Again and Again

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Just like all first-year students I decided to take the essential classes to graduate in 7 years.

Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, History of Magic, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Astronomy and Herbology. I wanted to opt out of taking flying lessons, because I already knew that I wasn't a good flyer, but I couldn't go against school regulation on my first year there. Since I only had to do it for one year; I decided to try and do my best. In the end it could have been a grade booster.

Weirdly, all my classes felt normal... or at least normal, at first. Almost as if I were back in primary school. The first day, with first impressions and class syllabuses. It all seemed very similar to what I had experienced when I was younger. The first few days of wizarding school seemed to be no different than the first few days of muggle school: completely normal, but being normal for me, was not a good thing.

Normally, I wouldn't pay attention in class. Normally, I would fall asleep. Normally, I failed to do any studying and normally I was alone. My friend Lacey, that I met on the first night, conveniently had only one class with me and it happened to be History of Magic. This class was the only class where I felt like I could put the work in to a good grade. I was good at memorizing historical facts and I had already learned most of magic's history. My father was a history nut and raised me as one too. The professor of the class, which everyone found to be utterly boring and monotonous, seemed rather interesting to me. He was a ghost! How eloquently magical... However, because he was a ghost and since he was so boring, no one ever helped me in that class because they were all asleep. Sometimes I would literally be the only one awake. Someone once referred to me as Granger. I didn't quite understand what they meant, but I had heard Hermione was smart. It seemed like a complement.

Lacey, of course, was in all my other classes. The only problem however, was that our schedules were completely different. To attempt to be my friend, she would try to help me with my homework, but that was the extent of her assistance. She only helped me if she felt like she could gain knowledge by teaching me concepts she already understood. I guess our friendship had found the dry middle ground I warily spoke of during the welcoming ceremony. I had hoped to make something of our potential friendship, but it failed regardless of my hope. I did try, but she didn't seem to really want to be friends. I should have guessed due to her lack of interest when I first met her.

In my free time I would walk around school and find different places to study. Sure, the Slytherin common area was peaceful and quiet, but studying there... I was too afraid of seeing my sister. I knew if she saw me studying every day in the hall she would make fun of me for being a know-it-all. And that was the ironic problem. No matter how much time I spent studying, I never became any smarter. Only when I was helped did I actually learn anything and little ol' me didn't have anyone to help her.

Firstly, I sucked at transforming things. I accidentally transformed Rosebury into a match during the first few classes. She was supposed to be transfigured into a match box, but no she was just a singular match. Another day while practicing I had to ask Ms. McGonagall for help on something others found rudimentary. She said that she was proud I could transfigure anything at all.

Charms, I could do, but not very well. If asked I could unlock a door on my 5th try. Like that would have been helpful... I was persistent in learning, but learning wasn't persistent with me. Annoyingly, I couldn't get anything to levitate or sever. The teacher said I had too much on my mind. Apparently, I had something distracting me. I wonder what it was...

Potions was so boring. I could make most things the professor asked of me, but it was not like I wanted too. Professor Snape didn't scare me like he did the rest of the kids. I simply thought potions were boring. They were telling us to make antidotes to common poisons, like why? More likely than not I would never have to worry about being poisoned. I hoped that I never posed a threat to anyone. Later I realized since I was so concerned about myself, I had forgotten there were others whom had different stories. Never less, at least there were other things to learn besides common antidotes.

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