The News About Rita Skeeter

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On the train ride to Hogwarts I learned that our school was to be hosting the Tri Wizard Tournament. My dad had told me of this competition many times. He loved it! Even though the last competition was like 50 years ago, it still excited him. Basically, it was a magic school competition that consisted of 3 trials and whoever did the best, won. It seems simple, but the trials weren't easy; they required discipline and tactics. Only great wizards or witches could enter and be picked.

The moment I saw the Hogwarts train station again I was ecstatic. Not only did I make it all the way there without the train being attacked, but I was back at my new favorite place. I learned that last year I was right in suspecting there was a special ceremonial entrance for the freshmen. My second year I did not take the boats, but rather, the strange wagons that pulled themselves. I caught a glimpse at the first years and wildly, despite me only being a year older, they looked like babies. Being back was refreshing. Being back was exciting.

The whole school learned more about the Tournament during our opening ceremonial dinner. Dumbledore gave an impressive speech about achievement and glory after presenting the Goblet of Fire; the enchanted cup that would accept all the applicants and decide which one would be best suited. We all cheered and patiently waited to see which two school would be joining us for this tournament. I was glad Hogwarts was hosting it because I probably wouldn't have been able to witness it if it was anywhere else.

Now that I was older, I was able to sit farther back at the tables. I watched as all of the nervous first years found their way to their seats. I remembered feeling that way last year. Being sorted put butterflies directly into my stomach, but I knew the hat made the right choice. I was happy where I was, even though I entered the year with no good friends... No wizards to look to for help or to hang out. But hey, from time to time I tried to look at the positive sides of things. Even though I didn't have any friends, it didn't mean no one liked me. I never felt like I wasn't accepted, but rather just alone when the tough times came. Others did smile at me in the corridors. They did talk to me during classes, but only rarely. Lunch was a social hour for me, but the people I sat with were really close to each other. They weren't close to me. I hoped to change this one day.

Once all the newbies were sorted and the teachers were introduced, in came one of our very new professors. He was to be our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher because Professor Lupin choose to not return. I hoped that maybe with a new teacher I could do better in the class, but this guy made me want to defend myself against his dark arts. He had a fake eye that moved, and he limped everywhere. Occasionally he would take a swig from a flask and carry on like it was nothing... I wasn't very sure on how I would excel in his class. Maybe he was really nice?

After Professor Moody (that's what Dumbledore called him) was introduced, the other schools entered. Dumbledore announced that we would be hosting the schools of Durmstrag and Beauxbaton. I tried to secretly look around to find Draco. I wanted to see his reactions to the all-male school Durmstrag. One day last year he told me that his father wanted to send him to Durmstrag, but his mother argued that it was too far away. They convinced him we would do just as fine at Hogwarts. I could see why he desired to attend there. There was no Harry Potter over there. Everyone was intense and scary looking. Perfect for Draco. He dreamt of being intimidating. I finally found his face when the boys entered. All I could see was jealousy covered by a smile of enjoyment.

The two school's entrances were remarkable in their own right. Durmstrag being intense and manly while Beauxbaton, the all-female school, walked flawlessly and beautifully. I could tell that both the boys and girls found something interesting about the other schools. After their glorious routines, Hogwarts followed up with a school song. With no real practice, and the first years unsure of what they were saying, we mildly made it through total embarrassment, Dumbledore continued explaining the rules of the Tournament. I noticed Draco's reaction to the fact you had to be at least 17 to enter your name into the Goblet of Fire, he didn't like that. I didn't mind because I had no desire of being a champion. He however probably wanted the eternal glory it promised.

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