I Know (18)

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"what are you doing here?" i go into the hallway and close the door behind me. "are you ever going to tell her?" she completely ignores my other question. " Taissa go away. i -" she interrupt's "dont you think she isnt going find out ?" i shake my head.

"i dont give a jack shit. But-" she steps closer but not too close."dont you think that he is going to find out too?." she runs her hand though her hair "He will never find out and i will always protect her." she shakes her head then hands me a paper. "he told me to give this to you. Be careful." "Why does he bother you still?." i mumble, but im pretty sure that she didnt hear me, But i guess not.

"because we were in that shit together now he wont just go away." I tug on my hair in annoyence. "you better act like nothing happened because she will want to know and you know that will never end well." i nod and she turns and starts to walk away. "Does he know where we are?" she shakes her head. "no but its only a matter of time." i go inside, i fold the paper and put it in my pocket. "who was that?" she walks towards me and i wrap my arms around her waist. "no one just some guy. Its not important." i lie and she looks like she doesnt believe me but she drops the subject. "so what do you want to do now?" I smile then look down at her. "well are you still sore?" I smirk and her cheeks get red.

"how about a movie?" she dodges the question and I kiss her forehead. "ok thats fine, thats not what I wanted to do but I guess a movie is fine." I smirk at her again and her cheeks get a darker red. "PITCH PERFECT!" she yells and runs to the tv. "what the hell is pitch perfect?" she frowns and plops on the couch "i'm not talking to you." she puts her hand in my face and i pull her hand down. "come on i dont watch insanely amazing movies like you do." She smiles and hops on my lap and straddles my hips. "damn straight." she quickly peaks my lips and when she pulls away and i grab the back of her neck to pull her back and the kiss is longer and as always amazing. She puts her fingers through my hair and tugs at it lightly. I moan into her mouth and she smiles.

"damn your soreness." i put her back on the couch and i hear 'you spin me right round baby right round'. and i look up to see some guys dancing and singing. I look back at alyssa and she is blushing. "i like this movie.." she pushes me off and sits back on the couch. "but-" she glares at me then back at the tv. "damn it alyssa-" she turns again. "yesterday wasnt enough?" she sighs then looks back at the pitch perfect movie. "no its never with you." i smile and i move closer to her and i whisper. "just imagine when you watch this movie you think about me fucking you endlessly." she blushes and turns to look at me again. "well...no but baby im sore still." she whines and i kiss her forehead. "later then." i put my arm around her shoulder and she rests her head on my shoulder. "definitely."



After half the movie is over, I look at the clock its passed 30 minutes what the hell? I get up and i hadnt known that evan was asleep because he groans and starts roaming his arms."alyssa..." he finds one of the decortive pillows and goes back to sleep. Aww. I look at my phone to see that she had texted me. "sorry couldnt make it, had some last minute plans. But next time. :)"

that was 20 minutes ago. Oops. I turn back around and i am about to sit on the couch when i hear the door knock. Evan is being a heavy sleeper today so i answer the door. "Ok i said we needed to talk and-" harry looks up to see me instead im assuming because i sure as hell didnt want to talk to him. I walk into the hallway because curiosity takes over me and i want to ask why the hell he is here. "you and evan? why?" i close the door behind me and he rubs the back of his neck. "um is he here?" i nod. "but why do you want to talk to him?" he just shakes his head. " tell him that-" "no why are you here harry?" i say a little loud. "it doesnt matter." he tries to walk to the elevator but i get in his way.

Trouble..(Evan peters/Editing)Where stories live. Discover now