But I Can Only (35)

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Great.. We lost Evan and Alyssa. I pace back and forth as I try to call alyssa one more time. I cant even look at jesse right now.

"Evan dont, She's not worth it."

Keeps rolling in my head so much, that every time she tries to catch my eye or everytime she talks, I give her a disgusted look.

Rude, I know, but I cant help it.

But then it all hits me, I know where she is. I stop in my tracks then once I stop the call, I grab jesse's car keys. I parked it away from her house because she didnt want evan to see it. "wait, harry let me co-"

"No. Ju- just stay here." I say then run out of the house. I put the car into gear then I make my way to a place I hate going to the most.

His apartment.

How could I not realize that she would be there? I hit the steering wheel as I think of her.






I need to find her before she gets hurt. I just need to. She just... always lights my world up when I choose to throw everything away. No one knows me,

NO one loves me.

No one cares for me.

No one needs me

But sometimes it seems likes she is the only one that does. Thats whay i dont give up. That why I cant loose her to the guy that chooses to throw her away

The guy that chooses when he needs her, when he loves her , when he cant breath without her.

He doesnt deserve her but he always gets what he wants. I feel a hot tear roll down silently as I think about why dont I just give up..

Why do I choose to stay when I know there is nothing for me.. My love for her was once so strong, but now I feel like she doesnt even bother with me anymore.


Dont think like this...

I press down on the gas pedal more until I see everything around me go to a blur.

I see the blurry vision of the place that continues to hurt my heart but this time.. I have to go inside.

I stop then slowly get out once I see my car come into view.

I run up to his room, to see everything destroyed.



Clothes scattered across the floor,

papers are spread everywhere and worse.. I see a bottle of whiskey.. emptied.

Someone drank that whole bottle then decided to destroy everything in this place.




Nothing.. again.

I run into the room to find.. no one.

Not one single person in this room except feathers everywhere.

Before I turn to leave, something catches my eye. I slowly to pick it up to see;

" Depression is cuch a cruel punishment. There are no fevers, no rashes, no blood tests to send people scurrying in concern, just the slow erosion of the self. And like cancer, it is essentially a solitary experience; a room in hell with only her name on the door.

Trouble..(Evan peters/Editing)Where stories live. Discover now