An Insignificant Detail

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The first month of school ended and the trips to Hogsmede began. I was excited because this would be the year I would finally be able to go.

Towards the end of the summer I was worried my parents would have been too out of it to even consider signing my permission form, but luckily for me, my mum told me I could go. She didn't think I would have been in any danger. I never really was in any danger.

The day came, and I was eager to go. Winter had come early that year, so I bundled up in my Slytherin scarf and fleece tights. I even arranged for Minty and Majorie to show me around; I had no idea what to expect. The main reason I wanted to go was because everyone else always came home rosy cheeked and laughing. A fun day was what I was hoping for.

Filch lined us all up and then made sure we were all on his list. I happily stated my name, he checked me off, and then told me to have fun at Hogsmede with a tone colder than the weather.

I walked past him and stood on the road that led to the town. Minty and Majorie were right behind me. Both took my arm and led me towards the village. On the way we talked about crazy things that happened that week.

Minty told me Umbridge came to her classroom to inspect the teachers many different times. I nodded in agreement; I had seen her several times as well. Majorie said she might have found someone worth her love. When asked who, she stated it was someone who already had graduated. They had recently begun sending letters and often during the week she would receive one from him. She seemed shy about the situation, which was strange for her. Minty told me later Majorie had never liked someone who liked her first and was afraid to admit her feelings.

Intriguing yes, but soon the conversation shifted to me. I politely told them some of the events that had happened recently were slightly confidential. They nodded, understanding my situation, but pleaded me to not hold back on telling them the things I was comfortable with. I knew I was supposed to trust my friends, but they were too new to me. I wasn't experienced in the art of telling secrets especially since some of my conversations with Draco were about the Dark Lord.

On the way they pointed out the Shrieking Shack and told me the myth behind it. I didn't believe anyone had ever lived in there, or lived in there currently, but I was certain if I heard the screams that the villagers heard, I would have been freaked out. We shuddered a little after walking past and headed into the village.

The first stop on our little adventure was Honeydukes, the famous sweet shop.

I didn't buy anything from Honeydukes, but that didn't take away from how impressive I thought it was! Nothing like I had ever seen. I had been in sweet shops before, but this one was different because I went with friends. Being its size, it was a little crowded, but it was still fun to look at everything it sold. We then explored Zonkos, Gladrags, and Scrivenshafts. They were all very exciting, and I got the feeling I had longed for two years; the feeling of laugher, and the rosy cheeks. But what made the experience important was something I noticed...

A tiny little detail. A detail in my story that seemed so small and insignificant that I didn't dare to elaborate on it further. A glimpse, just a second. An thought that would soon shape how I saw the rest of my third year. A thought that didn't turn into an idea, and an idea that was never turned to word. So much could have been stopped or prevented if I had just told someone, but then I think... What if I had said something?

Something about seeing a small number of Harry Potter's friends heading to the Hog's Head.

The moment happened when I was heading to Scrivenshafts. I saw a few people walking and didn't make anything of it... Why should I? They didn't matter to me. They might not have mattered to me in the moment, but in only a few short months to come; they would become the subject of almost every conversation I had with Malfoy.

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