Refuse To Look

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The Apparition Classes quickly began and the whole school was buzzing about who could and who absolutely couldn't apparate. News on the street was that someone got splinched the first day, something I would hopefully never have to deal with, but I gave props to them for even moving a little bit. Draco seemed to tell all of Slytherin that he would get it soon. The first day had not been his best; he blamed it on Crabbe, Goyle, and an annoying Potter. They 'distracted' him and caused him not to be able to concentrate well enough. I had no doubt he would get it either, but I was almost certain he didn't really want to get it because even if he did, he probably wouldn't be able to do it legally until July.

School wore on, and soon the January Blues hit. Nothing was moving quickly; everything was met with a slow pace; as if Hogwarts had been put under a spell. Everyone seemed relaxed, but yet extremely stressed. Even if you somehow did feel busy; nothing was truly moving you forward.

The biggest event to occurred in the month of January, and even February, was when Malfoy barged into the Slytherin common room complaining about a failed antidote that had spilled on his robes. Truly riveting, it was... He gave everyone the excuse that he was sidetracked by Potter, again. Apparently, Harry had decided not to make the antidote for a common poison and instead presented a bezoar as the solution. Potter explained it would cure most things if shoved down the throat... I thought what Harry had done was funny, and intelligent, but certainly agreed with Malfoy; it showed him as lazy. Hearing him complain about something was funny to me; he hardly showed emotion anymore, and even if it was anger, I was just happy he said anything at all.

The sluggishness of the two winter months severely contrasted Malfoy's quick dissapearance from my life. Put differently; it was almost as if he vanished. I wasn't seeing Malfoy... at all... he wasn't at most meals, he wasn't in the common room, and I didn't even see him in the hallways. He literally seemed to have disappeared in a matter of days. It was weird at first; I was so used to him occasionally barging into the common room and proclaiming what happened to him that day... but then he wasn't. Close to the end of the first term he had shown up less, but this time I couldn't find him at all.

I coped by spending more time with Lacey. I had really bonded with her that year and was happy we could finally call each other friends. Aspect and Piper were nice as well, but I wasn't as close with them. Studying became a priority and I had accepted I was never going to be perfect at academics, but it didn't mean I couldn't try. I felt like I was finally getting my life together. My life seemed good for once, but I couldn't help but think what Malfoy was doing with his...

The January blues eventually faded away; time had worked its magic once again. I heavily considered if my relationship with Draco had put a negative weight on my life but refuted it instantly.

It was the single most exciting thing I had ever experienced. Consequences or not, I wouldn't have given it up for anything.

Even though he didn't make me completely happy, and tended to piss me off, I couldn't help but feel attached to him. And even when our attachment lacked, I was sure it was still strong. He was probably just taking time to himself. Maybe he decided to get back into studying! I never got to ask him really...

The only time I ever saw him... and now that I think of it, I wonder why I didn't become suspicious earlier... but I actually did see him occasionally walk around with various young students towards the beginning of February. The people he walked with nearly changed every time I saw him, but he was also never accompanied by Crabbe and Goyle; it was just Malfoy and the two girls. I had noticed how irritated he got with the two goons; maybe he felt the need to change it up. Should I have gotten jealous? Maybe, but I knew him more than any young girl he chose to walk with. And I knew I couldn't interfere with him; he was making the right choice and there was nothing I could say or do to stop him. I hardly ever saw him talking with the girls, beyond their occasional accompaniment. They always left quietly and came back without a word. Once he yelled at one for 'messing up' but didn't specify how. Maybe he was planning a dance number, I didn't know! Either way: I saw him less, and I didn't care too much about it. I trusted he would get through the weird phase he was in... and I was hoping maybe things would eventually go back to normal! Things like this took time, and I was willing to wait. Not a very Slytherin thing to do...

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