Hoping It (37)

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Alyssas POV

I park across the alley as I let out a deep breath. Im going to end everything. I'm going to end the debt with evan and mark and the debt with me and everyone else. 

will leave when this is done and there is no stopping me. 

Not harry

Not my mom

Not jesse

Not Mark 

And definitely not evan is going to change my mind. I want to run as far away from here as possible and never come back.... 

But I wish it was that easy, because the truth is I dont want to leave because of harry, my mom, and especially my.. I mean evan.

As I sit in the car, in my own silence, I realize that I've miss myself, and the way I used to be. The care free girl that only had to worry about her mother and herself.

The girl that loved reading.

The woman who wanted to just to be loved.

The woman who didn't sit crying in her room because she lost her love. 

The woman who was strong.  

But all because of an accidental bump, it turned into hate,

and that hate turned into desire,

and that desire turned to desperation,

and all of that turned into my broken shadow. 

I let out a shaky breath as I wipe my tears away. Time to face the demon..

I walk across the street and into the alley, the oh so familiar alley and I knock on the door, but I dont get an answer.

I knock again with more force but still,  I get nothing. 

I let out a groan but before I am able to turn, I hear the sound of a car door slamming. 

" Alyssa? Oh, what a pleasant surprise. " I hear the familiar voice smile and I feel a chill run down my spine.

"What? You lay on my lap one minute, next, you are ignoring me? I must say that is quite rude... And slutty."

I turn on my heel to face him, giving my best emotionless stare.

"You are going to stop. I will pay for evan. You are going to leave everyone alone. " I manage to get out but he shakes his head. I see him ball his keys up then push them into his pocket.

"I'm afraid I cant do that."

"Why the hell not!?"

"Because, Alyssa, everyone has to pay their own price. No one can help them. They need to learn on their own that its their battle, not everyone elses."

"And what about jesse?"

"...Ah, yes, jesse. It was more a lesson than there was revenge. He needed to pay his debts but he didn't, causing him to lose his sister." He sighs as if he didn't want to talk about that.

"why are you doing this?" I croak, unable to breath anymore. He sighs again, then walks past me to open the door with the three knocks and a code.

" Why are you doing this?" I ask again, and he finally turns when we enter the conference room.

He leans against the table and places his hands behind him." We all need something to control over." he confesses. 

"Even the powerless. " I take a step back but when i try to open the door, its locked.

Trouble..(Evan peters/Editing)Where stories live. Discover now