Choking On Selfishness

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The next day I went home, and on the train ride back I had lots of time to assess the night with Draco. I thought for the most part it was a positive event. I mean, I was happy about it, but his words weren't the most convincing. I knew he was still confused and forcing him to admit his feelings probably wasn't the best thing to do. I got an answer, but I could tell it was only from my influential words. I hated myself for being so selfish. Regardless if what he said was true I made him tell me what he felt instead of being patient and letting it happen. I wanted him to share the same feelings as I did, but just because I wanted him doesn't mean he wanted me. We were young. We were stupid, and we had lots of other things to worry about besides love. I would just have to see what the next semester would bring...

I arrived home; my family was happy to see me. I assumed they were looking for something to keep their sanity in good shape. My mum still shook when someone mentioned the Dark Lord, and my dad still looked as if someone was going to come in and kill us at any moment. Besides the superstitions, the days I spent at my house were relatively normal.

"Hey dad, I know you don't like talking about it, but what did you do during for my first semester of school?" I asked him when we were alone. During the autumn semester he sent Daphne and I a letter explaining that he had business to attend too in another part of the country. I knew it was business with the Death Eaters, but according to our mother he was on a trip with the Ministry and hardly came home to see her. I was happy he came home alive and that our house wasn't burnt down, but it was heartbreaking to see my mother still in denial in such a crucial time. I assumed for the mean time we were in the clear, but Voldemort could be unpredictable. My dad looked at me confused when I asked my initial question.

"I just settled things between others, but I'm going- going back, after the holidays..." he responded; his voice was shaky.

"And mum? How is she copping? Doesn't she live here basically alone now?" I asked. I realized how sad my mum's life was.

"No, well yes, but I hear she has many of her friends over occasionally..." His voice was quivering so I decided not to ask any more questions. But I was still feeling investigative.

I went to the kitchen to find my mum.

"Hey Mum, how is it when Dad's not around? Are you two still even married?" I joked, but soon found I was not funny.

"Everything is fine honey! Don't worry about Dad and I. He's just doing some business around the country! He'll be safe. I am safe. There's nothing to worry about!" My mum sounded like a machine. I wondered how many times she had to tell her friends that.

I walked away after her weird response. I had a sense of what was going on with my family, but I couldn't say I liked it. I walked into the living room and saw Daphne.

"Hey Daphne, how's school?" I asked her. I hadn't really seen her around, but I knew she still went to Hogwarts.

"It's fine? What do you want?" She demanded.

"Nothing, just bored. And suspicious of our parents..." I hinted.

"Yeah, they're acting like, so strange, but it's like whatever because they're still paying for my school and I only have to see them on the holidays," she said passively fiddling with her wand.

"So, you don't care that they are both in terrible mental states?" I asked astonished. She shrugged.

"They'll figure themselves out soon enough, or we'll all die before that," she said everything so nonchalantly.

"So, you think it's true. About the Dark Lord and everything?" I asked slightly irritated with her behavior. Her eyebrows scrunched.

"No, I don't think it's true! Whatever Dumbledore and Harry Potter said is false. They're have to be pretending!" She exclaimed.

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