On Anyone (27)

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(still sorry for the mistakes.)

Evans Pov

I run to see my car in the parking lot. The car is unlocked, which frustrated me a little. I throw things around to find my keys. Once I do I turn the engine on. As i am about to back out of the parking lot i remember that i left my sweatshirt in alyssas room.

I'm not even sure that alyssas mom is even in trouble. But then again i got alyssa hurt so i need to check for mine and her sake. I put the car in reverse and i look back and start to leave until when i look ahead i see alyssa having trouble limping to me. I jump out of the car, not caring that it is blocking peoples ways to get out, and i run to her. "alyssa what the hell are you doing?! you need to go back inside!"

she falls into my arms and she winces. She shakes her head. "no-no my mom i need to k- know." I look at her and she has her vans on and pants also wearing my sweatshirt i thought about a minute ago. "please.. " she whispers and i close my eyes, frustrated that i gave in. I walk her to the car and i get her in the passenger side and i strap her in with a seat belt.

I run to my side but i dont put a seatbelt on because i dont want to feel constricted again even though both times were for my safety. I drive out of the hospital and i make my way to alyssas mothers when she tells me the directions.

What if she is hurt? i dont think alyssa can take it. She couldnt even take it when she told me what happened. I know this but every time i touch her, the first thing i do is i touch the scar because i feel like even though i wasnt there i at least helped take some of the pain and the regret and the self guilt away from her, but it was never enough. I glance at alyssa and she is taping her leg up and down, nervous.

~//~ ~//~

I pull into the drive way and right when the car stops alyssa jumps out. I run out after her. I catch up with her to see that she is banging on the door. "alyssa calm down please." i try to move her hand away but she snatches it away and keeps banging. "MOM!" she shouts but there is no response. She starts hitting her shoulder on the door, trying to knock it down. I grip her waist and pull her close to me.

"alyssa stop." i say in her ear and she lets out a shaky breath. "it hurts, evan it hurts." i know she isnt talking about her ribs anymore. She is talking about the pain that seems to revolve around her. The pain she goes through every day of her life.

I reach for the door and i turn it to see it unlocked. I push it open and she goes in first. I see her turn the corner but i stay by the door, because i am stuck, I cant move. Suddenly i can when i hear a whimper and a thud. I run in the living room to see alyssa on the floor. I kneel down next to her but its like she doesnt even notice me until i pull her to my chest. "th-they to-took her." she sobs and covers her face. I feel her trembling. Wait They? "who? alyssa, who took her?" she continues to sob and i pull her chin up to look at me. "who?" i whisper and she shakes her head. " i - i dont know.." she says but it sounds like she is not telling the truth.

Before i can say anything she stands up and goes to a table that has pictures and papers and she sides everything off then slams her fists on the table. I run over to her and i grab her fists into my hands. "ALYSSA! STOP!" i shout and that seems to get her out of her daze from destroying anything else. I thought i was the destructive one. She grabs her side and bites her lip. "see look what you did." i say, knowing that she hurt herself. "evan she is gone." she snaps and looks down.

"we are going to find her." i cant tell her that people from my past probably took her and hurt alyssa. I grab her chin to look at her. "we are going to find her..."

Trouble..(Evan peters/Editing)Where stories live. Discover now