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I didn't see Draco my first day back at Hogwarts, nor the second, nor even the first week of school. I tried looking for him during meals, but to my displeasure he was never there. I was slightly worried he didn't comeback from the holiday, but I eventually saw him during one of the passing periods on the second week. I was shocked when I saw him; his skin looked so pale that it was actually comical. He blended in with the snow. I considered for a moment that he had an unpleasant run in with one of those Dementors, but decided that couldn't have been the case.

On a different note, the book my parents gave me helped in some of my classes. I could go to it sometimes for answers. Based on the first week back I could say that learning was getting a little bit easier for me, but it still wasn't good. The book wasn't big enough to last me through 7 years of schooling.

I returned to the Slytherin Dungeon after my last period. I studied for two hours, but soon felt tired; in need of a sleep. Sleeping was what I went to when I couldn't study anymore, but sometimes I slept too much...

Again, Sunday night, I laid in my bed dreading the next week. A little less this time mind you, but I wasn't happy about it. I didn't like school. Yes, even magic school, and it was mainly because magic was not as easy as it looked.

It was late in the night; my body was preventing me from sleeping. I wasn't expecting anyone to be awake, but from outside my room I heard a commotion. My bed was very close to the door, so I didn't see any reason not to investigate. This time I wasn't afraid of running into Draco. It was essential to speak with him.

I didn't bother to put on shoes, so my bare feet pressed against the cold ground as I walked towards the common room. I liked the feeling of the cold stone; it soothed my nerves. As I approached the entrance I heard more voices. They were hushed, but louder than the night time quiet. I couldn't quite discern what they were saying, but it did sound important. I peered into the room. I didn't want whoever was in there to see me. All I saw was a blonde-haired boy crouching by the fireplace; it was him, how coincidental for me. However, there were 2 voices coming from the room, but I was certain Draco was by himself; I couldn't see anyone else.

"Father, I want him gone! I've told you this!" Draco said to who I guessed was his father.

"Draco, I know this is what you want; I want it too. But it's not that easy to throw off a teacher because of one mishap. These types of things take time, but I do not have complete authority yet. My word is not law, but it's close enough to get that thing gone," The other voice responded hatefully. I became worried because I couldn't pick out from where his dad was speaking from. I looked around and made sure no one was in the room. There was no other person in the room.

"Did you even hear what happened to me?" Draco asked angrily.

"Yes, I know, tragically you're still alive. You've told me this before-" His dad started.

"If I died he definitely would be sacked, right? But that would take the fun out of firing him for me... Did you hear what happened to me the other day?" Draco asked again.

"No, do go on," the voice said sarcastically.

"We got attacked by an invisible force. Probably one of Hagrid's stupid animals out to kill me! I'm telling you father; if he can't control his animals why should he teach about them!" Draco complained.

"I know you are embarrassed-"

"I never said I was embarrassed," Draco replied harshly.

"You said we, which means there was more than one person with you. Now, back to what I was saying, you have no proof. You must understand this will take time Draco. You need to wait, but the deed will be done soon enough, I know it. I've never liked that big oaf, or his weird creatures, but after the bird is executed will you be happy?" The voiced seemed to be pleading for Draco to stop complaining.

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