Meant For Something Better

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Year 4 Begins

I once thought time could change someone. If given enough, time one would find their actions pointless and move on. I thought frustration would overcome determination, and that person would quit their progress before it could be saved again. This being that it was now impossible. I thought there were impossible things; I truly did. There had to be things that just couldn't be done.

But more importantly, I believed alternate options were good enough.

I thought if you left something alone for long enough it would fix itself. If I just stopped caring... I thought if I backed off from a change that it wouldn't change at all.

I... I thought... I thought I could trust...

I thought I understood what was happening. I thought I was doing the right thing. I thought I was smart, strategical, I thought everything was okay.

I was told everything was okay.

Everyone had me convinced.

Everyone had me fooled...

Everyone convinced me to shut off emotion because it was for the better. They led me to believe that if I stopped wondering, I would become less stressed, but stress is all that I became. Stress consumed me with fear, but others refused to see it that way. I was told not to be scared, so I became fearless.

I was so stupid. How could I have possibly understood what was correct? Why was my judgement so faulty?

The most important things; I thought wrong.

Summer passed, and I became numb to the likes of my mother. She hardly left the bedroom, she didn't attend meals, she didn't buy groceries, she barely even left the house. I felt like I aged a lot at the end of the summer because of it. You see, Daphne and I were left to do all the adult things to keep the house running. Daphne complained about doing chores and told the house elves to do them for her, but I felt I needed to learn the responsibilities incase... incase my father never came back. We still weren't sure where he had gone. My mother refused to acknowledge his disappearance... there were no letters sent to us, or at least none from him... We assumed he was protecting us by working for the Dark Lord. It was the best thing we could hope for. Many days I wanted to leave to house to look for him, but never mustered the courage to do so. Not hearing from my father also led me to believe that he somehow managed to convince the Dark Lord he didn't need my mother. No one came to recruit her; unlike other student's parents that fell prey to his army.

I wanted to go back to Hogwarts so badly. Umbridge wasn't returning, and the school felt more like my actual home. The summer had revealed to me that I didn't like living in my actual house. My mother argued otherwise but couldn't give me any proof of why I should have liked it. When leaving she told me she would be excited to see me next summer, but I wasn't as convinced. My family needed help... At least Hogwarts was going to be safe enough. If I hadn't convinced her of that, she might not have let Daphne or I go... After our return had been decided, she did not mention it the rest of the summer. I knew she was clinging onto her children because she was going insane, but I had to let it happen. There was nothing I could do to fix her.

The letter I had sent to Draco at the beginning of the Holiday did not soon meet a reply. It wasn't until the papers were flooded with news of Harry Potter that he even showed himself. How typical? The boy was questioned about being the Chosen One; whatever that meant. The news about the famous student must have ignited Malfoy's writing capabilities because he sent me a letter. I received it in mid-August, close to when I was to go back to school, it simply stated.

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