Who Do You Tell?

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Something woke me up later that night, maybe only 30 minutes after my conversation with Malfoy. I never truly went to sleep, how could I with what he told me? It might have felt like sleep, but I never came close to deep slumber.

The Slytherin Dungeons were below the castle, but we could hear the commotion. There were shouts, things breaking: a fight had broken out. I was certain of it. Who was fighting...? I couldn't tell. I was one of the only people to notice it at first; probably because I was expecting it. I laid in my bed desperately wanting to throw my covers off and see what was going on. I shifted uncomfortably. With every noise and shout I made a new negative scenario in my mind. Some in which Malfoy died, some with Malfoy killing someone else... I began to cry with frustration.

HE ASKED ME TO STAY STILL AND DO NOTHING! How... How could I do that with what was happening? The unknown was killing me.

The second I heard other students get out of their beds, I bolted out of my mine; I knew where I had to go. I headed straight for the common room. I didn't see anyone I recognized; Pansy wasn't even there. I immediately went for the exit but was stopped by one of the Prefects.

"Please remain in the dungeon until we figure out what is going on," he demanded.

"I'm sorry, but I will not," I stated and pushed past him. He should have done more to stop me, but if he tried I'd retaliate and not help the situation. He sneered at me, but I walked right past him. I pushed open the doors and headed up the ramp to the main part of school. There were a few students standing around. They all looked dazed and tired. I seemed to be the only determined person in the group. I quickly walked past them and noticed a herd of students were heading up a staircase. I didn't know where they were going, but there were enough of them for me decide to join; they must have known something. I began to walk with the pack; a few Gryffindors I didn't recognize. I leaned over to one of them.

"Do you know what's going on?" I asked. She shook her head and we headed up a moving staircase. More students had begun to venture out of their dormitories. A sudden dark aura passed over. I stopped walking, but they didn't wait for me; probably didn't even know I was walking with them. But I knew something had happened. Something bad. I couldn't decide if it had been going on for a long time, or was recent, but something in my sight triggered a negative feeling.

I was near a window, so I grabbed the sill and slowly slide down the wall. It was almost as if a wave hit my chest and I was unable to breath. I shakily looked up and out the window; my fears instantly increased. I saw green in the night sky: The Dark Mark, cast over the Astronomy tower. I had only seen it once before; in the paper after the attack at the Quidditch World Cup. I had not stayed long enough to see it in real life, but it was terrifying. My body didn't know how to react. I started hyper ventilating. I whipped my head towards the ground and put my hands over my ears. A few students ran by me but didn't stop to ask if I was okay. I sat there; my mind going a mile a minute, constant thoughts filled my head. Only a few minutes later I heard a commotion from outside the window. I shakily stood up to get a better look at what I was hearing. I couldn't make out much, but my vision didn't fail me by seeing a platinum blonde haired boy sprinting across the greenway. Malfoy was running away from the castle.

"Draco..." I whispered touching the glass; it was cold. I wanted to reach out to him; he looked so scared. I could tell by his frantic pace. He wasn't running away from particularly anything, but I knew something was wrong; others were running with him. Older people; definitely not students.


This was it.

This was...

Whatever he was working on all year had come to pass. It was over but seeing him confirmed his actions were not like what I had thought them to be. Had he lied to me? Had he deliberately told me not to worry about it because he knew it was going to end badly... was he trying to protect me? Or protect himself? I would never be able to know. Everything he had promised though; I decided... He wasn't lying... he was deceived to believe whatever he was doing was the right thing. He thought he had no other choice. My heart cracked in the moment. He didn't mean for any of this to happen... whatever he was doing... Or did he? He decided to become one of them! He chose the Dark Lord's side! Well, that wasn't a total surprise... but at the time I thought it was... Everyone thought Malfoy was all bark and no bite... he might have been so desperate to prove them wrong... and like he had said; if he didn't go through with it the Dark Lord would kill him... Should I have believed his story...? Absolutely.

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