So Much, He Died (23)

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The car ride was quiet. When we got back to the parking lot of the apartment complex i let out a shaky breath. I turned to see jesse let a silent tear from out of her eye. She wipes it and looks out the window. "i'm breaking" i turn the car off and shake my head. " too." she puts her head in her hands. "no. you-you're right. I did do this." thats when it hit me. She is vulnerable.

I can use this to my advantage. "what do you mean?" i ask, like i have no idea what she is doing to him. " I know your not stupid.... i did this... I dont know why i did it?" "did what?" i press. Am i actually going to get an answer on what the hell is happening? "can we talk about this inside?" i nod and i quickly get out with her following. The elevator ride took too long. Once we got to his floor i went straight to his room, until..

I see a man standing there, waiting at the door. He had his hair slicked back and what he was wearing was very professional and he wore glasses as well. He looked at his watch, tapping his foot leaning on the door. I walked toward the man and his head snapped up. "oh. Well hello.What is that?" he pointed to my face and i realized that i still had blood on my face. "um paint." he nods and gives a small smile." Who must you be?" he held out his hand and looked jesse with anger but it quickly faded when he looked at me again. Who is this man? "Um. Alyssa. And what is your name?" His smile grew wider, it was unsettling.

"What a wonderful name. My name is mark." he looked very calm but every time he looked behind me, he seemed to give an unknown look at her. "may i come in? I would like to see evan, if that was possible." My heart immediately broke. "um he-he is not here." my voice cracked and he gave me an artificial sympathy smile. "well i am sorry. Me and him went way back." he looked at jesse again and gave a fake smile. "jesse. And how have you been. " she clenches her jaw. "fuck off." that is how i know that evan and her are related.

He shook his head. "after all i do for you?" she, now had fists on her sides and he chuckles. "well do you know where evan is? Ms. alyssa?" he says, still looking at her. I had this terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. "no- no i dont. " he looked at me for a moment before walking towards the elevator. "do you, jesse?" he gave her a sinister smile and she bit her lip, like she was going to tell him where he was.

I grabbed her arm. "come on jess. We gotta make dinner before going to sleep. Bye! it was nice to meet you!" i waved and i opened the door. I had to sound like i was her friend so i can bring her in here. I slammed the door and she walked to the couch. I went to the kitchen and i finally washed the blood off of my hands and my cheek.

I locked the restroom door when i left because i didnt want to see it anymore so i grabbed a butter knife and i opened the door. "jesse-" before i can finish she grabbed a roll of napkins and bleach and started cleaning the restroom. " Who was that?" she shook her head and i rolled my eyes. I went into the bedroom and grabbed a shirt and a pair of joggers and I sat on the bed.

The bed i had to sleep alone. I didnt want to go see the person that i thought was my friend and i didnt want to leave her here. She could steal anything. As I sat there my head starting to bring things up. I remember hating evan, I remember promising myself not to ever see him. But then when I passed out and I didnt have that memory that haunted my dreams I knew that I needed him there to not have those nightmares. I didnt love him but I just needed him to be there so I could sleep.

When I went on that date with him all I could think about was someone is taking me out. I never went out after my old boyfriend I fell for and broke my heart. When I kissed him on that date it was only to shut him up but then I always kept blushing and smiling. Deep down I wanted to be with him for some reason. I would have never thought that I would fall in love again with someone I was using. I put my head in my hands for the 20th time and I feel tears coming.

Trouble..(Evan peters/Editing)Where stories live. Discover now