Strange Situation

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The days following were some of the happiest ones. It was almost as if when he directly told me he would help; he helped me indirectly. I thought it was the simple, comforting thought that someone had your back. He wasn't that supportive of me, but he seemed to be more than anyone had been before. I was afraid to say it, but it was the truth.

I thought about doing something to thank him, but since he hadn't actually helped me yet... I gave up on that idea and walked into the Great hall for lunch. The selection of food that day seemed better than normal. I knew everything was going too well for me. And then it hit me; I had forgotten to start an assignment that was due on Wednesday. And then it hit me again; my study session with Malfoy was on Tuesday night. All was calm in my world because it was Monday. I didn't know what to expect from the times with Draco, but I was hoping that they would help. Maybe after they did I could do something to show my gratitude.

The first night was relatively uncomfortable. He walked in on time and stood around looking for me even though I was in the same exact spot he always found me in; I was sitting by the fire place. Once he spotted me he made his way over and told me were going to be working on Potions because that was his best non-magic subject. I didn't resist because he was the tutor, but I then I realized I needed to get my other assignment done...

"Wait!" I said too harshly.

"What?" He snapped back. Looking up from my Potions book.

"I forgot to tell you something," gosh why was I being so weird? I just needed to ask him to help me study something else. I made eye contact with him and he was giving me the most confused stare I'd ever seen a blonde boy give, "I have an assignment due tomorrow I haven't done, and I was wondering if you could help?" I explained so quickly I doubt he understood.

"In?" He asked irritated.

"Oh yeah... Herbology!" I exclaimed.

"Cool," He said sarcastically, "what is it?" He asked setting down my book.

It turns out that my Herbology assignment was simply a 2-page parchment about Dittany. Draco knew a little more than me, and enough to fill the two pieces of parchment. I was pleased with our work when we finished. There wasn't much talking in between subjects. He seemed very intent on only writing the paper and teaching me about it. He also got irritated a lot, which I did kind of mind, but hey, he was helping. The night ended abruptly when he stood up and walked away after I had read the whole paper. He called good luck and disappeared into the shadows. Apparently, we could only talk about Dittany for so long. He was a weird boy, but he was growing on me.

When I got my paper back I received Exceeds Expectations. I was so thrilled that I secretly thanked Draco by sending him some candy. I hope he didn't think that was weird. I was just happy to get a decent grade.

The next tutoring session was very similar to the first. He helped me in a certain subject, then proceeded to make fun of me because I didn't know crap about it. And even though I felt embarrassed most of the time, by the time we finished; I was better at the subject.

Weeks went by in that routine. There was never a night Draco didn't show or was late. He never complained about helping me, besides mocking my lack of knowledge. He never made up an excuse not to come. He never even seemed that tired. My guess was that he had trouble sleeping every night, and our study sessions were just a way for him to become more tired so that he could fall asleep eventually. He told me little of his own classes. Not too much, though, not enough. Draco as a wizard helper was beginning to grow on me even more than before. I could see a potential for us being friends... if things were different. As a student, Draco was great, however, things were different as an actual person.

He wasn't nice to anyone, not even his friends. He was rude to them on most occasions. Pushing people out of the way in line, or even into line because he didn't want to be first. He ran from things that scared him and angrily fought back with those who disagreed with him. He was your class A bully. Didn't care about anyone except himself. Sometimes I wondered if he cared about me. I knew I meant nothing to him, but still, I wanted to know why he was so keen on helping me even though I have nothing to give him. Bullies always take as they say, but what was he taking from me? I was in a strange situation and I wanted to find out why.

My first year was coming to a close, it was about a month before final examinations and my grades had improved phenomenally. I wouldn't say I was getting better at paying attention, but studying tips and what I learned from Draco, who has read the text books before, really started to help me understand how to properly study. I was feeling confident in our relationship, as friends of course. I knew that if I befriended him then maybe he would let me talk to him in public. I might have even been a part of his gang. Not that I really wanted to, but there would be some benefits...

One evening I decided to be extra confident; perhaps too confident some may say. The question at hand, the question that had been bugging me all year. Why he was helping me. I had hinted at the accusation beforehand, but I had never forwardly asked him about it. I thought it should have been a simple enough question to ask. It couldn't have been that much of a problem.

One night he and I were practicing the Avifors spell. We were using a goblet and he was trying to help me turn it into a single bird. Nothing fancy like 100 bats, but for some reason I was having immense trouble. I practiced the sideways figure eights a few times then said the magic words concentrating very hard. The blue light emerged from my want and I transformed the cup into a bird. I smiled at first because I had finally done it, however the bird didn't fly. I looked closer and notice something wrong with its wing. It had to be broken.

"Great! This is exactly what I wanted." I said sarcastically.

"Why did you do that?" He accused.

"Do what? Break its wing? Why? I don't even know how?" I yelled in frustration.

"When you said the words, you didn't mean it," He claimed as he stared at the bird; concluding that I wanted to break its wing.

"Of course, I meant the words! I wasn't thinking of anything else. Help the bird! Fix it wing or something," I yelled at him,

"Why should I help the bird when you caused the problem?" He protested crossing his arms and making it clear that he was not going to reach for his wand.

"Why did you help me with mine?" I boldly stated. He changed his gaze from the bird to me. There was a small pause.

"What?" He hissed. I tried to say something at first, incredibly nervous, but then I remembered the question couldn't be that big of a deal.

"Why did you help me when I was in need, but you won't help this bird?" I tried.

"That's irrelevant now," he snapped.

"It's not..." I stated looking down. I decided I needed to look more confident if I wanted an answer, "I want to know... I deserve to know,"

"You don't deserve anything," he harshly whispered back.

"Well according to you I deserve help..." I said looking around; I didn't like making eye contact, "because I cried once and made Draco Malfoy, the bully, become a tutor." I paused to look at him. His face didn't change from his stern glare, "do you tutor anyone else?" I continued.

"No." He stated.

"Well then why me?" I asked finally. He continued to glare.

He looked at me for a long time. I stared right back at him. The question of the year. If anyone had experienced what I had, they'd ask the same. Then he said with a sigh.

"Because I see myself in you, and no one is like you... and no one is like me."

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