Right Side

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Winter break was over, and it was finally time to start school again. Of course, like usual I had a rough start, but after the first week I got into the swing of things. School brought a lot of unsocial moments. Days flew past, then weeks, then a month. I did not have much contact with other witches and wizards during those time periods. Being around other people made me feel uncomfortable and I just wanted to spend even more time alone. The biggest highlight was a month or two after my black hole of anti-sociality; the second trial took place. I decided I wanted to go and at least try to have fun.

The day of the competition I learned we were to be rowed out into the middle of the Great Lake to watch the champions compete. Which seemed interesting, but then after being rowed out and situated in the big watch towers I realized we weren't going to be able to see the actual competition. It was all underwater... For an hour... I could feel the social awkwardness creeping up. I wasn't a fan of the situation. I would either have to talk to my neighbors or not talk at all, both were displeasing. I wanted to be social, truly, but it never came easily to me.

I tried to look for Lacey when I find the best place to stand. I hadn't seen her since the previous year, but for good reason; she had changed. At the end of my first year she wanted nothing to do with me and was definitely past the point of pretending to be polite. I spotted her walking a few students away from me. Seeing her with her friends confirmed she was different, or at least her hair was. She dyed it black and her entire demeanor was different. I waved for her to come over when we finally made eye contact, but she pretended not to see me. I should not have expected anything else. I instantly regretted the decision and shrunk back into the crowd. People at Hogwarts made friends so fast, and I didn't want to be the one to butt in late. I made the unwise decision at the beginning of the year not to start meaningful relationships with the wizards in my classes, and I was facing the consequences. Others that made the decision to communicate with their classmates are now happily living their social lives. Luckily, I made a good impression on people, but they probably thought I was too boring to hang out with. I wasn't smart enough for people to hang onto or pretty enough for people to fall in love with immediately. I was just quiet, and I kept to my books usually. In the end, I stood in the front left corner of the third tower. There were plenty of people around me. They talked about who they bet would win and other tournament conspiracies. I didn't have much of an opinion, so I just listened to what they were saying politely.

The tournament began, and Dumbledore announced the objective of the second task. Each of the champions had 'something' stolen from them the previous night and their goal would be to dive into the water and retrieve it. If they couldn't do so within the hour they would be left on their own without magic. The cannon fired, and all the champions dove into the water. Well, except Harry. He kind of fell in but appeared later as an amphibious type creature. He sprung out of the water and everyone cheered, but like the rest of the champions, he had other things to do except please the crowd.

The champions were gone and the awkward first 6 minutes began. The audience sat there and didn't talk much, as if they were anticipating something to happen right away. The MC tried to make it less awkward by giving his opinions on what was happening, but there was no way to know for sure.

Eventually the crowd got talking and talking and talking. I drowned it out and watched the water. It was mostly still, but occasionally the audience could see bubbles from the champions. I let myself drift into thinking about my classes. Through the year, I had come to be fond of my Defense Against the Dark Arts, Professor Moody, or Mad-eye Moody as some called him. Compared to last year's Professor Lupin, Professor Moody taught the class about more darker things. He demonstrated to each class the 3 unforgivable curses; on a spider, of course, but still... He was different, and I liked it; a tad mad, but different.

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