The Last Change to Start the New Ones

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I immediately looked down, I took a step too far. I could hear his deep breaths, he was clearly furious, and I completely understood why.

"Did it say why?" I whispered. He seemed taken aback from this question and I looked up.

"Yes, it said why," he hissed, "And you already know, don't you?"

It was not long before the whole school knew why too. The next morning every student had a copy of the Daily Prophet.

Harry Potter never lied.

Yes, it was quite hard for the Ministry to confess, but Voldemort had come back from the dead. He was very much alive, and very much active. Draco's Dad, and a few other Death Eaters, were caught that crazy night while doing work for the Dark Lord and were immediately thrown into Azkaban. Immediately every individuals' ideals were split, and their true colors shown. Glares were given to the children of those thrown in jail; retaliation followed being that it was hardly their fault. If they didn't already, students now had more of a reason to hate Draco and his friends.

"Draco," I called out to him while he was about to leave the common room. We had hours left at Hogwarts. I got his attention, his friends were with him, "I'm sorry about your dad," I admitted.

"No, you're not," He said harshly. I walked up to him.

"Yes I am. I know what it's like to have a father gone from your life for a while..." I tried to reason.

"Azkaban isn't supposed to be 'for a while', Greengrass," he barked. I noticed his silver 'I' pin had been removed. Both Dumbledore and Umbridge had returned to Hogwarts. Dumbledore was reinstated as Headmaster, and Umbridge was thrown into the Infirmary. Apparently, she wasn't... acting correctly. But because of this, there was no more need for an Inquisitorial Squad. I sighed.

"Draco... You don't need to blame anyone for this..." I tried again.

"Yes, I do... It was Potter's fault and you know that! He'll pay for it, I swear on it," he yelled softly, "Luckily my father... won't actually be staying in that prison forever," whispered Malfoy.

"What do you mean?" I asked interested.

"There's no more dementors in Azkaban," he explained, but I almost couldn't believe him.

"No dementors?" I asked in a hushed tone.

"They left... For some reason," Draco said looking around. It was clear he didn't want to tell me everything for fear someone else might hear.

"Did you get your wand back?" I asked to change the topic. Dumbledore's Army had stolen his; it was why he had to use mine the other night. I started to worry, we were to leave in 2 days. The conversation could have potentially been the last one I would have with him until the next year. He was obviously not thinking the same as I.

"Yeah, I got it back, but I've gotta go... So... bye," He said walking away with his friends. They walked out of the common room, and I was at a loss for words. I tried to be comforting, but it was obvious he didn't want to be comforted. I clenched my hands.

Are you kidding me? I yelled in my mind. I was trying my best to make him feel better, and this is how her thanked me? Yet again, I seemed to truly be almost nothing to him. I decided to take the day off and not think of Draco. If he didn't want to think of me why should I think of him?

Minty and Majorie conveniently invited me to come sunbathe with them. When we went outside and we immediately noticed how nice of a day it was.

"It's funny, isn't it?" Majorie asked.

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