The Change I'm Looking For

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We all burst into the common room laughing; there were about 10 of us. During our run, back to the Slytherin dungeon, some the girls exclaimed their different ideas on what to do with my hair and what color blusher to put on my cheeks. They used so much foreign terminology; it was hard to keep up. Felt like they were trying to cast different spells.

Mascara! Contour! Primer! Spoolie Brush!

They sat me down on my favorite sofa and I looked to them hopefully. A few girls ran into the dorms to gather supplies. They decided that it would be easier to do my makeup in the common room because there was much more room to move about. I sat there with Minty and talked a little about what I was expecting out of it. Her energy had gone down since being with her friends.

"Why are you doing this for me?" I asked her. She was playing with a thread on the couch.

"Because I see potential in you," she said with a smile continuing to play with the thread, "And I see your loneliness. I could tell it was not only your fault as to why you felt so lonely... You've never had someone to take you by the hand and say, 'Hey... want to run up this hill together' or 'Let's go on an adventure.'" She admitted quietly, but she was spot on and I couldn't believe it.

"You got all this just from seeing me study here from time to time?" I asked gratefully. She nodded, and almost seemed shy about it.

"It's a gift I have," She explained. I was beginning to think her gift of judging people wasn't a trait she developed during secondary school, "You know I used to be like you. Not too many friends..." She started nodding to herself as to justify her story, "but one day I decided I didn't want that to be the case anymore," she said looking up; she smiled again, "And look where that got me," she looked towards the dorms where her friends had gone. I was surprised at her remark. She could relate herself to me? It was so weird how a person could change after such a small amount of time.

"Wow." Is all I responded with.

"I know," she smirked.

"What did you do to become so... Popular?" I asked, but to no avail. The minute she opened her mouth to speak her friends ran back through the dormitory doors with tons of makeup and instantly flooded me with different powders. She chose not to get involved in the makeup process; instead, she watched her friends transform my face from afar.

The girls weren't a fourth of the way done with my face, well I think they were; they had only just finished my 'face', when we ran into some unnecessary trouble. Someone coughed to get our attention. The girls turned around to find a somewhat interested, but annoyed Draco Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson.

"What are you doing?" Pansy asked in a suspicious tone.

"We're doing someone's make up! Care to join?" One of the girls asked. Pansy looked at her with a disapproving glare.

"No. I don't," she said flatly.

"What's the problem?" Minty called out.

"What's the problem! This is the problem." Draco said pointing at all of us.

"We're being problematic?" Another asked.

"Yes!" Draco nodded. "You're creating unnecessary noise in the otherwise quiet common room," he exclaimed. I wanted to roll my eyes; he did that all the time.

"Oh please, you're being ridiculous, no one is in here to be bothered by us. Classes have hardly started, no one is studying yet," One retaliated. We looked around. There were a few people, but they weren't paying us any attention.

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