To Mean Something

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"I think we have everything," Draco stated looking at what he had brought. The ingredients sat on a table in a place I had never been before. Malfoy had found the perfect room for us to make the potion 'illegally'. I was quite nervous about what we were doing. I slightly shook and probably looked terrified. Draco, apparently, thought it would be a good idea to have us make the potion in a lowly lit classroom that probably hadn't been used in ages. The whole time I was worrying someone would walk in and see what we were doing, "Don't worry," he assured as he began making the potion.

"You know how to make it?" I asked surprised he was already making things smoke.

"You're not the only one who can read," he sassed glancing up from his cauldron, followed by a cheeky smirk. I blew air out of my nose and crossed my arms. A moment later my foot began to tap, "Am I taking too long Your Majesty?" He joked reaching over to grab something to stir the pot.

"What? No! No... I'm just scared. We are doing something illegal," I expressed. He chuckled quietly.

"Well, technically, we're not," He stated as he took another ingredient and threw it into the cauldron.

"Was anything you gathered hard to obtain?" I inquired. He didn't answer at first, he was tediously chopping a material I didn't recognize.

"No." he stated. I pursed my lips and debated saying more.

"Well good then, at least we won't get in trouble for that," I sighed finally.

"Astoria. Stop worrying. We won't get in trouble," he kept assuring me. It helped, but I was still wary.

"How's the Inquisitorial Squad going?" I said trying to change the topic.

"I need you to be quiet right now," He said holding up a finger.

"Sorry..." I tried, but he cut me off with a hush. I didn't know what he was doing, but he was staring at the mixture. Then I heard it. A soft whistle.

"That's good," He murmured to himself. He reached over and grabbed something else, "Now..." he whispered. He waited with a dropper full of a green liquid over the cauldron. Randomly, or so it seemed, he let a few drops into the liquid. The hissing stopped, and Draco smiled.

BAMPT!! The cauldron popped. I covered my ears; the sound was loud and surprising.

"Draco!" I yelled at him quietly, but he didn't seem bothered.

"Let's go see if this works, shall we?" he said scooping up a small amount into a bottle.

"Are you serious? I'm more worried someone's gonna come rushing in here to see what they heard! Regardless of humans, what about the ghosts? They have ears too?!" I complained, but he continued to cap the bottle.

"Well, we won't be here if they come," he concluded looking at me.

"What are we going to do with the rest of it then?" I asked.

"I'll make more bottles, maybe one or two. The rest I'll dispose of, so no one will see," he dismissed and started cleaning up. He seemed confident and my worried lessened, but my anger grew.

"Isn't it crazy?" I said leaning into one hip and looking around.

"What crazy?" He asked while making another bottle.

"That we have to hide in this stupid classroom because someone said we weren't allowed to do unassigned class work outside of class..." I inquired almost heatedly. He shrugged, obviously not caring about it as much as I did.

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