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I furiously scrambled through my rucksack while walking down the hallway. I was trying to get away from Umbridge's office as quickly as I could, but I couldn't find my wand. I started to panic; where could my wand have possibly gone? I remembered putting it in there after Draco told me not to bring it.

Draco told me not to bring my wand. My wand is gone. Why was my wand gone?! Did he take it? Did that fit? Was I thinking correctly...

I became quite angry and started to walk down the hallway quickly. What if this was all some sort of plan? Draco would tell me not to bring my wand and then steal it to make fun of me, or what if Pansy stole my wand when she brought my rucksack to the office. What if they were conspiring together? Why would they need to do that? I began to theorize what I could have done to offend them... I wasn't getting far.

Regardless, I needed to find my wand. Even if we, as students, weren't going to be using them much, now that Umbridge was there, I still wanted it for protection.

I approached the doors to the common room and entered quietly. It was later in the night than I thought; there weren't many people there. For once I didn't see Draco. Just in case I checked where I had been sitting earlier to see if my wand had fallen out and rolled around. I looked under the table, then the chair, and then the bookshelf, but none of them had my wand. I got up and let out a quick, yet anxious, breath of air. My heart sank severely, and I found it hard for myself to think straight. I looked around for a second longer hoping maybe I would be saved. I spotted something; it wasn't my want, but I did find one of the Prefects. It was the female 6th year Prefect. I approached her.

"Um... Hey! If you, the Prefects, were to confiscate a person's wand where would you put it?" I meekly asked.

"Well, we can't just tell you where we hide the wands can we?" She answered. I didn't mean to put my question in that context, but I could understand why she had answered in that way.

"Okay. What about... Is there like a wand lost and found?" I asked meekly. Her eyes widened.

"You didn't lose your wand, did you?" She yelled at me.

"No! No! I-I... I didn't mean to! I mean. I didn't. I... I think it was stolen!" I finished after blabbering for far too long.

"Stolen? How would someone steal your wand if you have it on your person day in and day out?" She talked to me like I was an idiot. Not everyone had their wand chained to their body.

"No! I didn't purposefully lose it. And I know how someone could have stolen it," I tried to explain. Abruptly, there was some soft shouting form the other side of the room. From what I could tell it was an argument. We stopped our conversation and she turned towards the voices. Her body became tense and it seemed like she wanted to get involved. I realized her help would be minimal and decided to change our conversation to follow the disagreement, "What do you think that's about?" I asked her.

"I don't know," she said hesitantly.

"Should you go check it out? You are a Prefect aren't you," I sassed.

"Yeah... I should I guess. Good luck finding your wand," She said and ran off. I stood there for a couple of moments. The source of the shouting was coming from an area in the back of the common room. I couldn't see who, but I recognized one of the voices; it was Pansy. I didn't know why she was yelling or at whom, but she did not seem very happy. Her anger always scared me, so I decided to go check my bed to see if maybe my wand was there instead. For some reason I felt like her anger was because of me and I didn't want to be seen in the middle of her fury.

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