Let Her Breathe. (25)

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(i would like to apologize in advance for the mistakes :) hope you enjoy the chapter. :))

Harrys pov

I walk into my next class and see my blond haired friend. "hey!" Niall chirps. "hey.." I sigh. "whats wrong?" He asks, concern clear on his face. "nothing.." He looks at me for a moment then shakes his head. "whatever." He sighs. I take a seat next to him and I feel my phone vibrate.

I quietly take out my phone and I see the caller id is alyssa. I quickly pull it up to my ear and I hear sobbing coming from the other end. "alyssa? Are you ok?" I hear a sniffle. "Its jesse." She sniffles again. "please come. Al-alyssa is hurt. I-i think they Hurt her." She sobs and I shoot out of my chair.

"what!?" I shout. Niall and the other people that came in looked at me. "whats up?" Niall asks. He grabs my arm but I jerk away. " where are you?" I ask jesse and she tells me that she is in an alley near the apartments. What the fuck? "call the ambulance!"

I shout and I run out of the class with niall following me. "harry whats wrong!?" He shouts and I get in my car. "nothing!" I shout again and he slams his fist on the window of my car.

"why wont you tell me?!" I sigh, frustrated and I tug on my hair. "i'll tell you later, I need to go." I pull out of the parking lot and I speed to the apartments.

~//~ ~//~

I get out of the car and I run to the alley around the corner. "jesse! Alyssa!" I shout. I dont see them anywhere. "harry!" I hear and I run to the sound. I turn the other corner and I see a complete fucking nightmare in front of me.

I look at jesse and to what looks like, a lifeless alyssa. I start running again and I slide to her side to stop myself from running too fast and to get there faster.

I take alyssa into my arms and her head rests on my chest. I look at her face. Her nose is bleeding and her cheek looks purple and bruised. I look closer and I see her chin is scraped. "they will be here in 20 minutes. You need to go."

Jesse says looking at alyssa. My head shoots up. "what?! No! I'm not going anywhere!" I shout. Looking at her in disbelief. "THEY DONT KNOW THAT YOU ARE HERE AND SHE DOESNT WANT YOU GET HURT!" I shake my head. "like she did!" I screamed and she flinched. "go." She demanded. "no"

I say and I hold her tight. "go!" She screams and takes alyssa away from me. "just go." I look at alyssa one last time before the ambulance comes and takes her away.

I walk towards my car but jesse snatches the keys from my hand. "stay here. I will see that she is ok." I shake my head. "but-" she sighs. "i know that you love her because you look at her the way the my brother does. I know you care but by the way she was screaming last night I dont think she feels the same way.

I just think she cares for you as a friend. She loves evan not you so stay here and try to get it through that thick skull of yours. " she gets in my car and she follows the ambulance. I turn and I go in the elevator. I go inside and I see that the apartment is all ruined. Shit.

I call alyssas number hoping that jesse still has her phone. "what har-" "i think they were here. The apartment is trashed." I sigh. I pick up a phone and I turn it on. The wallpaper is alyssa making a funny face and evan next to her, sleeping. I feel something wet on the back and I turn it over. The symbol on the back. "harry?" I hear.

"j-jesse. Go to evans room and stay there. He is in trouble. I am on my way." I hang up before she protests. Damn it! I run to the bus station and I wait. I hope I get there in time.

Evans pov.

I wake to people shouting. It takes me awhile to make out what they are saying. "Move! Everybody move out the way!" I turn my head to see someone on the gurney. It looks like... Alyssa? Oh god! it is alyssa! I try to move but I cant I am still strapped to the bed. "GET ME OUT!" my vision starts to get blurry again as the imagine of alyssa goes through my head, repeating.

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