I try..(1)

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This my first story so bare with me :) __________________________


"I hope, one day, I can love the way that you love me," I lie. I know that I am putting him in danger, as much as he is to me, and I have to do let him go. As much as it kills me.

"I just want you to be happy." I sniffle. No, I can’t show that I care. But it’s so hard. "You just tell me what you want, and I'll be that for you." I shake my head.

"I don’t want that…" I am cracking. I can’t act like I don’t care when I see him crumble before me. This is all Mark's fault.

"I love you. I am who I am because you. You are every reason, every hope, and every God damn dream I've ever had, and no matter what happens to us in the future, every day that we were together was the greatest day of my life. Please don’t take that away." I let out a shaky breath. "I need you. I can’t lose you, you’ve always been the light to my darkness."

“Just because we can’t be together, it doesn’t mean I won’t love you. I will always care for you, even if we're not together, and even if we're far away from each other."

"Then stay."

I shake my head again, "I can’t."

"Am I not good enough for you?"

No, I’m just trying to save you.

~//~ ~//~

Chapter 1

The first day of college... Great. I’m wearing this stupid, itchy, plaid skirt that my mom got me. She loves it, and I can’t say no to her; I won’t say no to her. She is driving me to the campus, which seems to take forever, in silence.

We get to the WSU campus, and it is huge. Well, to me it is. I remind my mother that it is ok, and that she doesn't need to walk me to my dorm, but she won’t listen.

"Alyssa, are you sure you don't want to just stay with me, and I'll just drive you to the campus?" I certainly do not want to be home, I just can't be home anymore.

"No, I'm ok. Thanks though." I get out and grab my suitcases from the back, heading off to find my dorm with the hope not to get lost.

I look at my map of the campus, bumping into someone. "Woah, watch out!" I look up and see a blond boy with eyes that seem to be black as night.

"Oh, sorry. I didn’t mean to..." I stop mid-sentence as he gives me annoyed look and walks away. Perfect, first person I meet is an asshole. I find my room hallway: P, room 213.

I open the door to find a girl with blue hair on her side of the room, which is filled with the Beatles and Fleetwood Mac posters. "Oh my God! Hi, my name is Zoey, and this is Evan." she turns, pointing to my bed, where I see the same guy that I bumped into… This day just got so much better! My roommate with the crazy blue hair knows the asshole that I planned on never seeing again.

"No! This little preppy rich brat is your roommate? You've got to be kidding me!" I pretend not to hear his comment, because if I did, he would have been punched in the face already.

"Can you tell your boyfriend to move?" I ask, annoyance laced in my voice. They look at each other and, after a moment, they laugh. "What did I say that was so funny?" I spit out.

"God, no. He is not my boyfriend. Ew." He gives her a disgusted look, then looks back me.

"Yea, I wouldn't be caught dead with her." He smiles at me, and even though he is a rude asshole, I can't help but smile back. His smile is so warm, even if he is the complete opposite.

"Well, I’m going to go." He stands up, walking out, and closes the door behind him loudly, making me jump.

"I never got your name," she says, adjusting her posters.

"Um, it’s Alyssa," I mutter, and she nods. I see her going into her closet to get a dress, a short one. And by short, I mean reallyshort.

"Oh. I'm going to go out for a date. Well, it’s kinda a date, but it’s the one you don’t call back for another." she winks at me, then goes to the little bathroom.

Oh, great. She is that type of girl. I'm starting to think that I need switch rooms. “Um… Good luck, I guess."

She looks at me, sighing, when she gets out, "Ok, how do I look?" Like a slut.

"You look good." I give her my most fake smile, and she smiles back.

"Well, be back tomorrow. Don’t touch anything on my side and um… Have a nice night. I know I will."

I wave goodbye, and as soon as she closes the door, fall on my new bed. I smell the hint of mint, and it smells so good. I guess it was that Evan guy. I am pulled out of my thoughts as I hear the door open, and see him.

I roll my eyes as he goes to Zoey’s bed to sit down. "She isn’t here. She is at a... date thing."

He doesn’t answer until after a minute, "So? I can wait." he lays down on her bed and makes an over dramatic sigh.

"I'm going to go take a shower, so don’t touch anything. Or, better yet, you can get out." he looks at me funny, then laughs.

"No, I'm ok, and sorry about today, I was in a bad mood. But the comment I made earlier, I still stand by that one. You do seem like a brat." I look at him to see him smiling. I barely know him, and yet he is the worst person I have ever met.

"You don’t even know me! How can you say that I'm a brat?" I stare at him as his smile gets wider.

"Woah, chill out! I was joking, damn!"

I am going to end up killing this kid.

"And, besides, if I wanted to call you something, it surely wouldn’t be a brat."

I feel my face get red, but why? I don’t, nor will I ever, like him. I don't even get it, was that supposed to be sexual or something?

"Get out." I point to the door, and as he stands up he gives me a wicked smile, lightly bumping my shoulder before leaving.

I take a shower, I am tired at this point, from the long day, and that Evan guy.

As I lay on my bed I feel my eyes get heavy, and I go into a deep dark slumber.

EDITOR: directioneremo

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