stop him.

"Ohonhononon, What is this we have here?" Oh great the frog showed up. I felt my cheeks heat up. That damn frog is always up to no good. "Oh hey Francis!" Al turned us both around to face him. I looked down to hide my blush. "It looks like we have a timide un here, Hononhon, amour is in the air, Non?" Francis and his damn French. I couldn't understand what he was saying when he mixed French and English.

"Speak English, You damn frog." He just smiled. That annoying smile made me want to punch him in his stupid frog face, He is a bloody wanker for crying out loud! Who wouldn't want to? "Sorry mon ami, but it is in my nature to mix French and Anglias." God damn it.! "It's not Anglais! It's English! God dammit frog!"

Alfred held me tighter since I tried to lung at the wanker. I gave up. "Sorry about that Francis, he really cares for English and stuff like that." Alfred apoligice for me. I wasn't even sorry for my actions. "It's ok, Non harm done."

Alfred didn't let me go. Good thing he didn't or I would punch the bloody twat in the face. Why was the cheese loving, sex driven, wine drinking twat even near me, he knows I don't like him. I was lost in my thoughts as Alfred and Francis talked.

I thought about the rose Alfred gave me, it made me forget about the cheese lover. I also thought about the music on the disks. We walked on to the school grounds, them still talking and me in thought. Something about the rose seemed a little weird besides the colors Alfred 'messed up' on.

Like just some type of magic was on it, and not like casted on it but one that naturally grew along with it. Maybe there was some magic there. Since I have more free time I got back into magic. My mother would practice with me and it was fun, I had to stop to work and go to school.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt something warm touch my lips, it was Alfred kissing me. I pulled away. "What the bloody hell, Alfred?'' I had a deep blush. He gave me one of his smiles. "I couldn't help my self and you seemed out of it."

"I was just thinking, thats all." He placed his arm back around me. "I'm sorry." he leaned in closer to me. My heart started to pound harder. "I-i-it's ok." I felt stupid for stuttering. He looked so.... sexy with his hair sweeping over one eye and that little grin of his.

"Ohonononhon seems like you got him wrapped around your finger, Alfred." I forgot Francis was still there. Al laughed and backed away a little to look at Francis. "More like the other way around." Al chuckled out. We got onto the school grounds and Alfred let go of me.

I went into my class room and Francis followed. He sat next to me, I couldn't help but feel annoyed by his present. Out of all the seats in the class he choose to sit next to me. "So you and Al are in a relationship?" God why did he have to ask?

"Y-yea why do you want to know?" God what was up with me and stuttering today?! "Alfred is mon ami, why wouldn't Je want to know?" Him and that damn French. "Oh well yea we are, Why else would he have kissed me?" I started to draw something so I didn't have to look at him.

"To get your attension, to confess his love, to just annoy you, to ruining your friendship with him..." The list went on for a bit. Why would he do any of those thing any ways? I mean to ruining our friendship. If he wanted to ruining our friendship all he had to do was beat me up, again.

Anyways I went to my art class after the bell ringed and I was happy to go. Art is easy and I sat at the same table as Alfred. I got to the art room and sat my things down, opening my sketch book. I got to the rose I was drawing for the class. Then arms wrapped around my neck, scaring the hell out of me. Thank the heavens it was only Alfred.

thats all for this time. Will Arthur find out why the rose has a magical charm to it? What will happen if Alfred gets his way? *wink wink* till next time, bye bye my lovelies.

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