Father.... Mother....? (Part 2)

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((Might include Alfred getting touched a bit by the creep, but not going into deep details.))

Alfred was now a 10 year old boy but seemed odd to all the other kids. He never talked, he never looked up from the ground, he never played. No one knew what he sounded like and many of the girls tried to get him to talk. But nothing worked. The teachers didn't say anything about it because they all knew what happened just months before the school year started. Poor little Alfred refused to do anything with anyone. He was scared of being hurt again. And who could blame him? He got close to his father and got hurt badly, and now he couldn't trust anyone.

Even the creep from his old neighbor hood had followed him and his mother to a crappy motel. Alfred's mom was gone almost 24/7 now. And the guy didn't leave Alfred alone. Alfred hated it all. Alfred hated going back to the motel and the creep being there. He hated his 'home'. He hated school. He just wanted everything to be ok. He cried sometimes late at night when he was all alone.

Well, today would be the second worse day of his life. Alfred got off the school bus, walking towards the motel where him and his mother were living. He didn't look up from the ground as he walked and heard the other kids get greeted by their parents and the kids laughing. He felt like he was the one they were laughing at. Alfred sighed as he walked onto the lot of the motel building.

"Hey Alfred~" oh no. Not the creep again. He pulled Alfred close, pushing him against the wall. Alfred gasped and tried to push him off. "Get off!!" He yelled, only to get his mouth covered and being dragged to somewhere else. "I've done everything for you, I've made you sweets, I've looked after you, I've even sent you birthday presents, and you ignore me?" The guy asked as he pushed Alfred against the much rougher wall of the back ally of the motel.

"You've been teasing me for way too long Alfie~" Alfred was shaking now. He was so scared. He wanted to go back to the motel room now. The creep started to take off Alfred's clothing, even with Alfred trying to keep them on.

---- ---- ---- ----

Alfred cried heavily, he had bruises all over his arms and throat and body. The creep was long gone now, having left Alfred there. Alfred sniffled as he struggled to get up, putting on his clothing again and limped to the room. He didn't know what happened exactly, he just knew that he didn't like it at all.

He felt so betrayed and so wrong. Alfred got to the room and busted out in tears, dropping to his knees before he fell over and curled up, crying for his mother to please come home. To please be there. Well, his crying could be heard from the rooms around and the police were called.

Soon the police were there, but not before Alfred's own mother was in the room. She was trying to comfort her baby boy now, trying to get him to say what was making him so upset. She knew he was strong, but something really bad must have happened.

The police knocked on the door and Alfred's mom opened the door. She was confused, but then Alfred confessed what happened and it broke his mother's heart. She started to cry and hold Alfred, trying to apologize for not being there to protect him. Alfred stayed out of school for a long time, no one saw him, or heard from him, or even knew where he went. But the word about what happened to Alfred was spread around quickly amongst the parents and staff of the school. But, after a few months, Alfred had to return to school. And even then, he was still shaken up.

---- ---- ---- ----

Alfred held onto his bag tightly as he saw that his mom wasn't there to pick him up. She never left him alone when he came home now. He was scared now, but he got off the bus and went to the motel room. This was the third worse day of his life. Alfred saw his mother laying on the ground, not moving, not even breathing and a empty pill bottle in her hand. Alfred hurried over to her. "Mommy!!!" He yelled, shaking even more now. "Mommy!!!" He tried to wake her up but it didn't work. He cried and called the police. They took Alfred away and he never saw his mother.... or her body again.

---- ---- ---- ----

Several months had passed and Alfred was so depressed and so upset. He was in an orphanage, but he never said a word. Even therapist at the orphanage tried to get him to speak, but Alfred didn't even recognize their presents in the same room as him. He did his chore everyday, then retreated to the room he shared with two older boys. One was 15, the other was 17, both being brothers. They tried to become friends with the 10 year old Alfred, but Alfred never got close enough to them for them to say that they became friends.

Alfred's eyes were dull, his skin was pale, his hair had even faded into a depressing blonde. And it didn't help that others were getting adopted when Alfred just sat there, alone. Sure, a few families became interested in adopting Alfred but then changed their minds after getting into a interview room and not learning a thing about the boy. Alfred stayed slumped in bed all day, eating very little meals. The people who ran the orphanage was scared for Alfred.

---- ---- ---- ----

It had been half a year since Alfred's mother's death. Alfred still didn't speak a word to anyone.

Downstairs, a family had entered the orphanage, even though they already had a little boy of their own, they wanted another one but the mother couldn't conceive another child without giving up her own life. So, they were going to adopt a little boy. At first, they wanted their little Matthew to have a baby brother, but then they saw Alfred's picture in the little book that was kept to keep trace of who was all here.

Alfred's profile didn't hold much information at all, only that both of his parents had committed suicide and his birthday, along with current age. That's all. While the rest were filled to the brim with information of the child. Interests, dislikes, personalities, favorite activities, almost everything about the child. But Alfred's had none of those filled out. Matthew saw the picture of Alfred, and he didn't care if the other was only a few years older than him, he wanted Alfred to be his brother. An interview was set up so Alfred could see the family, and for the family to learn something about him.

It was only a few days after the family first came to the orphanage and the interview was less than an hour away. One of the staff was getting Alfred ready. "Come on, if you don't start talking, than you won't get adopted." He said as he tossed some clothing to Alfred and Alfred got dressed. "The family that is going to be here today is the Williams, they have a seven year old boy who is very shy and doesn't speak any higher than a whisper. You need to be on your best behavior and start talking. Now, hurry up. We still need to get you something to eat before they get here."

Alfred only nodded. He wasn't ready to start talking yet. But he did as he was told, getting something to eat before he went and sat down in the room where the family would get to meet him in. He waited. And wait. And waited. He kept his eyes down at the ground, not moving at all besides breathing. Oh how he wanted to have his mother with him. How he wanted his father back. He just sat there, think about his parents. Than tears started to drip down his face and he quickly tried to stop crying and wipe away the tears. He didn't need to be crying. He needed to behave.

But it was too late, the family came in when Alfred was frantically trying to wipe his eyes from the tears that just refused to leave him. He looked up with wet, teary eyes. The mother just melted. She had never seen such a sad child. She could tell that he was hurting deeply. Matthew looked at him gently, not sure why he was trying. But Alfred looked away and wiped the tears once again. The father frowned softly at seeming Alfred crying. It must be hard to loose both parents by the age of 10.

Matthew went over to Alfred, as he got closer to the older boy Matthew could see that Alfred was shaking. Matthew stopped right in front of Alfred. Alfred still didn't look up, just sitting there. Suddenly, Matthew hugged Alfred. Alfred didn't know what to do now. He hadn't been hugged in half a year, and the last one to hug him was his mother. He felt so many emotions wash over him, hugging Matthew tightly back and just crying into the other boy, weeping, sobbing. "It's going to be okay." Matthew gently said (whispered) to him.

Matthew's mother and father went over and hugged Alfred as well, all of them not letting go until Alfred had passed out. But, by then, the Williams knew their answer. They were adopting Alfred F. Jones without a doubt.

When Alfred woke up, he was told to pack his bags and take them to the front entrance. Alfred nodded and did as he was told, being picked up by the Williams and they got the adopting forms in hand as they left the orphanage for the final time. And that meant, Alfred would never see anyone from there again, not like Alfred wanted to anyways.

((There will be a part 3))

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