The Welcoming Party of One

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I made myself look calmer by fixing my night shirt and readjusting my hair. They all looked really good; the four of them, dressed, relaxed, all with a hint of exhaustion that seemed to follow a good day of fun. And then there was me. Even after adjusting myself I probably still looked like I had just seen a troll in the dungeon. My abrupt entrance didn't help either. The Gang of Four: Draco, Crabbe, Goyle, and Pansy were all staring at me from their talking semicircle. No one said anything for a second; then Pansy broke the silence in her annoying voice.

"Who is this?" She asked pointing to me as if I was a dirty tissue.

"Dunno," Goyle answered turning towards his friends for answers, "Not a third year," Pansy rolled her eyes. She tried to speak again, but Draco interrupted her.

"What do you want?" he continued, ignoring Goyle. I paused for a moment unsure of what I should have said.

"I wanted to welcome the 3rd years back from their trip," I spat suddenly, and followed with a curtsy. What an awful excuse.

"What?" Crabbe quietly murmured to himself.

"Well, you certainly missed your mark. We are the only ones left," Draco explained rudely. His friends seemed confused he was talking to me with such a casual tone; even if it was slightly rude.

"Apologies. I didn't wake up from sleep until only moments ago. I'll be better next time," I said apologetically.

"But you do have something to say?" Draco inquired. I hesitated, unsure of how to respond.

"Well... I did have a welcoming message for those who want to hear," My mind was racing to find helpful information. I was playing a scary game, but then I realized I could use Draco's question to my advantage. He had inquired I had something to say... Perhaps I could drop a hint that I wished to speak with him, but I decided not to directly ask him in fear of breaking his rule. It was too risky to do so in front of his friends and especially since it was against his 'terms'.

"Welcoming words? This hasn't happened before," Crabbe said confusedly, scratching his head.

"Why would we want welcoming words from a first year that's never even been to where we went. It's likely she's never even left the castle since being here," Draco complained. It was true, I had never been to Hogsmede, but I hoped Draco was catching on. With that last phrase he could have been alluding to me studying constantly inside.

"It turns out there has been some circumstances... that have arisen where there needs to be a welcoming party upon your arrival," I lied. I hoped he and I were on the same page. His friends were giving me weird looks, so I added, "from anywhere, you know, to make sure everyone came back. Because serial killer Sirius Black is on the loose... and we already know what happened to the Gryffindors the other day..." Crabbe and Goyle nodded as if they understood. I didn't know the situation fully, but I did know that someone had entered the Gryffindor common room, or at least tried too. The painting they use to get in was torn as if slashed by claws and all the Gryffindors had to sleep in the Great Hall that night. Luckily no one was injured, but the event sparked a new fear among students because many believed it was the work of Sirius Black.

"Rrright, well I'm tired... Goodnight welcoming lady," Pansy said as she walked passed me towards the dorms. Good thing she didn't catch on; she was the only one I was worried about.

"Is that all?" Draco asked holding out his hands dramatically.

"Why do you even want to-" Goyle started to ask his friend.

"Shut up Goyle!" Draco yelled. I think he had caught on. However, I still needed to convey that I would like his help sooner than later, so I kept talking.

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