Thanking You

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I was slightly stunned by his statement. I definitely didn't think that was going to be his answer. Out of all the things he could have said... I stared at him intensely. He didn't look sad or guilty, his face didn't really portray any emotion. He shifted his gaze first to the bird, and then to me, expecting a response. I gave him one.

"I remind you of yourself?" I asked in disbelief. He shrugged. Obviously, he was over the conversation. However, this news was quite interesting, and I did want to know more. "There's no one like me... like you?"

"Yes, alright! My choice of words wasn't the best! Don't make such a big deal out of it," he complained. I could tell he regretted telling me anything.

"I'm not meaning to make a big deal out of it... I just think it's cool." I admitted, but it didn't make sense. So, I continued, "Astoria Greengrass; similar to Draco Malfoy, but shorter, different hair, uglier, less powerful, first year, and lets not mention eyes... Huh, I don't really feel anything like you..."

"I didn't mean looks Greengrass," He rolled his eyes.

"Oh, sorry I didn't understand... If it's not looks then... I remind you of how you were first year? Now, I didn't know you then, but you must have been pretty similar? If you are saying I'm like you then..." I was pestering him now; trying to get some information out of him.

"Stop." He said not jokingly, "We should keep trying and fix the bird. You've almost killed it," he pointed out. I had forgotten about the bird.

"Oh Draco... I don't want to study anymore," I said as dramatically as I could by flopping myself across the whole sofa and acting extremely tired.

"Well if you are done then I suppose I should go," he said heading out. Great not this again.

"Can you explain yourself? I really do deserve to know," I called at him. He stopped walking.

"You don't deserve to know," he dramatically expressed facing me again. He was mad, "There's nothing to know! Stop. Stop playing the victim. I don't need to explain myself. You should just be content with me being here!" he spat. I smirked.

"Now you're the one making this dramatic," I sat up on the couch. His face fell with frustration.

"I guess you really do remind me of myself, but I'm not going to tell you why. And you better not go around the whole school telling people you and I are similar because we truly are nothing alike," His words bit.

"But you just said..." I protested.

"I know what I just said," He hissed, "Do you understand what I'm saying now?" He pushed. There was not to be much discussion after this statement.

"Yes." I gave up trying to pry information from him.

"Goodnight, see you next Tuesday." He said turning around and leaving for real.

"Did you get my sweets?" I called after him.

"No." He replied. That was all he said exiting the room. My face fell, and I laid back onto the couch. But all I could wonder was why he could not tell me.

I could say that I was not very satisfied with what happened that night, but I could also say that I was definitely intrigued. A Malfoy had an interest in me because I was similar to him; in a way that he did not want share. I mean I never saw him as a secretive person. He blatantly gave his opinion every day, but I guess he only wanted people to know his beliefs on others rather than himself.

Exams were quickly approaching. The summer term was turning in my favor. Since my lessons with Draco my grades had increased above failing. Some were even exceeding expectations. I also received an Outstanding mark during a Severing charm demonstration. I guess all I really needed was to ask for help. Something people may perceive as simple but is actually not. Perhaps in other places people didn't go to the meanest person in school, perhaps I could have handled the situation better, but I worked with what I had...

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