Talking Alterations

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"That Potter... I'll kill him!" Draco threatened the following week. I looked up from the book I was reading to see the situation in its full fury. I sat alone on the couch next to the fire place. They were walking quickly towards me, and I realized if I didn't join the conversation I would be forced to move.

"What's wrong this time?" I questioned. He stormed over with his henchmen and sat down.

"What isn't wrong?! Potters' named my father and theirs," he said pointing to Crabbe and Goyle, "As death eaters!" he explained heatedly. I was a tad confused why he was so mad about it;

"Well, aren't they?" I clarified quietly. Draco's eyes widened and his nostrils flared.

"Greengrass!" He yelled at me...

I wondered if my dad was a Death Eater. I thought to myself quickly.

"Sorry... But what does that mean?" I asked. He probably thought I was the most naïve person in the world, but I honestly couldn't see it as a huge problem given Malfoy's position in the school.

"It means the authorities are going to start asking my father questions. Looking into our family; checking us out and then maybe they'll even ask me questions I don't want to answer. It means if the accusation is proven correct, my father gets sent straight to Azkaban. That's what it means," He growled. I had sympathy for him, but;

"Why does it anger you so much though?" I questioned continuing to read my book. He glared at me from across the coffee table.

"Because Potter was the one who said it," he snarled, "and I don't want my father to go to prison?" he mumbled shortly after, but his friends were already ready to join in.

"Yeah! He's crazy," Goyle said.

"Shut up Goyle," Draco commanded. He sighed and leaned back into his chair, "If only he was actually killed," He whispered to himself.

"How did you find out?" I asked. He snapped, and Crabbe held up an issue of The Quibbler.

"Took it from a first year. Umbridge is going to make them illegal tomorrow, so if you want to read it..." He explained, and Crabbe tossed the paper to me. I caught it and started flipping through the pages. The only one I cared about was the interview with Potter. I instantly noticed it was done by Rita Skeeter.

"Wasn't Rita thrown out of the Daily Prophet?" I asked reading her article. I think Draco nodded because he said next;

"It appears she found work somewhere else," the article itself was quite interesting. It confirmed the big debate of the year: Voldemort was back. I didn't know how to react, so I didn't. When Draco became bored of me he walked away with his goons and angrily pushed as student out of his way. I knew he was mad, but he had Umbridge on his side, so things couldn't have ever really gotten that bad for him. I knew he cared about his family; he was probably just being paranoid. I was sure his father had gotten them out of many different tricky situations before...

Like Draco said, Dolores issued Educational Decree 27: Anyone that contained an issue of The Quibbler would be expelled. Although, even after taking it; everyone was still talking about it. There were two main sides; those who believed him and those who didn't. I decided to publicly state I didn't believe Potter to sustain the hatred for him and perhaps protect those of Slytherin house, but in all honesty, I did believe him. If anyone asked however, I said that Potter was a completely crazy wanker.

There were 2 teachers Draco hated in the school. I'm sure there were plenty more he disliked, but there were two teachers he had a special hate for. Both these teachers were inspected by Dolores Umbridge, and both these teachers failed her expectations. And boy was Draco happy about finding out. Many different nights he exclaimed how happy he was because Hagrid was put on probation, and Sybil had almost been thrown out of the school completely. I agreed with him, Hagrid wasn't a very good teacher, and neither was Professor Trelawney, but one thing I did disagreed on was that Hagrid did teach us stuff... occasionally.

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