Different Every Time

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The food had always been fantastic; it was one of my favorite things at the school. Minty and I shared a few laughs and told each other about our separate years at Hogwarts over our celebratory dinner. She explained to me she too had trouble settling into the teaching style. Her first year was hard, but she told me she never asked for help, instead, it was given to her. I wasn't surprised, she was incredibly pretty. Boys were probably begging to carry her books and to do her homework. I tried to explain the previous two years of my life, but I was having great difficulty. Malfoy was involved in all my stories because he was the only thing that really ever happened to me. And still I didn't even know what had happened. I couldn't tell if I ever made progress with him or back tracked all together... it never made much sense. Minty told me she thought it made perfect sense. How Draco acted was apparently what boys do when they are confused about their feelings. I appreciated her company, but I wasn't sure if everything she said was true. I didn't think Draco was confused about anything; I think he knew exactly why he did the things he did. What Slytherin doesn't have a thought-out plan to get what they want?

When we finished dinner and Minty urged me to talk to Draco before the night ended. I agreed whole heartedly but was unsure of how to do it. We walked out together, but she soon told me she wanted to catch up with her other friends.

"I'll check on you tomorrow?" she asked. I nodded in agreement. She presented herself to me as if she was a nicer older sister. I would have much preferred her over Daphne. I also hoped she wasn't lying to me, but she was so genuine; it was hard not to trust her.

I walked back to the dorms and shared some waves with other students. I surprised myself by helping a first year find their way to their dormitory. I was liking how the school year was beginning. I could feel it was going to be a good one; I was wishing for it to be.

I walked into the common room and was instantly pulled to the side; into a part of the common room I rarely interacted with.

"What?!" I yelped I turned around and saw a figure. He had either used magic or physical force to pull me away from my route; I couldn't tell.

"Shhh." The figure said. It was dark, and I couldn't tell who I was talking to, "I need to speak with you,"

"Well okay. I'm right here." I said flippantly. I knew right away that it was Draco. He was always so ridiculous.

"No! Later, when there's... less people." He seemed worried about something. I could tell by the way he was speaking.

"Yeah that's fine," I agreed looking over my shoulder. There were a few people in the room, "that's what we do anyways, don't we? I can't speak with you in public because I'm younger or something stupid like that." I passively stated, but it truly did bother me.

"Have you picked a side?" He asked harshly.

"A side?" I scrunched my face; unsure of what he meant.

"Yes, Greengrass, a side. Your family have they... told you anything?" he asked quickly. He seemed to be rushing our conversation, but I was unsure of where he had to go after out talk. We had free time until we decided to go to bed...

"They've told me a couple things, but I don't really know-" I began.

"What have they told you about the Dark Lord?" he asked insistently. I was taken aback by his assumption my parents would willy nilly tell me everything about the Dark Lord, but then I remembered his.

"They've told me... things. In a way. I probably know more than the average person I guess..." I finished. He didn't look happy about my answer, but I didn't want to share anymore at the moment, "See you tonight at 12?"

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